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-   -   Windows Server Installer :: Modular & Scripted (https://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=40299)

moltke24 02-25-2016 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by moltke24 (Post 247300)
I have two hard drives, I tried using this installation on my SSD but it was E: instead of C: so i just changed to this side of windows and tried using your installer.

When I use it on either side of windows the same thing happens:


This repeats for a while and then it just stops. any ideas?

i reinstalled windows and it worked on windows 10 64 bit

yizuman 02-27-2016 05:07 PM

Sorry if I am repeating a question that may already been asked...

Can this installer run the game alone without the need to be connected to Emu? Does the installer include the game client? The reason I am asking is whether or not I can play EQ by myself in my own PC.

Thank you in advance....

askyn 02-28-2016 12:09 AM

First off .. OMGoosh thank you !

This is fantastic ! Super easy to install / use and works like a charm.

That being said I have 2 questions / problems that are most likely related.

I have gotten it installed and running, and am able to access my server using ROF2 from the eqemulater server list just fine.

My first problem is I cannt seem to configure it for off line / local login properly.

When I try, I get the login screen ok, but after that it goes to a blank black screen were it would normaly show the server name and number of people logged in.

The second problem is most likely related to the above problem. I have Georges item editor installed and am able to run it with other versions of eqemus (axclassic specifically) but am unable to connect to this server when its running no matter how I configure it.

I can get it started just fine, but when I go to import a character / inventory it doesn't show the server / characters to import.

Any suggests? thank you very much.

blackdragonsdg 02-28-2016 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by yizuman (Post 247385)
Sorry if I am repeating a question that may already been asked...

Can this installer run the game alone without the need to be connected to Emu? Does the installer include the game client? The reason I am asking is whether or not I can play EQ by myself in my own PC.

Thank you in advance....

Once you have a functioning public server setup it is possible to reconfigure it to work 100% offline. No the installer will not contain the Everquest client because that would be copyright infringement. Use the installer to get a public server running then go from there.

blackdragonsdg 02-28-2016 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by askyn (Post 247393)
First off .. OMGoosh thank you !

This is fantastic ! Super easy to install / use and works like a charm.

That being said I have 2 questions / problems that are most likely related.

I have gotten it installed and running, and am able to access my server using ROF2 from the eqemulater server list just fine.

My first problem is I cannt seem to configure it for off line / local login properly.

When I try, I get the login screen ok, but after that it goes to a blank black screen were it would normaly show the server name and number of people logged in.

The second problem is most likely related to the above problem. I have Georges item editor installed and am able to run it with other versions of eqemus (axclassic specifically) but am unable to connect to this server when its running no matter how I configure it.

I can get it started just fine, but when I go to import a character / inventory it doesn't show the server / characters to import.

Any suggests? thank you very much.

Going from a public login to private login can be a real pain. Here are some links to help you out.




askyn 03-01-2016 04:25 PM

Sigh ... seems like it should be way easier then that.

I would think that you would just be able to change setting in the configuration file for the server to point to LOCALHOST, but I cant seem it get it working properly.

Akkadius 03-01-2016 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by askyn (Post 247431)
Sigh ... seems like it should be way easier then that.

I would think that you would just be able to change setting in the configuration file for the server to point to LOCALHOST, but I cant seem it get it working properly.

Should be as simple as what I've already provided:


askyn 03-02-2016 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by Akkadius (Post 247435)
Should be as simple as what I've already provided:


First off ... thank you again /bow

I KNOW I did that before, ROFL, but this time it seemed to work !

I am now able to see the sever locally / offline, however my next problem is that while I can see and connect to the sever, it wont display the character select screen.

After selecting the sever I just get a blank black screen that just sits there.

Sorry for being a bother, and thank you for your help.

