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-   -   PEQ Database Editor 1.0 (for servers 0.6.4 and up) (https://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=20073)

Asram 03-25-2009 04:06 PM

The install instructions don't seem to jibe with the files in the SVN. The install instructions ask you to source allspells.sql. This file doesn't appear to be included with revision 21.

Not one to be discouraged. I picked up a copy from Angelox's pack, and the SQL code refers to a spells table that isn't created with a new REV384 distribution.

So where's the code currently to create a spells table in peq if you don't have one? This used to work back in 2007 when I last installed the editor, but much has changed since then.

All of my sources were downloaded last week and should be 3/15 or newer. I'm running PEQ atm.

Asram 03-25-2009 07:47 PM

Never mind. I found the memo that said that the new versions of the editor no longer need a spells table. Might want to update the readme in the current distro. :)

Thanks anyway.

Asram Baksh

drakelord 05-03-2009 01:30 PM

Hmm. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong here, but when I go to look at say, NPCs in a certain zone, rather than the ones that are currently entered in the database, it shows the defaults. I even dropped all of the npcs out of my database just to test, and it still showed defaults (probably from PEQ).

Is there a way to get it to show the actual NPCs in a zone when you select a zone and other such things from the dropdown menu?

Asram 06-01-2009 01:03 PM

Make sure you have the editor connecting to the right database. It builds that query populating the drop-down list dynamically, so either refresh your browser cache or check the config.php.

mixxit 07-05-2009 06:49 PM

I can't seem to create any spawns for mmca

Can someone try?

Shadow Wizard 02-08-2010 10:36 AM

Ok, I am having allot of problems with this. Its proably because I don't understand the directions. It tells me to download all this stuff, and doesn't even tell me what machine to download it onto (Running the server on linux, and do all the admin work from a windows machine) Needless to say, I have downloaded both of the extras, on both machines (would like to know if they are needed on my windows machine) and sourced the file into the database, and I still get this in firefox:

set('javascript', $javascript); $tmpl->set('headbar', $headbar); $tmpl->set('searchbar', $searchbar); $tmpl->set('breadcrumbs', $breadcrumbs); $tmpl->set('body', $body); echo $tmpl->fetch('templates/index.tmpl.php'); ?>

There must be something I am missing. Some help please.

I thought I would also add that for kicks, I tried it on the linux machine. It simply wants to save the file (index.php)

aronnov 02-24-2010 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by Shadow Wizard (Post 183963)
Ok, I am having allot of problems with this. Its proably because I don't understand the directions. It tells me to download all this stuff, and doesn't even tell me what machine to download it onto (Running the server on linux, and do all the admin work from a windows machine) Needless to say, I have downloaded both of the extras, on both machines (would like to know if they are needed on my windows machine) and sourced the file into the database, and I still get this in firefox:

set('javascript', $javascript); $tmpl->set('headbar', $headbar); $tmpl->set('searchbar', $searchbar); $tmpl->set('breadcrumbs', $breadcrumbs); $tmpl->set('body', $body); echo $tmpl->fetch('templates/index.tmpl.php'); ?>

There must be something I am missing. Some help please.

I thought I would also add that for kicks, I tried it on the linux machine. It simply wants to save the file (index.php)

I have the exact same error. anyone have any tips or updated step by step instructions?

Pirate123 03-23-2010 12:36 AM

ok im getting an error that says

Warning: mysql_connect(): Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client in C:\Web\classes\mysql.php on line 6
Could not connect: Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client

it was working before then i accidently changed the eq user password to something else, but changed it back to eq, and now its refusing to work. any ideas?

Dunmord 03-24-2010 02:54 PM

To all those who have troubles logging, follow this procedure. It will give admin access to anyone who enters the PEQ Admin(no matter the username and password).

a) Look for a folder named "classes"(inside your PEQ-Admin folder).
b) Make a backup of the file session.php
c) Open file session.php with your favorite text editor(not WordPad).
d) Locate these 3 functions: logged_in(), check_authorization() and is_admin().
e) Replace whatever those functions have with:
return true; (yes, the semi-colon too)

Here's an example of how should they look...
function logged_in(){
return true;

f) save the file

mixxit 04-18-2010 11:01 AM

I see there's an items editor section but when I click on an item after doing a search nothing comes up. Does anyone else have this and is there any way of getting it going? If not, does anyone know of an version 8 item editor?

cavedude 04-18-2010 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by mixxit (Post 186697)
I see there's an items editor section but when I click on an item after doing a search nothing comes up. Does anyone else have this and is there any way of getting it going? If not, does anyone know of an version 8 item editor?

There is no item editor implemented yet, however I am currently working on it. I have no eta yet, but I am hoping I can get something committed shortly.

mixxit 04-18-2010 10:07 PM

great! the ability to copy items and edit a few basic properties would rock!

keep up the great work :-)

cavedude 04-18-2010 10:31 PM

I plan on adding support to add, copy, and edit all columns for items.

Lillu 04-22-2010 09:07 AM

This would be really awesome. Thank you for all your hard work Cavedude!

Nagus69 04-22-2010 09:08 AM

Not sure if i ever did but i wanted to say :


for this tool. Similar to Georges Tools, these help make EQEMu a success.
Looking forward to the Item Editor. :)

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