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Irreverent 07-27-2007 03:36 AM

Vanguard Emu
Ok, love the game...hate its state.

Its so going to be phased out soon, they're already offering free EQ2 with all expansions to subscribers who have canceled. Plus going for the 12 servers to 4. Its just going to be Matix/SWG low-income. I thought SoE just purchased it for its Intel Property.

Anyway, I'd freaking love to get a emulator working on it. Because it has SO much ability. However, its only had one retail release and that was buggy beyond comprehension. So I think its going to be impossible until they supposed "re-release" in sept.

Blakine 07-27-2007 07:09 AM

Played the beta, never bought it. I thought since McQuad was part of it that it would be good, like the original Everquest. It did not deliver. Not surprised it is having difficulties.

But yeah, an emu might be cool...

John Adams 07-27-2007 07:53 AM

This is something I stumbled upon a while ago: http://vgoemu.com/

I can't say anything has been done, and I think Ramsey is busy with SWGEmu, but who knows. I'd love to see an early VGOEmu too since any dev on an emulator will far surpass the actual Public Alpha we've been playing.

image 07-28-2007 07:52 AM

Sony isn't the type to shutdown a game, I think it will be a while before if they ever do shut it down. There is plenty of time to pull out an emulator in the future.

mixxit 07-18-2010 03:11 PM

lets get this going before it goes the way of mxo


Sepiniath 08-12-2010 08:28 AM

This is one game that's in need of an emulator more than anything

dalamar1011 07-13-2011 05:22 PM

Shameless bump, if someone can get a RIFT emu going surely something can be done for VG as well.

provocating 12-19-2011 03:03 PM

Yes, it would be nice. One of the problems with Vanguard in a whole is the client is somewhat clunky. When playing it live just recently, back in 9/2011 it was still slow on an i7 with an Nvidia Fermi

John Adams 12-20-2011 09:59 AM

Couple of us at EQ2Emulator have been looking into the initial work Ramsey (SWGEmu) had done. Nothing serious yet, just in our spare time.

If any dev types are interested in getting serious about it, let me know, otherwise it's just seeing what we can make happen. Hopefully we can get the ball rolling before the last server disappears.

Or has it? hah

provocating 12-20-2011 10:30 AM

From what I read the other day, it is done, over, turned off.

Might had been this one.


I am wondering, I know SWGEMU kind of had a reboot recently where they took a step back, way back and started over. I am guessing they are still in an infancy stage ? Just strange as long as that has been going that it is not at a higher stage of completion.

Expletus 12-29-2011 02:12 PM

I'd give my left and right testicle for a vanguard EMU server. I'm that serious about it!

provocating 12-29-2011 02:23 PM

I know, I mean with a good community it could actually turn out better than what was originally put out.

Expletus 12-30-2011 12:31 AM

I agree 100%.

Amphitryon 01-03-2012 05:29 PM

Tbh, one is better off taking the Ryzom core and modifying it as opposed to emulating. I mean you have open source client, server, tools, and world editor.

Myself, I have been exporting assets from SWG and converting them for use in Ryzom Core (models, textures, heightmaps).

Basically decided it was easier to create a new Star Wars MMO using the Ryzom Core and the now-dead SWG's object assets than to wait around for a server emulator for it (been 6 years now and still nothing of appreciable quality in that department)

At least this way I am not gated, not limited by client licensing issues, or by having to wait on reverse engineering efforts, and get open source client/server code that gets updated along with the live code.

Ryzom Core is almost like having a turn-key MMO development platform.

Great if you want to make you own MMO (content-wise) but lack a stable full of C++ developers skilled in reverse engineering and a desire to work on your project. Instead a MMO project can be all about getting 3D modelers, scripters, world designers instead.

provocating 01-03-2012 06:08 PM

Yeah I was in shock when I heard they released the core and the client.

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