Andaria 03-17-2016 11:20 AM

Hello there, I'd like to say that this script is amazing! However, I have encountered a problem when running t_start_server.bat. After attempting to start the server i run into a loop with loading the UP and DOWN zones, it just keeps going 0/30 UP and 0/30 DOWN. There is nothing in the t_server_crash_report so i haven't a clue what is happening. If you have any idea what could be happening, please help. Also, I am unable to get zone.exe to open, it just shoots up a quick blank cmd prompt and goes away. Thanks!

I am running this in Windows 10.

Andaria 03-19-2016 05:10 PM

Anyone able to shed some light please? When I manually run world.exe through admin cmd I get "failed to open eqemu_config".

Coenxai 03-19-2016 05:21 PM

Akkadius makes the coolest things

Fridgecritter 03-23-2016 02:37 PM

I thought, why not just run this for kicks, and see if it will run on Windows 10 Home, and also connect to the server from the same machine... So I did. And it works flawlessly. I used the default folder path C:\EQEmuServer for install, and everything installed perfectly running the bat file as admin.

The server appeared in the server list as the default "Change server name" and I was able to open a clean install of Titanium with an edited host and shortcut (patchme), login and play. Upon entering the zone it gave me messages about meming abilities and spells. 30 zones started, character creation worked and I edited the status of my toon to 255, logged out and back in to gain GM access. This package is awesome.

Akkadius 03-23-2016 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by Fridgecritter (Post 247867)
I thought, why not just run this for kicks, and see if it will run on Windows 10 Home, and also connect to the server from the same machine... So I did. And it works flawlessly. I used the default folder path C:\EQEmuServer for install, and everything installed perfectly running the bat file as admin.

The server appeared in the server list as the default "Change server name" and I was able to open a clean install of Titanium with an edited host and shortcut (patchme), login and play. Upon entering the zone it gave me messages about meming abilities and spells. 30 zones started, character creation worked and I edited the status of my toon to 255, logged out and back in to gain GM access. This package is awesome.

Haha, right?!

Fridgecritter 03-23-2016 03:56 PM

This runs so smoothly it makes me want to start another server. But alas, I have no time.

Akkadius 03-23-2016 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by Coenxai (Post 247766)
Akkadius makes the coolest things

Lol, just saw this now. Thanks!

askyn 03-24-2016 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by askyn (Post 247442)
First off ... thank you again /bow

I KNOW I did that before, ROFL, but this time it seemed to work !

I am now able to see the sever locally / offline, however my next problem is that while I can see and connect to the sever, it wont display the character select screen.

After selecting the sever I just get a blank black screen that just sits there.

I wanted to say thank you again, my problems appear to be related to my windows set up, I had to reinstall windows to get rid of some related problems and then this worked perfectly ! THANK YOU.

I did have a question relating to your design philosophy for this server.

Why do you have bots / mercs disabled/not installed by default? I'm just wondering because it would seem easier for those that wanted to use those features for solo play etc.

Those that didn't want to use them wouldn't have too, but those that were interested them would be able to?

I appreciate all your hard work and I wouldn't have this server to play on with out it.

Thank you again

Akkadius 03-24-2016 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by askyn (Post 247896)
I wanted to say thank you again, my problems appear to be related to my windows set up, I had to reinstall windows to get rid of some related problems and then this worked perfectly ! THANK YOU.

I did have a question relating to your design philosophy for this server.

Why do you have bots / mercs disabled/not installed by default? I'm just wondering because it would seem easier for those that wanted to use those features for solo play etc.

Those that didn't want to use them wouldn't have too, but those that were interested them would be able to?

I appreciate all your hard work and I wouldn't have this server to play on with out it.

Thank you again

It's all setup so you can in the future be able to 'plug' features into it, download bots binaries and setup a bots schema etc. This is a base, as long as the base works, its easy to extend other topical installations into it.

askyn 03-24-2016 03:57 PM

hmmm .. interesting.

Thank you again!

I may have to try and track down someone and see how they added in bots / mercs etc as I want this mainly for solo offline play and with my sons.

