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-   -   New Server - Retribution (RetributionEQ.com) (https://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=43738)

Aeventh 11-07-2022 10:41 PM

New Server - Retribution (RetributionEQ.com)
Good evening everyone!

Retribution will be launching this Friday, November 11th at 6PM EST.


This server begins in classic, where hundreds of hours have been poured into recreating many original zones/fixing the bugs that plagued them (thank you, Gangsta!).

The EXP rates are similar to live and enemy difficulty has been untouched (aside from removing DT/Banish effects, because we're adults and don't have time to find rangers to sacrifice).
Players can progress through Classic, Kunark, Velious, Luclin, and Planes of Power through an account based progression system.
By defeating certain raid encounters or finding certain combinations of rare items in each expansion, players can unlock further expansions for their account through their own adventures.

Retribution is about remembering and reliving the excitement and dopamine hits we got when we finally got that one named to spawn- and found that one rare item we had been grinding for.

What makes this experience unique, is that we have added tens of thousands of items- new versions of your favorite gear, that drop from the same camps you loved (or loved to hate).

Like our memories, this gear can be Rose Colored or even Apocryphal in nature- with increased stats based on the original gear.
Think of the original version as Tier 1, Rose Colored as Tier 2, and Apocryphal as Tier 3. Almost every camp can drop an upgrade if you're lucky or persistent enough.

Here are some other notable features:
  • All players start with 2-3 class defining AA unlocked that allow them to immediately fill the group role they were meant to fill.
  • All players start with the ability to origin to the original bazaar which will be used as a trading hub that includes a working arena, bankers, merchants, and one translocator to each continent.
  • All players start with a new item that brings them to the bazaar and introduces them to the new Apocryphal gear.
  • All wearable items have had their required and recommended levels removed.
  • All items are tradable, other than the strongest Apocryphal versions.
  • AoC’s (instanced raid content) exist for every raid zone with a low 22hr lockout.
  • Enemy spawn rate increased.
  • Three Box + 1 Bazaar Mule Limit per person.
  • OOC and AUC chat feed our Discord server, allowing for players to chat with their in game friends while offline.
  • Level caps match retail OTHER THAN classic being capped at 51 instead of 50 so you can grind AA while farming gear.
  • All AA through Buried Sea are live and attainable beginning at level 51.

We had the server up for three weeks for FnF testing where six people were invited. In that time we accumulated 37 players that are almost as excited as I am for launch.

Another important thing to note, is that this server is fast, stable, and is already prepaid for a full year. Donations are set up to feed the account that pays for the server and my intent is that this server becomes my long term EQ home.

I share all this to preface my open invitation to all of you to come and enjoy what we've created!


Darksinga, I know you will be reading this shortly after I post, and I want you to know how deeply appreciative I am of you and your willingness to spearhead this project and help an old Norrathian's dream come to fruition. I couldn't be happier.

For all you heroes that helped test this server (especially you fiends that literally unlocked Kunark in that time) thank you for all your time! I can't wait to slay dragons with you!

Secrets 11-08-2022 03:38 PM

Excited to see this launch. Though the 3-box limit may turn some off.
Hopefully there's an anticheat and no MQ2 allowed.

Aeventh 11-08-2022 04:02 PM

Me too!

Originally Posted by Secrets (Post 268550)
Excited to see this launch. Though the 3-box limit may turn some off.
Hopefully there's an anticheat and no MQ2 allowed.

Hey, Secrets! Thanks so much!

I hope the three box limit won't turn too many off.

With the increased strength available between the starting AA's and Rose Colored and Apocryphal gear- most content should be within reach of a three boxed team with a little ingenuity, grind, and luck.

We do have anticheat measures in place, and, many MQ2 functions (including warping) and other things like unattended play are prohibited and tracked. However, basic MQ2 functionality is allowed.

Here is the reasoning:

I've learned over the years that there is always a way around countermeasures and my sincere hope is to cultivate a community that will abide by its rules, not because they are unable to bypass them but because they respect why they exist. My reality is that I walk at the heels of titans here, and I don't want to spend my days fighting an eternal battle when my reason for creating this server was to enjoy playing on it.

As long as someone isn't being malicious or purposefully violating the rules, I don't care that they use EQBCS to send a heal, or /stick to keep their team together.

