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toolh3 02-01-2004 05:36 PM

PC stopping all network traffic
I've been trying to packet collect but everytime I start it up, it stops all my network traffic. I can't browse the web, I get d/c from EQLive and from IRC. I've read the readme, tried using the -d command to try all my other devices, but still no luck. I've tried my internal & external addresses. I can't seem to find another post about this so I'm stuck at the moment. Any have some ideas?

Edgar1898 02-02-2004 05:57 AM

Thats impossible, its a passive device, it only listens to traffic, it cant actually stop any

toolh3 02-02-2004 06:20 AM

Impossible or not, I lose all connectivity when I run pc. If I run pc and try to go to eqemulator.net, my browser will just sit there and eventually time out. As soon as I ctrl-c out of pc I can browse just fine. I don't understand it either.

Anyway, I tried it using Wincap 3.0 instead of 2.3. I had read to use 2.3 but someone suggested I try 3.0. When using 3.0, the device I was packet sniffing on doesn't show up in the device list now. When I try the two choice I do have, I never get the "Connection to EQ found" message and no packets are being collected. I don't get it. Maybe I've got something configured wrong.

RangerDown 03-29-2004 09:20 AM

I read some of the documentation in the wincap library that PC uses, and I remember it saying something about wincap doesn't work well on dialup. If you're using dial-up or any other PPP connection for your Internet access, PC might not work right. I had that problem with PC on my end too, and I use dial-up.

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