It would be nice to have the added support of mercs / bots to explore content that I wouldn't be able to do solo other wise.

askyn 03-25-2016 04:56 PM

Ok .. stupid question 1232312312,

Im sure this has been asked before, I did try and check honest, but - at this time can bot support be added to the existing server AFTER its been installed?

Reason im asking is i have next to now experience with sql / compiling souces / making my own server etc.

So id be looking for a pre-compiled option that would allow me to use bots with your wonderful setup.

Sorry posing so many questions, and im very very greatfull for all your hard work!

Akkadius 03-25-2016 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by askyn (Post 247920)
Ok .. stupid question 1232312312,

Im sure this has been asked before, I did try and check honest, but - at this time can bot support be added to the existing server AFTER its been installed?

Reason im asking is i have next to now experience with sql / compiling souces / making my own server etc.

So id be looking for a pre-compiled option that would allow me to use bots with your wonderful setup.

Sorry posing so many questions, and im very very greatfull for all your hard work!

Yes I can add simple installation for bots but I'm not going to do it right now. If someone else wants to step in and help you that is on them, but I don't have time at the moment to get this going.

You can post another question in another thread and I'm sure someone will be willing to help you with whatever endeavors. Otherwise I wouldn't keep posting questions in this thread that really don't have anything to do with the process of testing the installer.

ArtofPeace 04-03-2016 09:43 PM

Hello all, recent join but long time player.
First Akkadius, thank you so much for taking time to make this complete package. It really is a great thing you've done for people such as myself and others.

Having said that, I am experiencing some frustrations getting everything actually doing what It's supposed to.

I have been trying to set up a Private Offline server with little success to get it all off the ground
Your install package went off fine, and I had no issues. I changed the eqhost file to reflect the internal connection, and changed my server name. I forwarded port 5998 on my router as well. (I may be missing further forwards Im not certain).

I ran the server start, and everything loads quickly and without issue save for one, My login server window shows the error:

[Error] "Handle_NewLSInfo error, remote address was null, defaulting to stream address
[World Server] Server KHAL(Test) did not attempt to log in but unregistered servers are allowed.

I can load up the game, but when I try to login it sits on "Logging into server, please wait" indefinatly.

I assumed I needed to add a login account to the database and attempted to use a portion of the guide posted here

that still made no difference and I am unable to get past the logging into server screen.

my login server window does show new titanium connection from and that application packet was recieved from client, as well as a session ready recieved from client. But that is where it ends.

I am obviously missing somthing, and if anyone has any suggestions I would really appreciate them. Im not certain where it is that I am goofing up, but Im sure its me. I have been trawling forums and old posts with similar issues, but most of them just sort of stop without a fix (or maybe the person figured it out)

Thanks again

fault 04-13-2016 09:20 AM

Finally back.

So if i get this right, since my w2012 has plesk(so mysql etc is already installed) ill have to set up the server the old fashioned way?

right thread this time haha

Visha 04-22-2016 02:21 AM

Server config
Okay... total newb at this stuff. I'm primarily a player, and I profoundly appreciate all the work Akkadius and others have put into making this a reality. :D

Now to the question... it's twofold.
1st: Will this new installer have the same conflicts some have reported in windows like the repack did?
2nd: I assumed the answer to the first was "yes" to be safe... and I installed virtual box and bumbled through getting windows 7 installed on it. I've loaded the server onto it, and all appears to be well. The issues come when I try to log into said sever. I can't connect to it. From browsing the forums, I know this is related to the eqemu_config, login.ini, and eqhost.txt files and the addresses found therein. The address suggestions Akkadius lists on his installer page for the login server don't appear to work under these circumstances. Akkadius himself has mentioned he sometimes uses a sandbox like Virtual box... does anyone know how this may be resolved? I know jack about all this stuff. I've tried plugging addresses from ipconfig in MSDOS from both machines (actual and virtual) and I'm probably making a horrible mess of something very simple.