Judging from the elder faces I see in Discord, I think the large majority of people will play nice, and those that don't, will have people far more knowledgeable than me to call them out.

Look forward to seeing you in game, hero!

Eastwood 11-10-2022 09:54 AM


This sounds interesting in fact! I love the idea of a progression server. Why not character based gates instead of account based gates? This way, if you join later, or make alts, the content will stay relevant and veterans will have motivation to do older content to help others and their alts.

Anyways, I'm getting the EQ itch again, and this seems like a good server to hop into! when does it open?

Aeventh 11-10-2022 12:41 PM

Good question!

Originally Posted by Eastwood (Post 268553)

This sounds interesting in fact! I love the idea of a progression server. Why not character based gates instead of account based gates? This way, if you join later, or make alts, the content will stay relevant and veterans will have motivation to do older content to help others and their alts.

Anyways, I'm getting the EQ itch again, and this seems like a good server to hop into! when does it open?

Hey, Eastwood! Thanks!

So that's a really interesting question. The decision to have account based progression really came from the structure of the code used to allow for certain races/classes to become unlocked after X conditions are achieved.

Knowing what we know now, we probably could have made the race/class unlocks account bound and expansion progression character bound but I think there would be a split between those that want to be able to make an alt and not have to participate in raid kills to enjoy the content they already unlocked and those that would.

That being said, with the gear available from even old world raid targets, veterans will likely continue clearing that content enough to benefit new players that may be stuck.

As for launch... We launch TOMORROW! WOO!
(November 11, at 6PM EST).

Hope to see you there!

Eastwood 11-10-2022 09:25 PM

It makes sense actually, on EQEmu we usually just have multiple accounts for alts.

I'll try the server out tomorrow.

Aeventh 11-10-2022 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by Eastwood (Post 268555)
It makes sense actually, on EQEmu we usually just have multiple accounts for alts.

I'll try the server out tomorrow.

Cheers man! Look forward to seeing you there :)

Aeventh 11-11-2022 10:03 AM

Today is the day friends!

Retribution launches at 6PM EST tonight. Come check it out!

Obligatory Countdown Clock.

Nedush 11-11-2022 12:26 PM

Looks very interesting. Looking forward to starting on your server. Thank you!

Lane 11-14-2022 11:02 PM

We had an amazing opening weekend! Come join us for the fun! RetributionEQ.com



Aeventh 11-22-2022 11:17 AM

I just wanted to thank everyone for giving our creation a try!

We broke 130 players last night and it's been absolutely wild.

As a thank you for the kind words and exceptional turn out we have started a Thanksgiving Exp Event (20% bonus!) that will last from now until Sunday.

If you're on the fence, now is a great time to give it a whirl :)

kblood 11-28-2022 05:58 PM

Started here a few days ago and loving this server so far. Great work, devs! Welcome breath of fresh air after bouncing around various Classic-PoP era servers recently.

Lane 12-03-2022 04:27 PM

Join us for our Christmas event that started today and will be running for the entire month of December! Help Santug restore the Miragul's Highway (how else do you think he'd get around? Reindeer?) and get some awesome rewards! If you are just starting out, no worries, we have an extremely helpful community to get you rolling. We hope to see you soon!


Eastwood 12-03-2022 10:33 PM

So I've been playing this server since release, at a casual pace (more than most). I'm loving it. The Rose/Apoc versions of our favorite gear really increases the power of characters who are playing within their progression era and makes it fun to stay in era and not rush to PoP like some players are.

In fact, if you like servers with progression gates, and smelling the roses in classic, kunark, velious, etc. This server is actually very good for it. 3 boxing is a good balance, the AAs you gain access to for each class make for some really interesting ways to play a trio.

Good job team!


Aeventh 12-11-2022 02:12 AM

Well, it's officially been one month since the server launched and I just wanted to share how great of an experience this has been.

A huge thank you to everyone that has given the server a chance!

We have gone from 6 beta testers to hundreds of people playing daily.

So many bugs fixed. So many QoL features added.

All quests now having a chance to yield Apocryphal and Rose Colored rewards which can all be repeated (including epics!). The bazaar turning into a lively hub with players selling wares at all times of the day. So many guilds and friend groups reliving fun times, slaying dragons and collecting pixels. I have learned so much and look forward to continuing the iterative process that is making this server a great place to be.

