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501st 04-19-2012 02:15 PM

Been running around with a fresh toon, trying to compile a list of new VoA features. What I've figured out so far:

Note: These first couple features are also available with our Steam Underfoot client:
1. Extended Target Window: I went into detail on this a couple posts back. Does not work on EQEmu on either client yet. (Though Derision found out how to at least get it open!)
2. Pet window, in addition to the button revamp, also has a built in "Health of Pet's Target" feature. This does not require an AA to activate and is available by default. The Pet's Target health bar is displayed below the Pet's Health bar and above the control buttons. It is seen as just blank space unless the pet has a target. Does not work on EQEmu on either client yet.
3. Achievement System. Didn't look much into it but basically certain events (such as hitting certain levels, doing certain raids or quests/tasks, getting a skill/tradeskill to a certain level etc etc) provides you with an 'achievement'. I have yet to find out what, other than the achievement itself, this gets you. Does not work on EQEmu yet.

The rest of these are strictly for VoA clients:

1. There are now 12 buttons per hotbar as opposed to 10.
2. Hotbars are completely resizable and reshapable.
3. Can have up to 10 hotbars up at once.
4. Using the "Copy Layout" option now allows you to copy over hotbuttons, socials, and loadouts from other characters in addition to the UI layout.
5. Options window received an overhaul.
6. "Use Tell Windows" option. Tells from different players default to different windows. Can turn it on or off.
7. Bloom Lighting graphical effect added under Advanced Options.
8. Post Effects graphical effect added under Advanced Options.
9. Container window receives a revamp (Rather annoying looking one at that imo. There's custom UI changes out there though that restore things like the Done button)
10. Containers can go above 10 slots (I think the max atm is 25)
11. Container windows are fully resizable and reshapable.
12. Containers can be stored inside other containers. So long as they are the same size or smaller.
13. Player Housing system
14. Spell Cool Down displayed on spell gems. The same way clicky items have the white semi-transparent block over them that shrinks as the clicky cool down counts down, spell gems now get a red semi-transparent block that does the same thing. Showing exactly how long until cool down on a spell is up.
15. Two new slots in the base player inventory. For 10 total.
16. Merchant window now has a "Show Only Items I can use" option. Akin to LDoN/Alt Currency merchants. When activated only items usable by your class/race (or no specified class/race) will show up in merchant windows. Spells scrolls are also affected. If you already have a spell scribed (Not purchased and on your character, but actually scribed to your spell book), the scroll for that spell will be hidden with this option selected. This seems to work on EQEmu.
17. Merchant window now has an "Inspect" button. clicking it brings up the item inspect window for the item you had selected. The exact same effect as holding down the right mouse button but quicker I guess.
18. Merchant window now has a "Preview" button. Clicking it will bring up a window with a small model of your character exactly as he/she is but with whatever item you had selected equipped. Only for items that can go in visible inventory slots. The character model can be rotated and zoomed in on. Used to preview the appearance of items as they would appear on your character before buying them.
19. Merchant window now has a "Reclaim" tab. Any item you destroy during a single session of EQ (Unsure if it resets when you log) is shown in this tab and can be purchased at the cost of "Reclamation Tokens"
20. New "Zone Guide" window. Brings up a listing of all static zones in game and sorted by name, continent, and recommended level. Selecting a zone also displays all connected zones. At the bottom you can create a "Zone Path" by selecting a Start zone and Destination zone as well as a few other variables. This will then create a Find path (Same path that has been used for NPC Find forever) from where you're standing to the zone line and will attempt to guide you to your destination zone. This functionality has also been tied into the Map window, which itself has received a tiny revamp.
21. In-Game "Polls" window. Shows community polls and the results of said polls.
22. Alert History Window. Displays history of alerts your character has received. Examples being the window with keyboard commands that pops up when you first log a character into the tutorial, or the window that pops up for Free/Silver members reminding them to "Go Gold".
23. Death has been changed. You still receive the same xp hits, still have the rez window etc and still appear at bind. However you appear with all gear still on you and all spells still scribed. Bodies seem to spawn naked and only exist for rezes now. (This is the only new feature that actually bothered me. If this goes in should probably add a rule variable to the database to let server ops turn it on/off at whim.)

