Pre-Revamp info on old zones
I'm hoping someone can help me here -
Starting with Droga/Nurga; never played in Droga pre revamp, and did some play in Nurga, but hardly can remember. Can you recall if the mobs were all the same there, and they just upped the levels/bettered the drops? I'll take any info on any zones, or if someone can point me to a site that still has this data, that would be great too. |
Inside this rar archive is collected SEQ info that has mob data including location, race, and approx. hp of packet collected mobs from 2001. I think that's before the revamps, so give it a shot, see if there's worthwhile info in there. I saw CT, Nurga, Droga, etc. pre revamp in there. |
looks like I might can use that, it's very interesting stuff. |
Now if someone could just get us PoM v. 1.0... I know it exists on Al'Kabor still, but that would take someone actually getting a mac version and on the mac server.
Or if someone just has some collects from the PoP or before era, that would work too. |
Does anyone remember or have any more info on old CT?, anything at all you can remember?
Would it be right to state they used a lot of the same models (gorillas lizards, etc) , upped the levels, changed the drops and made the place high level? Was all of old CT KoS or a specific faction (lizard faction maybe?)- Was the Level range in there was like 9-30? Thanks for any info you can provide. |
Looking at Alla's info for CT, some of the posts back from 2001 talk about level ranges being do'able by 3-man groups max level 30 I think. Paladins could solo, so the level had to be low (grin)
I thought the mobs were frogs back then, but I could be wrong. As a Wizard, I used to port into the pyramid and run for the door to get to Feerrott... but those memories reside in some seriously scorched neurons. Sorry I cannot remember more. |
Mobs were definitely lizards... most of them got moved to Feerrott after.
For some reason, I think the entrance mobs were 20-25, and everything else inside was higher. I also remember that, if you could kill the outside guard mobs, you could usually kill some of the other mobs near the entrance, but not all of them. I also think my Rallos Zek Ogre Shaman wasn't KoS to them to start with (apprehensive or dubious maybe?).
As far as the spawns, I think they were similar, although I'd have to take a look at the current CT (I never really went there after the revamp). |
Thanks for the help, hopefully, you'll get rewarded with 'partial' reconstructed original zones.
My idea is not to make a new database with different zones, but have 'zone-spawns' within 'zone-spawns' that pop when required. The three revamped zones that came to mind were Nurga, Droga, and Lost Temple of CazicThule. I never played any of these zones pre-revamp, void Nurga, where we had a little 'scam' going on for leveling fast (anyone remember the 'invisible wall' you feared mobs to and killed them from behind?). I've already done Nurga, which is mostly 'fictional' since the only data I could find was what Secrets posted. But I figure if I get it up and running, people will change and fix as thery remember it. Nurga and Droga is hard to find data, as I guess not many played there. I probably should have done CT first, but I learned with Nurga, and plan to be a lot more organized wth CT. Old CT must have been a very popular zone in its time, while Googling, I saw a lot of people got upset after it was revamped (I also found a lot of good info on the old zone). In a nutshell, what will happen when you zone in is, the zone will pop either classic or revamped according to your characters level (by default action). So far what I could come up with is, the zone has to stay dynamic if you want it to pop according to level. Reason being, first one in the zone sets the spawn levels, and it stays like that tell this player leaves and the zone shuts down (so the zone won't repop on you while you're in there). If you only want the old classic zone, or better prefer the revamped version, you only need set it to whichever one, and turn off the level dectector. When I'm finished, I'll make a PEQ-Insert SQL version of CT, if anyone wants/requests it. I'll even do Nurga, but like I said , a lot of the data there is not true to classic, for lack of info. It will all be in my posted database too. |
My memory of prevamped CT was fighting in the temple with the gorillas on a level 35 druid in full group. Was relatively challenging, as gear then was absolute crap for everyone. Drops for rogue ravenscale armor was stupid rare and annoying. Poorly designed loot tables pretty much sums it up - which was perfectly in line with the rest of EQ at the time! :)
The link for seqmoddb.rar doesn't appear to be working, anyone got an alternative link? Thx!
Regards, Mg |
anyone have a working link/file
I too would be interested in this.
I have it on my site. Will move it to a public area later and share.