I'm so proud of the progress made and the cohesive, positive makeup of the majority of this community.

Cheers friends! Here's to many good times ahead!

Akkadius 12-12-2022 02:47 AM

This looks like this has a lot of thought, care and passion going into this project.

I wish you guys the best in your endeavors!

Aeventh 12-21-2022 01:18 AM

Thank you!

Originally Posted by Akkadius (Post 268628)
This looks like this has a lot of thought, care and passion going into this project.

I wish you guys the best in your endeavors!

Thanks so much Akk!

I actually popped on tonight to share some big (nerdy) news.

Retribution is officially leveraging Git for versioning AND has updated to the latest EQEmu binaries! This was a huge step for us in legitimizing how we operate and sets a cadence of reliability that we hope to be known for.

Additionally, all crafted items can now roll Apocryphal or Rose Colored, just like enemy drops AND quests do!

Tonight was a HUGE update for us and it went incredibly well.

Thank you all for the support.

If you haven't checked us out yet, please feel welcomed to do so!

Eastwood 01-10-2023 11:17 PM

This server has sweatiness like I did not expect on EQEmu. I'm sick of it.

Kobex 01-11-2023 06:18 PM

As someone who runs an account-based progression server myself, you might say I could be biased against this server...

I have to say, this server is great! If you're looking for a premier 1-3 box experience, I would highly recommend it. The devs have been very active and responsive. It also has a rapidly growing and very helpful community.

If you've been on the fence, check it out!

Aeventh 01-11-2023 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by Eastwood (Post 268725)
This server has sweatiness like I did not expect on EQEmu. I'm sick of it.

Hey Eastwood!

Thanks for sharing your feedback with me. I appreciate the months you've been here and the positive force you've been in the community.

I'd like to take this as an opportunity to publicly remind everyone that this is a personal progression server and the journey is what you make of it.

Everyone starts here with their own expectations and hopes for what kind of experience they will have. Over time those expectations change. Not just of the game, but of themselves.

We are all adults now, and this experience is bringing the sweaty out in a lot of people. The reality is, though, that most of us cannot afford the time to be as sweaty as we want to be, as often as we want to be. This is EQEmu after all... if you are here, a part of you wants to get absolutely lost in this game- and that's OK!

The issue I see, is that this many people, having fun, playing EQ, reliving old memories, making new ones- exacerbates latent desires to compete for unattainable goals in ways that are no longer healthy BUT for no other reason than a love for the game.

I think it's absolutely amazing that so many people are enjoying themselves here and allowing themselves to get a little sweaty. Do I think some people are going a little too hard? Maybe.

BUT all of our situations are different! For anyone reading this, just remember that someone else's successes in no way diminish your own!

Have fun adventurers! If you don't want to leave classic until you down every single raid boss with just you and your homeboy that can only play twice a week- don't! If you want to get in on a public raid and two day your way into Kunark- do it!

This is your experience. I'm just an NPC in your life trying to facilitate some fun <3

Eastwood 01-12-2023 03:14 PM

Edit, what it is.

Jcr4990 01-12-2023 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by Eastwood (Post 268725)
This server has sweatiness like I did not expect on EQEmu. I'm sick of it.

Can't really judge a server for the actions of the players. EQ has always and will always have a portion of the playerbase that gets ultra sweaty with it. It's nearly impossible to completely curb that (nor do I think it's really a good idea to even try) as a server operator. Short of making it a single player game people will always find ways to min/max and sweat it up and compete with each other and brag about their accomplishments. Kind of is what it is ya know? It's just part of the nature of mmorpg's and multiplayer games in general. Even if you make the entirety of the content instanced people will still compete with each other to see who can clear stuff fastest or with the least number of people or what have you and brag about it or belittle others that didn't do it as well as they did. Or don't have as much gear or as many AA.etc.etc

Tossica 01-12-2023 03:53 PM

I had to research what "sweatiness" meant in this context. Yeah, some people are just ultra competitive/need to WIN and will find things to compete over even if you try to mitigate that kind of thing. Private server seems to be one of the only ways to really eliminate it if that's your goal.

