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Furinex 04-10-2016 06:59 PM

Classic Spell Effects
So, This has been brought up in the past a number of times, including from myself. Classic Spell effects and how to use them with it being completely borked. Over the past few years, I've worked on a method to get as close as I could to the original spell effects, because honestly, the solutions present weren't good enough, or caused issues.. I'm even going as far as to get some of the newer spells using the old effects. There are some quirks with this however - but nothing that kills the experience completely. As a matter of fact, I've come so far with this, I cant play without it, as it drives a completely different experience. This is not unlike P99's spell effects modification - in-fact, I created those. I then stopped playing on p99 for quite some time due to some RL stuff, however I still worked on this over the years.

Why am I here? Well I'm wondering if there is some interest in something like this? If so I will gladly share my findings. That's it? Free will? Well, actually, I could use some help. Its time consuming, and harsh for testing... however I've come very far with it. That being said, I would be happy to share and make a collaboration out of it, if it would further this project at a faster rate than I've been going - epicslow.

Anyways, Penny for your thoughts.

demonstar55 04-10-2016 08:04 PM

Just to note, modern clients do have a way to directly access the old spell effects or at least they added ones that look a lot like classic spell effects. I'm not sure on the details but there are various modern clickies and some AAs that use effects that look an awful lot like classic spell effects :P

I'm not sure if any of our supported clients have them though :/ I guess for modern clients there maybe a less hacky way to get this done.

Furinex 04-10-2016 09:35 PM

Well, Im currently using the titanium client, have been for years, been kind of afraid to upgrade from that for various reason, just the number of customization to my client I guess. Anyways, this mod will basically force the classic spell effects and assign them to the correct spells. I guess I'll just add here, recommended for Titanium clients.

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