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-   -   Plugin: Player Leaderboards (In-Game) (https://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=37650)

Akkadius 12-24-2013 12:49 AM

Plugin: Player Leaderboards (In-Game)

To display an in-game leaderboards for players to see where they rank.


I've had this code written for ages so the quality is so-so. But it definitely does what it needs to do. Feel free to modify if want.


Required: Perl DBI - See Google for installing Perl DBI/DBD for Mysql, until I create an article explaining otherwise.
Required: plugin::LoadMysql(); - See thread HERE
Required: Popup Window plugin utils
Required: Mysql table `cust_ext_leaderboards`



Source Table:


-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for cust_ext_leaderboards
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `cust_ext_leaderboards`;
CREATE TABLE `cust_ext_leaderboards` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `class` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `race` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `hp` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `mana` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `ac` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `status` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `aa` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `level` int(11) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

Usage Example:


                quest::say("What do you want?");
                quest::say(quest::saylink("I want to check my player leaderboards man!", 1));
        # Plugin will match for 'player leaderboards' and display menu options, it will also respond to further saylinks

Note: In order to actually have the players info collected, you have to insert the collection routine somewhere. I usually trigger it in EVENT_ENTERZONE of global_player.pl but you can do it however you want:


Plugin File: (Goes under /plugins folder)
Name: Leaderboards.pl

Options: You can set your website Magelo Path under LoadMageloPath, or you can put in javascript:; or # if you don't have a site.

Enjoy, let me know if you experience issues.

thepoetwarrior 12-24-2013 07:14 AM


Originally Posted by Akkadius (Post 227040)
Note: In order to actually have the players info collected, you have to insert the collection routine somewhere. I usually trigger it in EVENT_ENTERZONE of global_player.pl

Nice Akkadius!


I prefer to run the collection routine in this sub:


That way code runs only 1 time when player logs in, instead of every time they zone.

That way it won't spam update the database each time a player dies or zones.

Nibiuno 02-24-2015 08:24 PM

Is this still working? I installed everything, and queries are working. When I say 'player leaderboards' I get the text "Player Leaderboards" and a list of classes in saylink format. If I click any of the saylinks, nothing happens. If I manually type the trigger, nothing happens as well.

Im not sure if Im missing a plugin. I downloaded the popup_window_utils, DBI is working, and the database table is working and being populated.

Akkadius 02-25-2015 01:26 AM


Originally Posted by Nibiuno (Post 238213)
Is this still working? I installed everything, and queries are working. When I say 'player leaderboards' I get the text "Player Leaderboards" and a list of classes in saylink format. If I click any of the saylinks, nothing happens. If I manually type the trigger, nothing happens as well.

Im not sure if Im missing a plugin. I downloaded the popup_window_utils, DBI is working, and the database table is working and being populated.

Set quest logging and see if there are any errors? It could be that you are missing a plugin like you said.

I would download a fresh batch of plugins from the stickied SVN in the thread:


epilz 03-09-2015 08:24 PM

I have tried this plugin, and I am running into the same issue that Nibiuno stated above. Verified DBI is working, the cust_ext_leaderboards is being populated correctly. The popup_windows_utils and leaderboards.pl are in the plugin folder. I get the saylinks for classes, but once I click one of them, nothing happens.

ghanja 03-09-2015 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by epilz (Post 238476)
I have tried this plugin, and I am running into the same issue that Nibiuno stated above. Verified DBI is working, the cust_ext_leaderboards is being populated correctly. The popup_windows_utils and leaderboards.pl are in the plugin folder. I get the saylinks for classes, but once I click one of them, nothing happens.

Do you have quest logging on? Anything in the logs?

epilz 03-09-2015 08:43 PM

yes I have logging set to 3, I can see the queries happening, but no errors

Akkadius 03-09-2015 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by epilz (Post 238476)
I have tried this plugin, and I am running into the same issue that Nibiuno stated above. Verified DBI is working, the cust_ext_leaderboards is being populated correctly. The popup_windows_utils and leaderboards.pl are in the plugin folder. I get the saylinks for classes, but once I click one of them, nothing happens.

I'm sorry, but this reminds me of this:


I have to help someone quick but I will check into this plugin. Thanks for reporting.

epilz 03-09-2015 08:47 PM

LMAO Akka, thanks

Akkadius 03-10-2015 07:03 PM

Looking at this now

Akkadius 03-10-2015 08:21 PM

OK, spent about an hour cleaning this up.

