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Hardy 10-09-2002 11:45 AM

Asherons Call Emu
Anyone know a good one? Currently at uas.ath.cx, but every time i seem to get on that one it crashes. Waiting for there post now to hopefully get some help.

DeletedUser 10-27-2002 12:08 PM

all of the asheron call emulators are dead.

DeletedUser 10-28-2002 02:36 AM

HAhahahahahahahahha shows how much that game sucks :)

Hardy 10-29-2002 05:25 AM

they not dead: http://uas.ath.cx/ Been playing on there servers off and on

DeletedUser 10-30-2002 12:28 PM

yeah, sorry for the misleading information.

Awhile ago they all were dead.. but they have around 3 nice ones around.

Hardy 10-30-2002 01:53 PM

Yea, they now made a Quake style server, have yet to check that one out, should be fun. I see about the same amount of users on them as I do on here, so its about just as popular

DeletedUser 11-09-2002 07:01 AM

sounds.. different lol

11-23-2002 09:14 AM

Asheron's Call sucks... End of Story!!!

-Wizzel :)

abaddon 12-10-2005 09:59 AM

currently the only Asheron's Call server I have been able to locate is the UAS project (which by the way has changed sites.. it is now http://www.uas.cc ) however they stopped working on it a couple years ago.

I however along with a few friends equally as bored as myself have restarted the UAS project. for information on new developments check the following link:


mattmeck 12-10-2005 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by abaddon
currently the only Asheron's Call server I have been able to locate is the UAS project (which by the way has changed sites.. it is now http://www.uas.cc ) however they stopped working on it a couple years ago.

I however along with a few friends equally as bored as myself have restarted the UAS project. for information on new developments check the following link:


way to respond to a post that was from 11-23-2002, 09:14 PM

hope ya feel special, cause we all think you are now.

RangerDown 12-11-2005 03:50 AM

While I agree that he's "special," it's from remembering his previous post history in here (see his recent posts).

But keep in mind different people will draw the line at different places as to how long a post should be inactive before posting in it is a blatant act of "necromancy" versus a legitimate update to the thread. Some might believe that if they really have something significant to say to the thread, they should revive the thread even if it's been dormant for years.

The fact that the Archive forums are on read/write status conveys to some that the mods here don't have a problem with reviving old threads. If that practice is indeed frowned upon, there's a quick and easy way to solve it: lock the Archive forums into read-only status. (IMO, that's what should have happened all along.)

mattmeck 12-11-2005 05:37 AM


Originally Posted by RangerDown
While I agree that he's "special," it's from remembering his previous post history in here (see his recent posts).

exactly, wasnt just going off this one incident


Originally Posted by RangerDown
But keep in mind different people will draw the line at different places as to how long a post should be inactive before posting in it is a blatant act of "necromancy" versus a legitimate update to the thread. Some might believe that if they really have something significant to say to the thread, they should revive the thread even if it's been dormant for years.

do I need to requote the first part lol


Originally Posted by RangerDown
The fact that the Archive forums are on read/write status conveys to some that the mods here don't have a problem with reviving old threads. If that practice is indeed frowned upon, there's a quick and easy way to solve it: lock the Archive forums into read-only status. (IMO, that's what should have happened all along.)

Wish I could, however the Dev in charge of the forums almost never come here, but you already know this. A 3 year old post should have been locked for a long time IMO.

mattmeck 12-11-2005 05:44 AM

HA Guess I could change it =)

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