Used it when I reverted a bunch of zones a while back. |
Please!! I will archive it back myself in case people need it in the future. Old information like that is gold.
Your awesome, archived back.
So the first thing I did once I got my server setup was to revert the old zones. Lavastorm was the only zone that was completely wrecked, so I deleted all the spawn entries from the revamp lavastorm and added the pre-revamp mobs. Redid the zone lines including adding an invisble NPC to zone you into najena since the zoneline isn't hardcoded. Fixed the port spells so they don't port you underground.
I was going to release it on here since I haven't seen any put any of the pre-revamp zones up for download, but I have a few things I need to fix first. Sir Lindeal is firing off text on death and I can't find where this is driving from. I fixed his quest info so it's classic and it's located in lavastorm/, but this extra death text is driving from somewhere else and I can't seem to locate it. If anyone can help me find where it's coming from once I finish pathing I'll post the whole thing, spawns, zoneline fixes, quests, the whole thing so anyone can use the classic lavastorm zone. edit: oh yeah also a question...what is the # that is located before some NPCs names for/do? |
The npc_emotes table. I think it's a little weird that it's there, myself. May have been from before NPCs all had quest scripts instead?
I've been looking all over the forums for info on reverting zones to pre-revamp status and I have to say, it is all a bit overwhelming. Some posts are really old, some speak of updates that were 'to be publicly available' but the status appears unresolved, etc. It is quite likely that my search-fu is just lacking, but running that risk, I was curious is anyone in the know could fill in the blanks below so maybe we'd have a '1 stop thread/post' for this topic?
Basically, are the original zone / spawns / pathing / loot table already there? If so, how to enable? If not, is there a way to enable it (ex. HHP)? Is there a 'public' DB update available to revert? Etc. I'll list the easy ones since those are the only ones I seem to know about. All of the below are already present in the DB and appear in working order (just change zone destinations / client version to enable): 1. misty thicket - misty 2. south ro - sro 3. north ro - nro 4. east commonlands - ecommons 5. west commonlands - commons 6. oasis - already setup with north & south ro 7. freeport east - freporte 8. freeport west - freportw 9. freeport north - freportn 10. toxxulia - tox 11. innothule swamp - innothule These are the ones that appear to take some alternate actions / work, as mentioned in this thread or elsewhere that I am uncertain of the status: 1. Droga - npc capture list available in this thread; rest to be done by hand? 2. Nurga - same as Droga? 3. Temple of Caciz Thule - ??? 4. Splitpaw (pre-elementals) - ??? 5. Rathe Mountains (pre-frogs) - ??? 6. Highhold Pass - ??? 7. Lavastorm - maybe an update from this thread? 8. Nektulous - ??? So for the above... 1. is there a publicly shared DB update? 2. Captures available? 3. Workarounds (ex. from what I have read HHP has been a pita but I don't know if it still is and Lavastorm & Nek require clientside changes + db updates?)? I'll try to update this post with responses. FYI the latest live expansion, The Broken Mirror, has 'brought back' the original Plane of Hate... sort of. The zone file is available but of course the pops, etc are all new. Anyone have any captures of the original and maybe an idea how to mesh the two? |
TakProject has many of these prerevamped zones in their database. I rob a lot of data from them.
I just got old Splitpaw implemented on my server via the data from TakProject (thanks provacting!) and thought I'd share my experience so anyone else coming along and asking about this topic will know the hurdles (and to allow others to peer review my efforts in case I missed something).