I'll add more as I find them.

Oh also a quick note. When House of Thule dropped they revamped Guild Lobby to allow access to the Neighborhood zones for player housing. It seems on EQEmu using the 'new' Guild Lobby causes doors and objects in zone to be misplaced and often hidden or unreachable. Though NPCs still spawn in the same spot. This may break Guild Lobby use for VoA clients unless the server completely reverts to this client or two versions of the zone are made. Kinda like how Highpass works now.


AudioGarden21 04-20-2012 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by 501st (Post 209012)
14. Spell Cool Down displayed on spell gems. The same way clicky items have the white semi-transparent block over them that shrinks as the clicky cool down counts down, spell gems now get a red semi-transparent block that does the same thing. Showing exactly how long until cool down on a spell is up.


I've been playing a lot lately on the Test server and this feature also exists for skills such as Bash and Taunt, etc, as well as activated AAs.

Derision 04-20-2012 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by 501st (Post 208894)
It now opens just with that diff you posted. (setting eq->expansions to 0x0000ffff). Obviously still needs work to get functioning but hey it opens now! That's step one :P Think that change can get added to the source? lol


This should be fairly easy to implement. It only took about 20 minutes to add the ability to add targetted NPCs into the Extended Targetting window in Underfoot.
I'll work on some of the other options over the weekend:


501st 04-20-2012 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by Derision (Post 209035)
This should be fairly easy to implement. It only took about 20 minutes to add the ability to add targetted NPCs into the Extended Targetting window in Underfoot.
I'll work on some of the other options over the weekend:

Woot thanks Derision! Dunno why but I'm incredibly exciting about that feature. More excited that it's also on a client EQEmu already fully supports :P

By the way, figured out why guild manager, and guilds in general for that matter, are borked on VoA. They overhauled the guild system.

See attached screenshots:



I'll see if I can get some collects fiddling around with some of these features, though a lot of them will be rather hard to do with just one person in guild :P

Also I managed to scrounge up enough dosh to buy a plot, and the tutorial quest for Real Estate gets you a Behroe Style Hut with Stucco Interior (Which saves you almost 5.5k right off the bat). I'll see if I can get some collects of the Real Estate features as well. Gonna need to save up more cash though to buy some objects to place, including pets and maybe a mount, along with, of course, paying the rent. May dump some plat into escrow (OH MY GOD IT'S LIKE I'M REALLY PLAYING "REAL LIFE: THE GAME"!)

lryansjr 04-20-2012 09:05 PM

i just wanted to note that this is not quite correct :
New Systems to VoA that did not exist in Underfoot (that may/do require code support):
1. Containers can go above 10 slots and it looks like the max is 24 slot.

there is a 32 slot bag given as a reward for buying VoA collectors edition i believe one of my guild mates on live had one. I know it not a big deal just wanted to let you know its possible to get up to 32 slots.

501st 04-21-2012 02:26 PM

Just a couple updates on the new features.