Aeventh 02-16-2023 04:06 PM

Greetings friends!

It has officially been just over three months since our official launch and I wanted to give a quick round up.

Since launch:

- Over 2,300 accounts have logged into Retribution.
- Over 5,000 characters have been created.
- Over 450 players have joined the Discord community.
- Max online count has increased weekly, peaking last week at 332 players online.
- We are seeing around 20-30 traders active in the bazaar every day.
- We have seen zero server crashes since leveraging Akk's Occulus early January.
- We are averaging less than one hour of downtime per week, of which, 100% are GM initiated with countdowns.
- Our Discord Bug and Suggestion forums are continuing to be addressed daily, with the current outstanding issues now flowing < 10.

As my initial roadmap for this server comes to fruition. with only a handful of PoP events left to clean up, my sights will shift to addressing non critical early expansion discrepancies that the were back-burnered for progression's sake in order to give an even better, more polished experience to our player base.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that has participated in this incredibly journey- it is truly the wonderful people that we have attracted that help make this such a special experience. Please be welcomed to join us as we look ahead to years of nostalgic PEQ fun, remembering and reliving some of our favorite EQ memories. As a personal progression server, it is literally never to late to join the fun!

JarL05 05-01-2023 04:05 PM

A+ server.

Admins and friendly and engaged with the community. Which may seem like a no-brainer, but I can assure you it's not always the case. Likewise, they are quick to fix issues and address QoL improvements and/or balancing of classes based on community feedback.

The Rose/Apoc loot system breathes new life into the game as otherwise untouched items become strong in their own right. Symp healing/flames procs giving healers and casters extra heal/dps boosts bringing them up in power enough that running 3 toons doesn't feel awful compared to 4-6.

If you played Laz in it's early days the trajectory of the server will feel very similar. I'd expect them to hit preferred status soon and see another population boom the same way Laz did.

Overall this server is a 10/10. Will be 11/10 if they figure out how to implement SSF mode =)

n00bertz 05-01-2023 06:20 PM

10/10, fantastic server, you go from the early stages of struggling a bit, to actually noticing the power change with every upgrade. smooth sailing, best around! As previous posts have stated, the population is pretty big, the community is overall great and helpful, and it will only be bigger if it reaches preferred! can't wait!

odank 05-01-2023 08:04 PM

I played EQ until OoW and only returned recently for the Mischief TLP server. Then a few months ago I was introduced to Retribution by a friend. The apoc/rose colored loot on Retribution has given me the same excitement as the random loot on Mischief did, but the personal progression allows me to enjoy it at my own pace. Six boxing overwhelmed me on other servers, but with a three box I still feel like I'm fully playing each class. Looking forward to clearing Luclin and then PoP content with a good friend of mine.

I recommend this server to everyone who is seeking a fresh yet familiar EQ experience. Bonus points for the welcoming community. 10/10 server for sure.

zutfen 05-02-2023 01:11 PM

A breath of fresh Norrathian air
I've been playing EQ since 1999 and EQEmu for well over a decade, so get off my lawn <shakes cane>.

I've played on classic restricted servers and boxed 48 at a time on others... but the system that is in place here is so rewarding that it's hard to put into words.

You look at the Rose Colored and Apocryphal items and the stats that they give and think "this will be too easy and no fun" but to a large extent you get to choose your own adventure. Having to unlock progression gives you something to work towards: you can do it via a fairly epic quest or by killing raid mobs.

You can, if you know what you're doing, do most things with a friend if both of you both 3-box, sometimes some outside the box thinking is required, but with enough AA and decent gear, even in-era you can do most content with 6 characters.

I haven't even mentioned the community, which is one of the best reasons to play here. Broadly speaking, most of the player base has been around the block a few dozen (or hundred) times, and we all want to be helpful to folks that start out fresh here. It's not uncommon to have new players ask for buffs and walk away with hand-me-down gear that makes the levelling far more enjoyable.

All said and done, I tip my hat to Aporia and crew for making a server where there's *just enough* of a grind to feel like EQ, without ever feeling oppressively grindy.

Aeventh 05-02-2023 10:05 PM

Awh...I have this silly grin now. Thank you all!

As we come up on our sixth month anniversary in just a couple weeks, I wanted to share a bit from my perspective.

