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joligario 01-01-2011 08:47 PM

I think you are talking about something totally different. XAMPP includes Apache, PHP, Perl, and MySQL.


Expletus 01-01-2011 09:23 PM

Nope. I couldn't get the correct version of perl to work to compile without errors. I swapped in Xampp and it worked fine. I had no idea it would work for the editor. I just wouldn't know where to begin.

joligario 01-01-2011 09:40 PM

Yeah, you can just put the editor in your htdocs folder and set it up to work from there.

Expletus 01-01-2011 09:45 PM

Excuse me, but I am a little less computer savy than most. Is it possible you could break it into steps? I know it's asking a lot, but I would be very grateful.

joligario 01-01-2011 11:13 PM

For example: If you install xampp to c:\xampp , there will be a folder called htdocs within that folder. That will be your public html folder. Inside, you can create a folder (I named mine peqedit), and extract all the editor files. Modify your config.php file with the proper information. Source in the editor schema into your database (your admin username/password). Then, in your browser you can navigate to http://localhost/peqedit

Expletus 01-01-2011 11:36 PM

short tags for the win! Thank you very very much!

Fasthand 01-02-2011 08:54 PM

Sound like interesting but me and my bro give up after 3 days of trying to get the server to answer us somethign else then "It Worked!"

documentation is way pass date!

Expletus 01-03-2011 12:48 AM

In reference to the editor? Shoot me a PM and I'll walk you through the steps I did for it to work.

wolfwalkereci 01-08-2011 11:54 AM

Finally got it working. Had two errors come up for me. One was telling me something about authentication which after searching google I found this solution to:

SET PASSWORD FOR root@localhost = OLD_PASSWORD('mypass');
Then it would give me a error on line 90 of mysql.php in the classes folder.
So I just deleted the whole section listed here:

// Deter UNION SQL Injection
if (stripos($value, 'union')) {
logSQL("SQL injection monitored by user at IP: '" . getIP() . "' using the query: '" . $value . "'.");
header ("Location: index.php");

I can login and hopefully have no more issues.
Note- I attempted to follow the walk through as close as I could, which included google searching and downloading the older apache and php.

lanystvyl 02-25-2011 12:13 PM

couldn't get this to run, winxp, php 5, Apache 2.2 - I don't get any errors in Apache, php or the log file. I just get the login screen over and over.

Note; i went through the setup for dummies and made all the changes to the ini files.
I noticed there aren't any server paths in the config.php, i didn't add any.

can I run php4 and php5 at the same time?
I'm no guru with php sorry to be a pain.

sorvani 02-25-2011 12:41 PM

Mine is running on
Apache/2.2.17 (Win32)

I installed a game server (MySQL and Perl) compiled etc.
Installed Apache
Installed PHP
Configured per the PEQ forums thread and it all worked fine for me.

joligario 02-25-2011 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by lanystvyl (Post 197266)
couldn't get this to run, winxp, php 5, Apache 2.2 - I don't get any errors in Apache, php or the log file. I just get the login screen over and over.

Note; i went through the setup for dummies and made all the changes to the ini files.
I noticed there aren't any server paths in the config.php, i didn't add any.

can I run php4 and php5 at the same time?
I'm no guru with php sorry to be a pain.

Do you have short tags on?

lanystvyl 02-25-2011 07:56 PM

foind it in the php.ini there was c:/temp changed it and it works now.

lanystvyl 02-25-2011 08:27 PM

WoW freek'n cool man. you guys rock!

Tabasco 09-23-2011 08:44 PM

I put together a configuration script and a canned windows installer if anyone is interested. It's basically a server2go install with the editor already in htdocs. It opens in IE by default and the server terminates when the session closes. No permanent WAMP installation is necessary.

Install script is at:

I've tested it in Windows XP but I don't know how it will behave in other versions of windows. The configuration script could be helpful for any OS.

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