1. Corpses: Corpses, as I said, now spawn completely naked/empty as all your items remain on your person and equipped. Looting your corpse (despite being empty) does not cause the body to decay when you exit the loot window as it used to. The only way you can dispose of a corpse now is either letting it decay naturally or with the "/decay" command. Decay/Rez timers are the same length as they have always been.
2. Death: As I said, dying still returns you to bind and causes xp loss etc. Spells remain scribed. The xp loss seems to be no different than before. When you appear at bind you zone in with Revival Sickness which caps your mana and endurance at 20% and lasts approximately 1 and a half minutes. It, obviously, fades if you get rezzed and is replaced with regular Rezz sickness. Apparently the Revival Sickness effect is also placed on you after using the Expedient Recovery vet AA now, though I haven't tried this.
3. Bags: If you place a container into another container it must be the same size as the 'master' container or smaller. Same size rules apply as with items basically. The container must be empty, and you cannot open the container while it's still in another container. Also it seems things like books, potions, and other clicky items can be used from within containers now and no longer must be used from a primary inventory slot.
4. Zone Guide: The zone guide's "Zone Path" persists through zones. Meaning you could have it show you how to get from Blackburrow to Highpass and the find path will stay up the entire way (unless you end it). The zone find path does not seem to be able to lead you through zone entry ways that are handled by clickable objects (PoK books) or NPCs (teleporting). Zone connections (such as the zone line between Qeynos Hills and Blackburrow) now appear in the NPC Find window with the description filter "Zone Connection"
5. Maps: The zone guide has some slight implementation into the map window now. Also when using the NPC find feature it auto-opens your map and places an "X" over where the npc is located. If the NPC is in a spot in the zone where the elevation is drastically higher or lower than yours it says "Mysterious forces prevent you from finding this easily" and the path will not appear. The "X" still appears on the map, however, with a red tint and you can locate the NPC that way. Making use of the Height Limit option. Presumably this was done to prevent the find path from leading you into walls or the ceiling/floor while attempting to lead you to a mob on a different elevation level (usually a different floor in a building.) It used to be, while there is a find path up, the map "locks" and prevents you from scrolling or dragging it from side to side (not the window itself but the map inside the window). This doesn't seem to be doing this anymore on the Test server though, so they may have either removed/fixed this or are about to remove/fix it.

sorvani 04-21-2012 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by 501st (Post 209074)
1. Corpses: Looting your corpse (despite being empty) does not cause the body to decay when you exit the loot window as it used to. The only way you can dispose of a corpse now is either letting it decay naturally or with the "/decay" command. Decay/Rez timers are the same length as they have always been.

The no decay is contrary to my experience on live two weeks ago. Did you rez a corpse? Here is what I did when checking how many corpses were summoned by the soulstone.

Went out and died.
Respawned in Guild Lobby.
Went out to die again.
Respawned in Guild Lobby again.
Repeated a few more times.
Used a soulstone to summon my corpses.
All corpses were summoned.
Clicked corpse 1 and looted the empty corpse.
Corpse 1 decayed immediately.
Clicked corpse 2 and looted the empty corpse.
Corpse 2 decayed immediately.
Repeated a few more times.

501st 04-21-2012 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by sorvani (Post 209075)
The no decay is contrary to my experience on live two weeks ago. Did you rez a corpse? Here is what I did when checking how many corpses were summoned by the soulstone.

Went out and died.
Respawned in Guild Lobby.
Went out to die again.
Respawned in Guild Lobby again.
Repeated a few more times.
Used a soulstone to summon my corpses.
All corpses were summoned.
Clicked corpse 1 and looted the empty corpse.
Corpse 1 decayed immediately.
Clicked corpse 2 and looted the empty corpse.
Corpse 2 decayed immediately.
Repeated a few more times.

Nah no rez. I looted at the spot I died though, not summoned to Guild Lobby. Also on the Test server as opposed to Live, as having a Gold flagged account makes for better testing (and fun :P) but I'm too financially strapped to buy into their not-so-free to play system lol.

Toon was also level 35 at the time if it matters. Looted twice just to be sure. No decay. Didn't care to get a rez as xp is stupid fast anyway so just decayed it. I'll test a few other ways later just to be sure. That 'function' may depends on level, summoned/not summoned, rez/no rez etc.

provocating 04-23-2012 10:12 PM

I appreciate the last SVN commit Trevius, awesome stuff.

boweq 04-24-2012 02:20 PM

just thought i would test out VOA client and noticed two things.
Pet window Dosnt work properly + Cant loot items of corpses

Noport 04-24-2012 04:08 PM

I have 0/8 Charaters listed my problem is after i create a charater
It gives me error code i need to know where this opcode 0x1c8c goes
and or a name for it. I'm working on the create a new charater everything
else shows up even tutorial or i can make the server show 51/50 rule.
After i create a charater it says pp=0 (ZERO) pp should be 19568
Note: just for grins i changed Exanshions 19568.