Thanks for listening, and hopefully helping! :roll:

Kaless59 05-01-2016 07:01 AM

Just wanted to say thank you Akkadius for all the effort on this project. Your installer is a thing of beauty. Could not be simpler. I also wanted to thank Uleat for his work on the bots which gave me everything I needed to get the bots up and running after your installer set things up. It took a little time, but all of the issues I had were not reading every word when it came to compiling the bot exe's and needing to keep looking to find the answers. Thank you to all who work on the developement of this project.

Esildor 05-09-2016 12:18 PM

I tried out the installer - works great. Awesome work Akka!

Edit: My issue was i'm stupid and when I edited the DB password in the eqemu_config.xml I didn't edit it everywhere else as well :P

Esildor 05-12-2016 10:29 PM

Fingered it out again :P

Great work x2 Akka !

morbidpoet 06-05-2016 08:06 PM

Online connect works but lan does not
I have the server on a 32 bit windows 7 laptop using a wifi connection. I had to dl perl 32 bit and changed the name to the 64 bit file and your prog worked great after that!!!! The problem I am having now is the online connect works just the lan does not connect. I have the client on a win 10 system but I have ran it on a windows 7 system using VM workstation 11. its not seeing the the server accost the lan . In the server eqemu_config.xml file I have tried leaving and I have tried replacing it with the server laptops ip address. I have been putting the servers ip. Any thoughts on this and has any of the log in tools like MiniLogin that might help with this. I have been searching and trying things for 2 weeks. :confused:

b0ssman_Cat 06-07-2016 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by Andaria (Post 247678)
Hello there, I'd like to say that this script is amazing! However, I have encountered a problem when running t_start_server.bat. After attempting to start the server i run into a loop with loading the UP and DOWN zones, it just keeps going 0/30 UP and 0/30 DOWN. There is nothing in the t_server_crash_report so i haven't a clue what is happening. If you have any idea what could be happening, please help. Also, I am unable to get zone.exe to open, it just shoots up a quick blank cmd prompt and goes away. Thanks!

I am running this in Windows 10.

I, too, am having the exact same issue as well! The only difference is for me is that i'm running on Windows 8.1.

Nerdgasm 06-16-2016 02:57 AM

Only issue I'm running into with it; it gets to '[Saved] :: t_stop_server.bat' and doesn't progress past there. It's downloaded everything else, but it gets to that part and hasn't moved in an hour.

Akkadius 06-16-2016 02:59 AM


Originally Posted by Nerdgasm (Post 249462)
Only issue I'm running into with it; it gets to '[Saved] :: t_stop_server.bat' and doesn't progress past there. It's downloaded everything else, but it gets to that part and hasn't moved in an hour.

Just re-run the installer, a web request has probably become hung.

It should skip program installations and just go through a bunch of the other routines again, no big deal.

Nerdgasm 06-16-2016 03:10 AM


Originally Posted by Akkadius (Post 249463)
Just re-run the installer, a web request has probably become hung.

It should skip program installations and just go through a bunch of the other routines again, no big deal.

Did and same thing, except this time it's saying everything else is updated, but still does this. -- Windows 8 x64, should add, I guess.


--- Fetching Latest Plugins ---
 [URL] :: https://github.com/EQEmu/Quests-Plugins/archive/master.zip
        [Saved] :: updates_staged/Quests-Plugins-master.zip

Fetched latest plugins...

No Plugin Updates found...

No Quest Updates found...

 --- Fetching Latest LUA Modules ---
 [URL] :: https://github.com/EQEmu/Quests-Plugins/archive/master.zip
        [Saved] :: updates_staged/Quests-Plugins-master.zip

Fetched latest LUA Modules...

No LUA Modules Updates found...