Replace Leaderboards.pl in your plugins folder with this code:



Source Table:


-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for cust_ext_leaderboards
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `cust_ext_leaderboards`;
CREATE TABLE `cust_ext_leaderboards` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `class` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `race` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `hp` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `mana` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `ac` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `status` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `aa` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `level` int(11) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

epilz 03-10-2015 08:43 PM

Thanks for the update. Copied the new code to Leaderboards.pl in my plugins folder and resourced my DB. Do not get the popup window, but that maybe because the cust_ext_leaderboards table has not been populated yet. I have the following in my global_player.pl file.


sub EVENT_ENTERZONE {       

Akkadius 03-10-2015 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by epilz (Post 238529)
Thanks for the update. Copied the new code to Leaderboards.pl in my plugins folder and resourced my DB. Do not get the popup window, but that maybe because the cust_ext_leaderboards table has not been populated yet. I have the following in my global_player.pl file.


sub EVENT_ENTERZONE {       

Make sure you have the DiaWind plugin.

It has become apparent to me we need a decent way to update plugins because people are apparently downloading the wrong ones...

epilz 03-10-2015 08:50 PM

Yup. I have it. I downloaded all the plugins from the repository. Check them daily to see if there are any new changes.

Here is the Diawind.pl plugin.


#::: Author: Akkadius
#::: This plugin can work as an extensive drop in replacement for quest::say
#::: This plugin also offers extensive options for easily formatting windows.
#::: Usage: plugin::DiaWind("Window text");
#::: For explanation of use, see: http://wiki.eqemulator.org/p?The_DiaWind_Plugin&frm=Perl_Plugins_Master_Reference

sub DiaWind {
        my $Text = $_[0]; my $npc = plugin::val('$npc'); $client = plugin::val('$client'); $name = plugin::val('$name');
    my $Opt = 0;
        if(!$PopId){ $PopId = 999; }
        $Text=~ s/~/<\/c>/g;
        $Text=~ s/\{y\}/<c \"#CCFF33\">/g;
        $Text=~ s/\{lb\}/<c \"#00FFFF\">/g;
        $Text=~ s/\{r}/<c \"#FF0000\">/g;
        $Text=~ s/\{g}/<c \"#00FF00\">/g;
        $Text=~ s/\{gold}/<c \"#FFFF66\">/g;
        $Text=~ s/\{orange}/<c \"#FFA500\">/g;
        $Text=~ s/\{gray}/<c \"#808080\">/g;
        $Text=~ s/\{tan}/<c \"#daa520\">/g;
        $Text=~ s/\{bullet}/•/g;
        $Text=~ s/\$name/$name/g;
        $Text=~ s/\{linebreak}/--------------------------------------------------------------------/g;
        $Text=~ s/\{rowpad}/<tr><td>{tdpad}<\/td><td>{tdpad}<\/td><\/tr>/g;
        $Text=~ s/\{tdpad}/----------------------/g;
        $Text=~ s/\{in}/&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;/g;
        my ($mvoice) = $Text =~ s/mysterious//g;
        my ($achievement) = $Text =~ s/achievement//g;
        my ($noquotes) = $Text =~ s/noquotes//g; if($noquotes){ $quo = ""; } else{ $quo = "'"; }
        my ($nobracket) = $Text =~ s/nobracket//g;
        my ($nosound) = $Text =~ s/nosound//g;
        my ($cname) = $Text =~ /{(.*)\>/; $Text =~ s/{$cname\>//g;
                ($bracket) = $Text =~ /\[([^\]]+)\].*/;
                ($bracket2) = $Text =~ /\[(.*)\>/;