Here's what I did: 1. Check groundspawns There was only one - Reddish Crystal - which was moved to The Hole. I removed the spawn from The Hole (set zoneid = 0) and added the spawn for Splitpaw from TakProject. 2. Move grid values (zoneid = 18) Note your zoneid (in this case, 18 for paw), backup the current grid values, then delete them and insert the grid values from TakProject. 3. Move grid_entries Same as above - back up current entries, delete, then add the ones from TakProject. 4. Move spawngroup Insert the spawngroup entries from TakProject and record the new IDs. 5. Move spawn2 I updated the current spawn2 entries to change the zone name from paw to elementalpaw, then insert the ones from TakProject. 6. Move spawnentry & npc_types Instead of altering every spawn entry for the current NPCs, I elected to remove the ones that didn't belong. So I backed up the unwanted / conflicting npcs, then deleted them. Next I inserted the missing npcs (ensuring no npc ID conflicts). Next using Excel, I populated the rows from spawnentry from TakProject with the spawngroup IDs I recorded previously, then inserted them into the DB. 7. Manually check factions Most factions should be fine, but there was an error in my version where 771's primary faction was set to 314 when it should have been 309. 8. Insert loottable Insert the loottable from TakProject and record the IDs (conviently noted in the name field in the version I have). Now use those to update the NPC loottable entries for your NPCs. 9. Insert lootdrop The lootdrop table was missing a few rows but otherwise identical, so I copied those over. 10. Insert loottable_entries Export the loottable_entries then using Excel, update the cooresponding loottable_id - recall the lootdrop ids were the same for my databases. 11. Insert lootdrop_entries These were present and pre-populated, though I need to double check these. I do know my database had a lot of extra drops which needs to be cleaned up (defiant, etc). I'm no SQL guy, but the huge SQL statement I used to dig out the respective info for the zone was: Code:
select * Anyway, for those with experience doing this, please blast away with suggestions, criticism, etc! For those not, hopefully this helps you in your efforts. Btw, if you are doing Paw, don't forget to update South Karana too. On to the next zone! |
It's also worth noting that you can use the EoC tools to import most of this from one DB to another also. I have reverted many zones using it - Sirens, WW, Hole, Nurga, Droga, Paw, CT, Skyshrine, etc. There are a few things it doesn't do, but the majority of the heavy lifting is mostly taken care of.
Just a tip if you didn't know :) |
I had no idea - care to elaborate on how to do it? Thanks!
When I work on this challenge with my server, I'll likely add it into my eqcleanup program. This would make it so that turning the revamped zones to an older state as simple as selecting a menu option.
This is a huge help for me as I am a network engineer and have low skills in the DB department. Appreciate you guys sharing your procedures!
As an edit: would be cool to have a generic DB thats accurate or a script that would take the existing DB and somehow allow the choice of using the older content. Celestial |
Under the Zone Copy/Import tool. I like to go through and change a lot of the IDs on the things it imports (grid, npc_types, spawngroups, etc), but it imports a fully working copy of the zone. Note that you'll also need to set faction and loot tables after import, but this is a couple clicks to get started. |
When you assign npc_type IDs, n0ctrnl, is it just rudimentary increments or some such? i'm looking at making this inject automated.
The way Akkadius import script does it - as far as I can tell - is just starts filling in NPCs at the next available ID. I go back and drop them all in the original range - "<zoneid>###"
If you've not used the tool, you really should give a look. It reports the SQL it's just run, so I usually import to a dummy DB, then modify the queries before importing to my production DB. All in all a very powerful tool. Even moreso since Akkadius' update script will bring super old databases up to current schema with a minimal amount of manual effort. |
This is all awesome stuff - thanks for sharing! Definitely going to give the eqcleanup app a shot as well!
FYI, Phingel (a progression server) on Live has pre-revamp CT up and when Velious opens, I think it will be the original PoM (check Prathun's latest comments). Just sayin'...
Seriously original PoM?? Where can I see the announcement?
Edit: Just read the announcement. This is exactly like the server I would like to build.... Celestial |
Well hopefully someone will get us a wireshark capture.
Classic PoM is the best. TAKP is pretty close on it, really. I had to write some of the quests because I couldn't find them anywhere, but it was definitely worth it.
I just started work on PoM on my server, had a few people hit it this week. I definitely had to adjust the pathing, mobs were going through trees.
Click Here - this is the bit I was referring to:
I haven't circled back to do the Bristlebane/crowd depop cycle entirely, but that's on my list. |
Wow this is great! I started working on fixes for PoM such as the correct model of the white stallion and correct replies by some NPCs. I also created a script for Roxanne and the dancing sphinxes too. Love that zone, would like to see it "working" as envisioned from the first iteration.
Celestial |
I removed the forest pathing as on the original the mushroom men did not path at all like is setup in the PEQ db. And the treasure chest with half-lings is in the wrong space.
I collect a ton of info that was from Alkabor if anyone is intersted, has zone captures, spawns, paathing, etc... Celestial |
sub EVENT_SAY { Celestial |
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