[Mon Apr 2012]00044:WorldAuthenticate.  I got a message of type 0x4274 (17012).
[Mon Apr 2012]00045:WorldAuthenticate.  I got a message of type 0x5b0b (23307).
[Mon Apr 2012]00046:WorldAuthenticate.  I got a message of type 0x1497 (5271).
[Mon Apr 2012]00047:WorldRPServer message: xxxxxxxxxxxx

[Mon Apr 2012]00048:WorldAuthenticate.  I got a message of type 0x1c8c (7308).<------------
[Mon Apr 2012]00049:Could not open file: RealEstateItemGroups.txt

[Mon Apr 2012]00050:Could not open file: RealEstateCosts.txt

[Mon Apr 2012]00051:Loaded RealEstateCosts.txt, 0 cost elements loaded.

[Mon Apr 2012]00052:Could not open file: RealEstateDefs.txt

[Mon Apr 2012]00053:Could not open file: RealEstateDefs.txt

[Mon Apr 2012]00054:WorldAuthenticate.  I got a message of type 0x655c (25948).
[Mon Apr 2012]00055:WorldAuthenticate.  I got a message of type 0x6fcc (28620).
[Mon Apr 2012]00056:WorldAuthenticate.  I got a message of type 0xb1f (2847).
[Mon Apr 2012]00057:WorldAuthenticate.  I got a message of type 0x3ef9 (16121).
[Mon Apr 2012]00058:WorldAuthenticate.  I got a message of type 0x710e (28942).
[Mon Apr 2012]00059:WorldAuthenticate.  I got a message of type 0x73a8 (29608).
[Mon Apr 2012]00060:WorldAuthenticate.  I got a message of type 0x7e4d (32333).
[Mon Apr 2012]00061:WorldAuthenticate.  I got a message of type 0x7f9e (32670).
[Mon Apr 2012]00062:Check 1x. 0x5e83489d

[Mon Apr 2012]00063:Check 1sa. 0x4de1b0f1

[Mon Apr 2012]00064:Check 1sa. 0x1fc34415

[Mon Apr 2012]00065:WorldAuthenticate.  I got a message of type 0x7930 (31024).
[Mon Apr 2012]00066:WorldAuthenticate.  Access granted.


[Tue Apr 2012]00233:fatal error in main thread Code = c0000005  ADDR=0x007ec9e3

[Tue Apr 2012]00234:EAX=27ffffd8  EBX=00b6257c  ECX=27ffffd8  EDX=00000016

[Tue Apr 2012]00235:ESI=27ffffd8  EDI=04fffff6  EBP=04fffff7  ESP=00228658

[Tue Apr 2012]00236:Raw Stack

trevius 04-26-2012 03:15 AM

Noport, I am not quite sure what you are referring to there. The character creation works fine with the current F2P client fully patched using the current SVN. I assume you are still using some of your own custom code and it is causing issues for you. Without a complete diff of what you are trying to run and are having issues with, it is impossible for us to assist you in troubleshooting your own changes.

If you are seeing changes to how the server shows up in the server list (you mentioned it showing as a 51/50 server), then it sounds like you are messing with something specific to the Login Server to client communication. We have no issues with that part of the client communication that I am aware of. I know there are unidentified fields in the LS structs that deal with showing the server type or player count vs just showing "UP" like Live shows now. Having support for setting those types might be useful, but it is not directly relevant to this VoA development thread.

provocating 04-26-2012 08:00 AM

Trevius, we have been keeping with with the SVN weekly so I have gotten some feedback from players.

Many reports of people logging in and immediately dying. People just creating a new character only have a few issues. Players using their higher level characters have also noticed some of their stats are off, one said he could not even move. Not a complaint by any means, just an observation if you were not aware.

trevius 04-26-2012 08:24 AM

Most of what you describe is due to buffs. I am not sure what the issue is with them yet, but I know that removing buffs fixes all of what you just described.

provocating 04-26-2012 08:27 AM

That is very interesting, I will tell them.