        my ($anim) = $Text =~ /\+(.*)\+/; $Text=~ s/\+$anim\+//g;
        my ($Timer) = $Text =~ /\=(.*)\=/; $Text=~ s/\=$Timer\=//g;
        my $response = ""; my $ClickQueue = ""; my $Options = "";
        my @popupid = $Text =~ /popupid\:(\d+)/g;
        if($popupid[0]){ $PopId = $popupid[0]; my $string = "popupid:" . $popupid[0]; $Text=~ s/$string//g; }
        my @wintype = $Text =~ /wintype\:(\d+)/g;
        if($wintype[0]){ if($wintype[0] == 1){ $Opt = 1; }; my $string = "wintype:" . $wintype[0]; $Text=~ s/$string//g; }
                if($bracket){ $response = $bracket;        }
                if($bracket2){ $response = $bracket2;        }
                @data = ($Text =~ m/\[([^\]]+)\]/g);
                foreach $val (@data){ $Options .= "" . quest::saylink($val, 1) . " - ";}
                if($data[1]){ $client->Message(15, " --- Select Response from Options --- "); $client->Message(0, "[" . substr ($Options, 0, -3) . "]"); }
        if($anim){ if($anim > 0){ quest::doanim($anim); } else{ plugin::DoAnim($anim);} }
        my $string = quotemeta("[" . $bracket2 . ">"); $Text=~ s/$string//g;
        if($Timer > 0){ $ClickQueue = "<c \"#F07F00\">This message will disappear in " . $Timer . " second(s)...</c>"; }
        elsif($response ne ""){ $client->SetEntityVariable("npcresponse", $response);
                if($Opt == 1){ $ClickQueue = "<c \"#F07F00\">Click 'Yes' to continue'...</c>"; }
                else{ $ClickQueue = "<c \"#F07F00\">Click 'OK' to respond with '" . $response . "'...</c>"; }
        }else{ $client->SetEntityVariable("npcresponse", "");
                if($Opt == 1){ $ClickQueue = "<c \"#F07F00\">Click 'Yes' to continue'...</c>";}
                else{ $ClickQueue = "<c \"#F07F00\">Click 'OK' to continue...</c>"; }
        if($achievement){} elsif($cname){ $Speaking = $cname . " says"; } elsif($mvoice){ $Speaking = "A Mysterious Voice says"; } else{ if($npc){ $Speaking = $npc->GetCleanName() . ' says'; } }
        if($achievement){ $Title = "New Achievment!"; } else{ $Title = "Dialogue: " . $Speaking; }
        if($achievement){ $Timer = 5; quest::popup($Title,  $Text . "" . $ClickQueue . "", $PopId, $Opt, $Timer); }
        else{ quest::popup($Title,  "<c \"#CCFF33\">" . $Speaking . "</c><br><br>" . $quo . "" . $Text . "" . $quo . "" . "<br><br>" . $ClickQueue . "", $PopId, $Opt, $Timer); }
        $PopId = undef; $achievement = undef;

#::: Used for include of EVENT_POPUPRESPONSE
#::: http://wiki.eqemulator.org/p?The_DiaWind_Plugin#to-activate-this-plugin
sub DiaWind_Process_Response{
        my $popupid = plugin::val('$popupid');
        my $client = plugin::val('$client');
        if($popupid == 999){
                my $nresponse = $client->GetEntityVariable("npcresponse");
                if($Debug){ $client->Message(15, "Debug Silent Message: '" . $nresponse . "'"); }
                if($nresponse ne ""){ $client->SilentMessage($nresponse); } return;

Akkadius 03-10-2015 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by epilz (Post 238531)
Yup. I have it. I downloaded all the plugins from the repository. Check them daily to see if there are any new changes.

Here is the Diawind.pl plugin.


#::: Author: Akkadius
#::: This plugin can work as an extensive drop in replacement for quest::say
#::: This plugin also offers extensive options for easily formatting windows.
#::: Usage: plugin::DiaWind("Window text");
#::: For explanation of use, see: http://wiki.eqemulator.org/p?The_DiaWind_Plugin&frm=Perl_Plugins_Master_Reference

sub DiaWind {
        my $Text = $_[0]; my $npc = plugin::val('$npc'); $client = plugin::val('$client'); $name = plugin::val('$name');
    my $Opt = 0;
        if(!$PopId){ $PopId = 999; }
        $Text=~ s/~/<\/c>/g;
        $Text=~ s/\{y\}/<c \"#CCFF33\">/g;
        $Text=~ s/\{lb\}/<c \"#00FFFF\">/g;
        $Text=~ s/\{r}/<c \"#FF0000\">/g;
        $Text=~ s/\{g}/<c \"#00FF00\">/g;
        $Text=~ s/\{gold}/<c \"#FFFF66\">/g;
        $Text=~ s/\{orange}/<c \"#FFA500\">/g;
        $Text=~ s/\{gray}/<c \"#808080\">/g;
        $Text=~ s/\{tan}/<c \"#daa520\">/g;
        $Text=~ s/\{bullet}/•/g;
        $Text=~ s/\$name/$name/g;
        $Text=~ s/\{linebreak}/--------------------------------------------------------------------/g;
        $Text=~ s/\{rowpad}/<tr><td>{tdpad}<\/td><td>{tdpad}<\/td><\/tr>/g;
        $Text=~ s/\{tdpad}/----------------------/g;
        $Text=~ s/\{in}/&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;/g;
        my ($mvoice) = $Text =~ s/mysterious//g;
        my ($achievement) = $Text =~ s/achievement//g;
        my ($noquotes) = $Text =~ s/noquotes//g; if($noquotes){ $quo = ""; } else{ $quo = "'"; }
        my ($nobracket) = $Text =~ s/nobracket//g;
        my ($nosound) = $Text =~ s/nosound//g;
        my ($cname) = $Text =~ /{(.*)\>/; $Text =~ s/{$cname\>//g;
                ($bracket) = $Text =~ /\[([^\]]+)\].*/;
                ($bracket2) = $Text =~ /\[(.*)\>/;