This project has been one of the most time consuming, yet rewarding experiences I've had in a very long time. I set out to bring a childhood desire to life and was fortunate enough to meet many wonderful and talented individuals that have helped, taught, and encouraged me along the way. The overall supportive nature of the greater EQEmu/PEQ community is truly incredible and I consider myself proud to be a part of it.

As of this post, we have accomplished every single goal on our initial roadmap for Retribution, and then some.

Every week since our launch has been filled with bug fixes, iterative balance passes, and implementation of content based on community feedback according to the vision for this little slice of EQ nostalgia.

I'd list all the things we've done, but there are simply too many. I welcome anyone that's interested to check out the #change-log in Discord to see all the many wonderful changes. Engage with the community. I know it's not for everyone, but I know it's exactly what some have been looking for. If you want a quick overview, you can find one on the FAQ page of RetributionEQ.com

As some players have gone on to defeat Quarm, I was asked, will we be unlocking future expansions. The answer to that is no. For me, my fondest memories of EQ ended in PoP. However, we have a different plan for progression beyond Quarm that involves an intimate tie to the theme of the server- which is what and how we remember EQ.

For our 6th month anniversary we will be opening the first Fabled raid encounter and intend on opening one, every month or two, based on classic raid encounters, for the foreseeable future. This is a manageable cadence for us long term that provides further progression without tarnishing the goal of providing a familiar, albeit, more powerful way to relive some of our favorite EQ memories through Planes of Power. These encounters will be a continuation of the personal progression locks which previously ended with Quarm. More details to come in the near future!

Thank you all again for the kind words and a thank you to those that are just reading along and smiling. Thank you for enjoying what we've created. I look forward to making many more fond memories with you!

lenjurik 05-03-2023 07:54 AM

I'm having a ton of fun on this server. The idea of account progression is a good one and it promotes a "play your way" style with the options of solo, 3box, playing with a few friends or going hard...you are less bound by having to play a certain way. The balance changes are a happy medium between having the classic experiences but with the enhanced QoL of available AAs and better loot. You're strong, but not too strong (until later), and you still have to earn it which feels good.

The staff and community are fantastic and are constantly improving things and listening to feedback. I expect the server to keep growing.

Lozon 05-03-2023 12:08 PM

One of the best Emu servers I've ever played on
Being an old school player, I never got past Velious and always went back to TLP Live just to relive the classic era.

I've been looking for an TLP style Emu server for a long time. I do not have the time to do 50 men + raids anymore and really wanted to experience more expansions but at my own pace. I was so happy when I read about this server however it really it hooked me in when I started playing.

Not only was the community amazing and helpful in every way, but they make you feel at home. My buddy Cork and I have been playing on this server for about 2 months now and we cannot get enough. Playing almost every day just to work on AA or Best in Slot gear just so we can try and 6-man Sleeps tomb or Emp in SSRA.

We all have those memories from EverQuest that just stayed with us over the years and I am very happy to share a new one that was made on this server.

Cork and I (Lozz) where down in sleepers tomb about to kill the 4 warders and we had the whole server rooting for us and even offering help. we really wanted to test our self's and our group setup, when we finally killed all 4 Warders just his 3 toons and my 3 toons it was an amazing feeling of accomplishment. One of those old school EQ memories I will never forget and it all happened here on Retribution.

Thank you

Kutark Validus 05-04-2023 06:49 AM

I know im a little late to the game here, but i just wanted to say, this server reignited my passion for EQ, and also taught me that "custom" servers weren't the festering dumpster fires i always assumed they would be!

I think Aeventh has some amazing ideas as well as the community on how to create our own progression past POP, and im excited to see what that will bring!

Aeventh 05-18-2023 09:17 PM

Greetings friends!

To celebrate our 6 months anniversary, Retribution will be launching it's first fabled raid encounter, tomorrow night at 9PM EST! The server will come down at 8:30PM in preparation for this launch and some other important changes (details below)!

To access this raid, each player will need to defeat Quarm AFTER the server comes back up. It's gonna be *hot*.

Additionally, after collecting feedback from new players and veteran players alike over the course of the last six months, some big decisions have been made in terms of gear balance. Beginning tomorrow, Rose Colored gear will now receive 50% of the spell power of its Apocryphal counterpart.

