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Akkadius 03-17-2017 02:17 AM


Originally Posted by drelk001 (Post 253484)
Imma just uninstall everything and retry. ill let you guys know if anything changes.

Are you running Windows XP?

It looks like you are, it is not supported by the launcher.


- Windows 7 - x64
- Windows 8 - x64
- Windows Server 2012 - x64

drelk001 03-17-2017 02:19 AM


Originally Posted by Akkadius (Post 253485)
Are you running Windows XP?

It looks like you are, it is not supported by the launcher.


- Windows 7 - x64
- Windows 8 - x64
- Windows Server 2012 - x64

im using windows 7
I got a server up and running now. Thanks a ton. this is super cool.

Akkadius 03-17-2017 03:06 AM


Originally Posted by drelk001 (Post 253488)
I have been looking around and still cant find it. is there a way to have GM commands for my server?

That is beyond the scope of this thread, you can use the wiki or forums search to find most answers to your questions

Uleat 03-28-2017 04:45 PM

Windows binaries have been updated to include the glm library update.

Greenlantern78 03-28-2017 06:14 PM

I am a mere mortal who does not understand networking at all. I have followed the instructions to the letter and read all of these replies. I can't get my Titanium client to connect to the server. It just stays on "patching..." Any help is appreciated.

I have created a shortcut with patchme after the target. I also attempted to add those address lines to my config.xml but it caused some kind of weird loop error when starting the server. The address lines were not there without me adding them (as you will see below).

Here are my files as of right now:

login ini:

host = localhost
port = 3306
db = peq
user = root
password = eqemu
subsystem = MySQL

unregistered_allowed = TRUE
reject_duplicate_servers = FALSE
trace = TRUE
world_trace = FALSE
dump_packets_in = FALSE
dump_packets_out = FALSE
listen_port = 5998
local_network =
auto_create_accounts = TRUE

plugin = EQEmuAuthCrypto
mode = 5

port = 5998
opcodes = login_opcodes.conf

port = 5999
opcodes = login_opcodes_sod.conf

account_table = loginserver_server_accounts
world_registration_table = loginserver_world_server_registration
world_admin_registration_table = loginserver_server_admin_registration
world_server_type_table = loginserver_server_list_type


<?xml version="1.0">
<longname>Widowmakers Realm</longname>


<tcp ip="" port="9000" telnet="enable"/>


<http port="9080" enabled="true" mimefile="mime.types" />




<ports low="7000" high="7400"/>






EQ Host:

Host= (I have also tried 5998)

I am using the downloadable installer that was updated as of today. But I also had this same issue with the one available yesterday.

No errors are reported when I run the server with login, except this one in EQEmu Login Server: "[Error HandleNewLSInfo error, remote address was null, defaulting to stream address"

The address lines I tried (from earlier posts in here) was:


I started to have the weird loop problem after I added this. Did not seem to matter where I added it.

Any help is appreciated. I would love to play EQ in my own server.

Uleat 03-28-2017 06:25 PM

If it says `patching,` then this part of the problem isn't in your config.


Greenlantern78 03-28-2017 06:55 PM

Thank you. I knew I was missing something simple. I was trying to run the game from the everquest.exe, not eqgame.exe (in my defense it has been like 10 years since I played). I switched and then connected but could not see my server in the realmlist. Then I switched the eqhost to 5998. It appears to be working now. Appreciate your help!

Uleat 03-28-2017 07:23 PM

If the game actually did patch, you will need to re-install the game client.

You can try the shortcut before going through all of that, though.

Greenlantern78 03-28-2017 07:38 PM

It never actually patched, so no problem there. Thank you again for making me see my problem. Also, thanks to Akkadius for making this sweet, sweet installer.

bkiv 03-31-2017 11:46 AM

Thank you
TLDR; I probably just need to be pointed to a beginners guide for dummies, but can't find one.

I am a long-time EQ player who is now an EQ emulator player, and hope to create a custom server as an artistic outlet. I have zero experience with anything related to what's needed to begin creating.

I got the server up and running (Windows 7, 64 bit), and after a little fumbling I was able to get a fresh titanium install connected to my server via EQemulator (couldn't figure out LAN, but not 100% sure why I'd need it at this point). This process was well-written and I really appreciate it! The game looks and feels excellent.

Now I feel I am kind of on a wild goose chase. There is a ton of information out there, but I don't know how to take the first step toward creating. Working on making my char a GM, and getting connected to EQEmu Operations Center for Development. Slowly discovering more and more though. Thank you again for all your hard work!

jpyou127 04-11-2017 10:23 AM

Akkadius, is your installer expedition ready? Or do we need to follow he procedure to make expeditions usable?

Akkadius 04-11-2017 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by jpyou127 (Post 254157)
Akkadius, is your installer expedition ready? Or do we need to follow he procedure to make expeditions usable?

It is not, and the current code on the Wiki for expeditions is old.

I'll look at releasing expeditions at a later date. There's quite a few things I have to do before that point.

jpyou127 04-11-2017 04:35 PM

No problem, instancing and task system works?

bcvoyager 05-13-2017 12:35 AM

Installed on a clean Windows 7 install.

I'm able to see the server in the public list and get to the character creation screen, however, when I try and enter the zone, I disconnect.

Anything I should check first?

Edit: Okay, so I figured out that it was necessary to change my address in eqhost to the ip of the server. Apparently you cannot connect through eqemu server list name? Not a big deal I suppose! Great, got the install, off to Crushbone!


gracks 06-04-2017 04:14 AM

can't connect
I was able to get the server up and running on a Win7 virtual machine, but I can't connect to it.

I get this message:


I read and re-read Akkas' guide several times and tried different ips, but no luck. Is a VM's ip for sure the IPv4 Address that comes up in ipconfig? I'm trying to figure out whether I've somehow got the ip of my VM wrong, or whether the issue is something else.

Also, just to confirm: I should be able to connect with vanilla EQ Titanium, right?

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