I just want them to log in, try things out and report them back.

FievelMousey 05-05-2012 11:04 PM

VOA Server List
Wished was a way to know what servers allow VOA i seen 2 so far but none support #zone so no way i can test how zones load etc yet would love to be able mess around on VOA more to find bugs of stuff not working etc

lerxst2112 05-06-2012 12:42 AM

If you want a server on the bleeding edge you can always make your own.

gibroni 05-18-2012 01:44 PM

is work stilll being done with this client?

provocating 05-18-2012 11:16 PM

We are updated to r2142

gibroni 05-19-2012 01:43 PM

ya i know what revision we are on. was checking if trev was still working on getting VoA more functional or if was on hold for awhile.

provocating 05-19-2012 01:44 PM

I know, I was saying I have updated my server to r2142 if anyone was looking for a server to run around and test on.

trevius 05-20-2012 04:29 AM


Originally Posted by gibroni (Post 209798)
ya i know what revision we are on. was checking if trev was still working on getting VoA more functional or if was on hold for awhile.

I haven't had much time to work on it lately. I think I have the fix for making AA purchasing functional to knock that one off of the list. I just haven't tested it yet.

I have been busy with a lot of things.... then Diablo 3 came out and it is pretty awesome lol. Probably not going to be working on much for the next few weeks or so :P

I still plan to work on VoA more as time permits, but I am in no rush since we don't have a static client available like we did from Steam. I am not excited about trying to chase Live at all. I was really hoping that we could get something functional enough that when Steam did get a new client available for EQ1, we would have a fully functional VoA client quicker than if no work had been started on it yet.

provocating 05-20-2012 06:47 AM

Yeah I think from the Diablo 3 release, many things will go on the back burner. Until the shiny wears off Diablo 3.

diriel 05-22-2012 06:56 PM

I may just take a look at the VoA client before long. Thing is, from what I have read, it may just be too much of a good thing. Then again, it is hard for me to imagine that SoE will continue to pump bags of cash into EQ1 now that it is Free To Play. Especially since Sony has been bleeding massive amounts of cash ... So who knows, maybe VoA will get to a "stable" point and essentially get put into Maint. Mode :) From the dev's point of view that might be nice.

Gotta say thanks to Trev for all his hard work! Him and the rest of the crew of course!

blackdragonsdg 05-22-2012 09:38 PM

Chasing live may not be as painful now that EQ has gone F2P. Last night I got bored and took the live client(Build May 11 2012 16:15:10) and I was able to login to the emulator, create a character, and so forth. Given that it doesn't appear SOE is changing as much stuff from patch to patch. I know it has only been 2 months since EQ went F2P so it is still to early to know how often or even if SOE will change opcodes, structs and stuff like that but initially it looks like they may have slowed down on changing some of that stuff.

diriel 05-23-2012 02:45 AM

Like I said, with Sony hemmoraging Cash like it is going out of style, it is very hard to imagine them not putting EQ1 - F2P into Maint. Mode. They badly need a few Next Big Things... and face it EQ1 is mostly done for as far as that goes. Best they can hope to achieve is a slight proffit if they cut back drastically on developer expenditures.

Honestly, I hope they go more or less static. Then EQEMU can catch up and pass :)

Kilesh 08-01-2012 03:27 PM

Is the work on VoA client ever going to start up again?

provocating 08-01-2012 03:46 PM

Trevius got Diablo fever, so not anytime soon. Feel free to start coding, my C++ mojo is just not there yet.

Kilesh 08-01-2012 03:52 PM

I've started reading up but I'm no where near able to code this stuff yet. My question was just being curious.

lerxst2112 08-01-2012 09:29 PM

There's still the same problem as always, there's no stable version of the client available, only the current Live client.

Whenever Sony patches the Live client it'll stop working, and although it might be easy to fix in most cases, there's still the problem that every emulated server that wants to support that client would also need to update their source code to support it again. Some servers update a lot, some don't. You wouldn't be able to play on any with that client until they did.

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