This change should smooth the power curve for the individual player at each tier and generally make the experience before BiS a more enjoyable one.

Furthermore, we have come to the understanding that Wisdom casters/hybrids are at a large disadvantage at different points throughout expansion progression due to itemization and the lack of spell power on Wisdom gear. While MOST spell power will still come from Intelligence, ANY piece of gear that DOES NOT already have a spell power bonus from Intelligence will now receive spell power at 50% the rate from Wisdom.

This change further smooths the power curve across multiple expansions in a great way without adding to end game power creep due to hard caps on total spell power.

We hope that you will join us in cheering on our heroes as they adventure into new, Fabled encounters.

Prospective new player note: there is currently a 25% server wide exp bonus active now through the end of the month!

Aeventh 09-04-2023 08:36 PM

With our recent stream of new players it seems like now is a great time to make an update!

Since my last post, we've:

- Steadily climbed to 147 average players online.
- Migrated to an even faster server (incredibly fast zone times).
- Implemented a slew of bug fixes and changes based on player feedback (see Discord).
- Continued with class balance passes and play throughs focused on new player UX.
- Brought on a new and talented Dev
- Maintained a 100% uptime for over a month for the first time.

And are currently amidst a 25% server wide exp bonus (that runs until the 17th).

If you haven't checked us out yet, we also recently updated our FAQ based on new player feedback.

If you have any questions, feel free to hit us up in Discord <3

Aeventh 11-12-2023 08:42 PM

Greetings adventurers!

Before I tell you all about some fun things we have in store to celebrate our one year anniversary, I just wanted to thank you all for being a part of this wonderful community.

Every suggestion, every bug report, every donation, every kind word and helping hand has helped make Retribution what it is today- and I am incredibly proud.

Here are the patch notes that went live approximately 30 minutes ago:

- Many misc quest and bug fixes (details found in Discord).
- Many NPC visual overhauls/polish.
- Droga and Nurga are finally populated again! Classic spawns and drops for Droga and Nurga should be active once again.
- The Purveyor of Glamour has come to the Bazaar! Turn *any* weapon or shield into an ornament that looks exactly like it! Please note: converting an item to an ornament WILL eat the item.
- The bazaar translocation map has a few new locations: Everfrost, Field of Bone, Scarlet Desert, and Western Wastes.
- More classic items are now available, like the legendary Box of Abu-Kar!
- A Fading Ally has appeared in the bazaar giving clues as to the phased event that begins today!

Additionally, a 25% exp bonus is now in effect!

If you haven't checked out Retribution yet, now is a great time :)

cronik78 11-18-2023 08:28 PM

Easy to recommend this one!
Chiming in to say I've had an absolute blast playing here for the last few months. It's hard to find a private EQ shard that balances challenge with light custom changes, and I think this one does that.

Progression feels like it goes at a good pace, with some QOL and capability to buy out-of-era gear from other players if you want it, and otherwise you get a solid feeling of re-visiting old zones (and trying some you might have missed) without speeding through them in 30mins. Another nice feature is DZs everywhere important, so if there's a boss you want to kill you can fire up your own zone of it.

Most of all, it's the community I love. There's a LOT of helpful people, always shouting out and offering a hand with progression, or simply advice.

Very easy recommend, and an absolutely lovely experience all around with both staff and other players!

Aeventh 11-29-2023 01:34 PM

Thank you Sodapopin!

Up until this point, PoP has been the final expansion available on Retribution.

We have worked quite hard to address all bugs and suggestions, and to this point feel very good about the state of play. Recently, we have been working on providing players with new events and more importantly, access to more content.

If you haven't given Retribution a try, now is a great time. If you already came and conquered Quarm and moved on, now is also a great time to return. With aims set on new years launch- GoD will be coming to Retribution.

We look forward to partnering with our playerbase to tweak the many encounters just enough to be challenging (not impossible) for a 6 man team.

GoD will bring with it a level cap increase to level 70, as that was the originally intended level for the content and lends itself to the expectation of 6 man viability.

Additionally, our players have almost reached the next phase of our Froglok unlock event, and with that- another fabled raid encounter.

Be well, adventurers!

fanliorel 11-29-2023 04:33 PM

This is exciting news, can't wait for the new expac!!