 [URL] :: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Akkadius/EQEmuInstall/master/lua51.d
        [Saved] :: lua51.dll
 [URL] :: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Akkadius/EQEmuInstall/master/zlib1.d
        [Saved] :: zlib1.dll
 [URL] :: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Akkadius/EQEmuInstall/master/libmysq
        [Saved] :: libmysql.dll
 [URL] :: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Akkadius/EQEmuInstall/master/t_datab
        [Saved] :: t_database_backup.bat
 [URL] :: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Akkadius/EQEmuInstall/master/t_start
        [Saved] :: t_start_server.bat
 [URL] :: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Akkadius/EQEmuInstall/master/t_start
        [Saved] :: t_start_server_with_login_server.bat
 [URL] :: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Akkadius/EQEmuInstall/master/t_stop_
        [Saved] :: t_stop_server.bat

Akkadius 06-16-2016 03:17 AM

Delete eqemu_update.pl and re-run the installer

Nerdgasm 06-16-2016 03:18 AM

EDIT 2: Deleted the eqemu_update.pl and re-ran (using admin, course)

Grabbed the binaries;

Extracted the maps;

Downloaded the OP Codes;

Fetched the Quest plugins//extracted them; (No plugin updates found//No quest updates found)

Fetched the LUA Modules//extract them; (No LUA updates found)

Grabbed the .dll//.bat files

and stopped again.

--Got work in the morning I'll let it sit here through the night and check on it in the morning, if it doesn't work I'll post again.--

Nerdgasm 06-16-2016 12:26 PM

Still stuck at the same place.

DanCanDo 06-16-2016 12:50 PM

Those t-start/stop files, etc from that option, the update script comes to a halt when
choosing to download those. It just hangs there forever, without going back to the
script menu.
I never worried about it, I use my own start/stop scripts but just wanted to check them
out anyways.

Akkadius 06-16-2016 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by Nerdgasm (Post 249471)
Still stuck at the same place.

Think I found the issue in the script actually, was recently changed.

Delete eqemu_update.pl and start again, or, if you can run eqemu_update.pl standalone, hit option 20 to refetch a clean version of the script

Akkadius 06-16-2016 02:42 PM

Tested a clean install after making these script changes and everything works flawlessly.



Nerdgasm 06-16-2016 03:18 PM

Went ahead and re-ran the eqemu_install and now it's at the MariaDB :: Installing :: peqbeta.sql..

Thanks Akka! Will post back with any additional issues should I have them! =)

DanCanDo 06-16-2016 04:37 PM

I just downloaded updated script and option 15 worked great now.
It was previously hanging on the t-stop-server.bat, but now it grabs
the other files as well, then goes back to menu. Thanks Akka :)

Akkadius 06-16-2016 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by ArtofPeace (Post 248142)
Hello all, recent join but long time player.
First Akkadius, thank you so much for taking time to make this complete package. It really is a great thing you've done for people such as myself and others.

Having said that, I am experiencing some frustrations getting everything actually doing what It's supposed to.

I have been trying to set up a Private Offline server with little success to get it all off the ground
Your install package went off fine, and I had no issues. I changed the eqhost file to reflect the internal connection, and changed my server name. I forwarded port 5998 on my router as well. (I may be missing further forwards Im not certain).

I ran the server start, and everything loads quickly and without issue save for one, My login server window shows the error:

[Error] "Handle_NewLSInfo error, remote address was null, defaulting to stream address
[World Server] Server KHAL(Test) did not attempt to log in but unregistered servers are allowed.

I can load up the game, but when I try to login it sits on "Logging into server, please wait" indefinatly.

I assumed I needed to add a login account to the database and attempted to use a portion of the guide posted here

that still made no difference and I am unable to get past the logging into server screen.

my login server window does show new titanium connection from and that application packet was recieved from client, as well as a session ready recieved from client. But that is where it ends.

I am obviously missing somthing, and if anyone has any suggestions I would really appreciate them. Im not certain where it is that I am goofing up, but Im sure its me. I have been trawling forums and old posts with similar issues, but most of them just sort of stop without a fix (or maybe the person figured it out)

Thanks again

For people trying to get the local loginserver to work like this, follow this guide I've just put together.


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