        my ($anim) = $Text =~ /\+(.*)\+/; $Text=~ s/\+$anim\+//g;
        my ($Timer) = $Text =~ /\=(.*)\=/; $Text=~ s/\=$Timer\=//g;
        my $response = ""; my $ClickQueue = ""; my $Options = "";
        my @popupid = $Text =~ /popupid\:(\d+)/g;
        if($popupid[0]){ $PopId = $popupid[0]; my $string = "popupid:" . $popupid[0]; $Text=~ s/$string//g; }
        my @wintype = $Text =~ /wintype\:(\d+)/g;
        if($wintype[0]){ if($wintype[0] == 1){ $Opt = 1; }; my $string = "wintype:" . $wintype[0]; $Text=~ s/$string//g; }
                if($bracket){ $response = $bracket;        }
                if($bracket2){ $response = $bracket2;        }
                @data = ($Text =~ m/\[([^\]]+)\]/g);
                foreach $val (@data){ $Options .= "" . quest::saylink($val, 1) . " - ";}
                if($data[1]){ $client->Message(15, " --- Select Response from Options --- "); $client->Message(0, "[" . substr ($Options, 0, -3) . "]"); }
        if($anim){ if($anim > 0){ quest::doanim($anim); } else{ plugin::DoAnim($anim);} }
        my $string = quotemeta("[" . $bracket2 . ">"); $Text=~ s/$string//g;
        if($Timer > 0){ $ClickQueue = "<c \"#F07F00\">This message will disappear in " . $Timer . " second(s)...</c>"; }
        elsif($response ne ""){ $client->SetEntityVariable("npcresponse", $response);
                if($Opt == 1){ $ClickQueue = "<c \"#F07F00\">Click 'Yes' to continue'...</c>"; }
                else{ $ClickQueue = "<c \"#F07F00\">Click 'OK' to respond with '" . $response . "'...</c>"; }
        }else{ $client->SetEntityVariable("npcresponse", "");
                if($Opt == 1){ $ClickQueue = "<c \"#F07F00\">Click 'Yes' to continue'...</c>";}
                else{ $ClickQueue = "<c \"#F07F00\">Click 'OK' to continue...</c>"; }
        if($achievement){} elsif($cname){ $Speaking = $cname . " says"; } elsif($mvoice){ $Speaking = "A Mysterious Voice says"; } else{ if($npc){ $Speaking = $npc->GetCleanName() . ' says'; } }
        if($achievement){ $Title = "New Achievment!"; } else{ $Title = "Dialogue: " . $Speaking; }
        if($achievement){ $Timer = 5; quest::popup($Title,  $Text . "" . $ClickQueue . "", $PopId, $Opt, $Timer); }
        else{ quest::popup($Title,  "<c \"#CCFF33\">" . $Speaking . "</c><br><br>" . $quo . "" . $Text . "" . $quo . "" . "<br><br>" . $ClickQueue . "", $PopId, $Opt, $Timer); }
        $PopId = undef; $achievement = undef;

#::: Used for include of EVENT_POPUPRESPONSE
#::: http://wiki.eqemulator.org/p?The_DiaWind_Plugin#to-activate-this-plugin
sub DiaWind_Process_Response{
        my $popupid = plugin::val('$popupid');
        my $client = plugin::val('$client');
        if($popupid == 999){
                my $nresponse = $client->GetEntityVariable("npcresponse");
                if($Debug){ $client->Message(15, "Debug Silent Message: '" . $nresponse . "'"); }
                if($nresponse ne ""){ $client->SilentMessage($nresponse); } return;

Do you know if you have DBI installed?

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