There are already plenty of good reviews here in this thread, but I can't help but add my own. Me and a buddy joined about 3 months ago, and wow, it's been incredibly fun. It's just as addicting as original EQ, because it really is the same thing, just tuned for people who can't put in the time to make all those weekly raids, etc. With just us 2 (full group of 6 toons) we've been steadily progressing, even when we have weeks where we barely have time to get online. The content has been challenging each step of the way (well, classic/kunark dragons are super easy, but after that), and we've had to gear/AA up and rethink strategy a couple times to get past a roadblock or two. Felt glorious to beat Emp at level 60 with 1 group - what a fight!

You can do a lot of things alone (especially exping), but I recommend a partner if you've got someone in your life you can convince to play for the raid content as you progress. However, there are plenty of cool people here who will help you out if you need a hand.

Thanks again to the team, looking forward to GoD....especially because it gives me hope that one of my all time fav expansions OOW might be coming down the pike someday (too soon? :) )

Aeventh 12-30-2023 07:26 PM

Hey thanks, Elbie!

Good evening friends!

I wanted to take a minute to thank everyone for all their support and am happy to announce that GoD will be launching on Retribution on Monday, January 1st at 6PM EST.

There are bound to be some kinks to work out, but it's going to be a ton of fun.

Today also marks the first day of Server Wide buffs and an all new buff NPC in Bazaar (that will provide buffs for free for new players through level 20). It's a great time to roll up a character and see what the server is all about!

I hope you all have a very Happy New Years!

Aeventh 04-27-2024 01:05 PM

Seasons of Retribution
Good afternoon, friends!

Retribution is proud to announce its first Season of Retribution.

Starting June 21st at 8EST, Retribution will be launching Seasonal play!

Every character created after this time will be opted IN to Season One.

What does this mean? Well let’s start with the fun stuff.

Seasons of Retribution is primarily an opportunity for new and old players alike to come together and experience all that Retribution has to offer in a fresh, time locked, personal progression playthrough.

Seasonal characters will benefit from:
  • Increased drop rates for Rose Colored and Apocryphal gear.
  • A class specific, auto granted, AA at level 51 that is unavailable otherwise.
  • The “First Orb of Retribution”, a no trade All/All aug that fits into any slot that scales every day you login to play.
  • A 20 Slot, No Trade, bag that can be upgraded as players unlock expansions.
  • Unique titles for players as they unlock new expansions.
  • Special progression instances in which enemies do not respawn.
  • Access to the rarest class of item in EQ history, Artifacts. Very rarely a looted, quested, or tradeskilled Apocryphal item may become an Artifact. This can occur only once per item, per Season. These items have improved stats vs the normal Apocryphal, bear the name of the person who looted, earned, or created it, and may be freely traded between players without Attunement. However, they cannot be dropped on the ground or sold to NPC vendors.

(No trade items will become Lore and attunable at the end of the season)

Seasonal character restrictions:
  • No more than 6 players will be allowed in any DZ.
  • Progression flags may now only be gained in a DZ.
  • May not join a group or DZ with a non seasonal character in it.
  • May not trade with a non seasonal character.
  • May not access non seasonal traders.
  • May not access the shared bank.
  • May not pick items from the ground that are not natively in the groundspawn table.
  • May not purchase items from vendors that are not natively in their merchant list.
  • May not loot a corpse their group did not get awarded exp for.
  • May not receive parcels.
  • May not use the buff NPC for regular non-server-wide buffs.

Note: Beastlords, Berserkers, Vah Shir, and Iksars WILL be available on launch for any account that has already unlocked them… so if you want to start with one… hop in now!

Personal, time locked progression:

As Retribution is a personal progression server, so will its first season be. Players are expected to participate in certain raid kills or discover certain items in order to unlock the next expansion. However, players must also wait the designated amount of time for the next expansion to open.

The time locking is as follows:
  • 2 week lock in Classic
  • 2 week lock in Kunark
  • 4 week lock in Velious
  • 4 week lock in Luclin
  • 8 weeks in PoP before the season ends

This is incredibly exciting for us! Join us in Discord and play early to unlock Iksars, Vah Shir, Beastlords, and Berserkers in time for our first Season of Retribution!

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