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pabloedvardo 10-19-2020 01:40 AM

Is this still available anywhere now that the wiki is down?

joligario 10-19-2020 08:30 AM


kc01b3 12-20-2020 08:28 AM

Hi I'm having a few issues setting up my server through VM using win 7 ultimate SP1 64bit fresh install.

When running start server bat file, it says at the top "The system cannot find the path specified", then after it opens a more cmd windows I run into a zone.exe system error window that says I'm missing a file named libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll. Not quite sure where to take things from here.

Hopefully this is right place to ask questions.

krujo81 02-11-2021 07:55 PM

Link in Original Post isnt working can we get it updated please?.

Tethys 02-15-2021 01:59 AM


Hi all.

I've been attempting to set up a local server and I'm struggling with getting the client to load and was hoping for some guidance from the group here.

In other threads I've read that we never want to launch Everquest.exe. Doing so would result in EQEmu setups to be overwritten with the latest from Daybreak. I've followed EQEmu's basic installer steps for Windows (https://eqemu.gitbook.io/server/cate...a-login-server) but I'm finding links broken and steps lite on their description.

For instance, at the link just above there's a section titled Connecting to Local Login Server. But I don't have the .bat file I read that I should have. My Titanium cd's didnt have that? Unsure why it's missing. And if I run Everquest.exe I a) worry I'll overwrite with the wrong update from Daybreak and b) have actually tried and it fails to connect.

Thanks for any suggestions.

Huppy 02-15-2021 02:30 AM


Originally Posted by Tethys (Post 266128)

But I don't have the .bat file I read that I should have. My Titanium cd's didnt have that? Unsure why it's missing. And if I run Everquest.exe I a) worry I'll overwrite with the wrong update from Daybreak and b) have actually tried and it fails to connect.

You are NOT looking for a .bat file in your CLIENT folder. That link above, that I quoted has a section for Client Configuration.

Tethys 02-15-2021 03:56 AM


Originally Posted by Huppy (Post 266129)
You are NOT looking for a .bat file in your CLIENT folder. That link above, that I quoted has a section for Client Configuration.

Oh, wow, how'd I miss that!? Thank you, Huppy. That was the only change I was missing. With the shortcut created my local server is up and running.

Hyyr 02-18-2021 04:57 PM

Unable to connect to server remotely
Greetings to all, another newbie here.

I set up the EQEmu server on a fresh install of Windows 10, on a machine dedicated to the server. It took a little bit of manipulation of the configuration files to get it running, but overall I was amazed at how easy it was.

I can connect to the server with my own client just fine. I get to the server select, I scroll down to my server, and log in. For me, it works perfectly.

The problem is that when I asked my brother to connect, he was not able to. He can see the server in the list, but when he clicks on it to connect, he gets an error 1017. (He can connect to other servers without issues).

I have tweaked my config files, and did a good bit of browsing these forums, but I have been unable to get the server to connect remotely. Before I spend more time searching, does anyone have any ideas as to what I can try? I can paste my config & setup files if I need to.

Thanks very much in advance.

Hyyr 02-22-2021 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by Hyyr (Post 266141)
Greetings to all....

I got it working. Port forwarding, of course.

Ltrain66 09-25-2021 03:38 PM

I have downloaded, unzipped, and tried reloading the eqemu_install.bat multiple times but it keeps failing with the MySQL portion always getting the error message that reads "[Error: equemu_server.pl] MySql path not found, please add the path for automatic database upgrading to continue...
Press any key to continue"

Then it exits. Is anyone else having this issue and if so what is the resolution.

rucuss 12-20-2022 12:23 PM

I found eqemu_server.pl but it won't open I can open it in notepad but that does not help. Any ideas? when I click on it nothing happens. I would love to get bot's to work but I'm confused on the install of bot's it is above what I'm able to do so far why can't they included bot's already installed so it doesn't have to be done any help would be appreciated.

Ignite001 12-25-2022 05:46 AM

Trying to setup a private server so that I can play around solo. I used to be able to setup the server on an old laptop (that's now dead), but now I can't set it up on this new Win10 laptop.

When I run the eqemu_install.bat, I get the following error message:

[Update] No connection to the internet, can't check update
[Update] No script update necessary...
[Error: eqemu_server.pl] MySQL path not found, please add the path for automatic database upgrading to continue...

I've already added "C:\Program Files\MariaDB 10.0\bin" to the Environment Variables "Path"

"mysqld" is also given permission to access both Private and Public Network in the firewall.

Need some godly advice on what else I can try....

EDIT: I've also created a .txt file that's "skip_internet_connection_check.txt" in the same folder as the "eqemu_install.bat" file, but that's not done anything.

Telememore 02-28-2023 01:17 PM

Server working.

Telememore 03-04-2023 01:05 AM

Started getting: [Quest Debug] [lun_debug] [command.lun] key 1 value on
Command #GM on not recognized

After: #GM on

Can any one help please
Reinstalled server and client

Aganos 09-21-2023 12:45 AM

Hey, I used an installer to build a local server for me to test the PEQ tools and learn how to well create stuff. But the installation despite following the guide gives me an error about connecting to the legacy server and world server can't connect due to not having a matching username and password in the database. I'm new to this kind of thing so anything helps.

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