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-   -   PEQ Database Editor 1.0 (for servers 0.6.4 and up) (https://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=20073)

cavedude 06-20-2010 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by Nagus69 (Post 187693)
Greats new CD!

One more suggestion - would it be possible to add a mechanism to change the
statistcs of all mobs at once in a given zone?

Let's say, i want to change faction across the board, want to make all mobs stun immune, remove the ability to flee etc. Currently i have to click each and every mob which is rather exhausting.


The beginning of that system has been put into place with AC. More stats are coming as we come up with formulas. You can now also update faction and loot in a zone by name or race. I'll probably do spells next, by name or class.

Thanks to Tabasco a full spell editor is now also in the editor, with the ability to generate and dump spells_us.txt.

These changes are all on SVN, and will be in the download package the next time it's updated. I want to get some more things in first.

Nagus69 06-21-2010 01:02 AM


awesome, will check it out later today! again i can't express my gratitude really. Without PEQ Editor and George Tools, EQEmu would be far from where it is today.

Thanks again!

Sinister 07-01-2010 10:15 AM

CD, thanks for this awesome tool. I have a problem that I hope is an easy fix. After installing the newest version of the editor, i noticed a zone I am trying to populate was not in the list of zones in PEQ editor. I then was able to add the zone into the editor by editing the zones.php file.

The problem I am running into is when I create anything for that zone, it does not work properly. For example I tried creating an NPC, but it did not auto-populate the NPCID. I created my own NPCID but after I was done creating the NPC, it disapeared from the editor like the NPC doesn't exist.

Any ideas on how I can add a zone to the PEQ editor and have it work properly? For reference, I was trying to add the original tutorial zone.

Thanks in advance!

cavedude 07-01-2010 10:45 AM

zones.php isn't used anymore, zones are queried from the database directly now. There is no longer a need to change that silly file when zones are added or changed. I let that system slip by far too long!

You can download the newest version from SVN (using a SVN client) that has this functionality, which was part of an overhaul to get the editor to support instances. Or, I was planning on posting the newest version for direct download tomorrow after I get a couple more small things in. The new version will be at least revision 172.

As for your other problem... Grab the newest version first and try to add a new NPC to your zone and see what happens. The original NPC you created may not show up if the NPCID you chose is out of the zone's range (One day I'll add the ability to toggle how the editor places NPCs into zones.) If a new NPC still does not get added, reply with the id, zoneidnumber, and version of the new zone you created.

Sinister 07-01-2010 10:55 AM

Thanks for the prompt reply cavedude. I will give this a shot and let everyone know.

cavedude 07-01-2010 03:02 PM

I posted the newest revision, 173 up for download.

Sinister 07-01-2010 04:57 PM

The new version works great cavedude, i changed the zone I was working with from expansion 99 to 1 and it shows up in the editor now. Great job.

Packet 07-18-2010 04:39 PM

Ok so I got PEQ Editor to connect to my database however when I go to the editor page, it does not show the login/password box. Just the PEQ Editor logo at the top and the blue background. Any idea why? I have sourced the sql file and I am trying to access it locally. I have installed xAMP and I am running mysql 5.0.

Nagus69 07-31-2010 01:56 AM

It appears the Item Editor Portion of the PEQ Editor runs into an issue as it starts out with Item IDs around 119k. Anything beyond 120k will not be loaded from the EQEmu Server.

Can we tune in Items.php


function get_max_id () {
  global $mysql;

  $query = "SELECT max(id) AS iid FROM items";
  $result = $mysql->query_assoc($query);
  $newid = $result['iid'] + 1;

to take the next FREE Item ID, like Georges? Alternatively, is there a reason the Server won't load Item IDs > 120k?

Hmm 07-31-2010 04:40 AM

The installation guide really needs to be updated.

cavedude 07-31-2010 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by Nagus69 (Post 190229)
It appears the Item Editor Portion of the PEQ Editor runs into an issue as it starts out with Item IDs around 119k. Anything beyond 120k will not be loaded from the EQEmu Server.

Can we tune in Items.php


function get_max_id () {
  global $mysql;

  $query = "SELECT max(id) AS iid FROM items";
  $result = $mysql->query_assoc($query);
  $newid = $result['iid'] + 1;

to take the next FREE Item ID, like Georges? Alternatively, is there a reason the Server won't load Item IDs > 120k?

It isn't the editor at fault, the EQEmu code has a current limit of 120000, to prevent items from using too much shared memory. If you are able to compile the EQEmu code yourself, you'll need to change #define MMF_EQMAX_ITEMS 120000 in EMuShareMem/Items.h and recompile.

Hmm 08-01-2010 01:27 AM

I finally got it to work using latest xampp.

Unfortunately it then just displays the logo. Nothing else.

I'm stuck at this point now.

Nagus69 08-01-2010 03:14 AM


Originally Posted by cavedude (Post 190232)
It isn't the editor at fault, the EQEmu code has a current limit of 120000, to prevent items from using too much shared memory. If you are able to compile the EQEmu code yourself, you'll need to change #define MMF_EQMAX_ITEMS 120000 in EMuShareMem/Items.h and recompile.

Thanks for the answer CD and i agree of course. Would it still be possible that the next Item ID algorithm would behave similar to George? There are so many holes in Item IDs list that using that free space would offer enough without going over the 120k limit and without having to recompile it.

Nagus69 08-20-2010 10:20 AM

Am i being blind again or is the Item Editor Missing the possibility to assign
a proc rate modifier to weapon procs?

Nagus69 09-15-2010 05:00 AM

nm - found the reason for the error.

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