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Spike 05-10-2019 03:10 PM

EverQuest Single Player
I have had this idea of playing EQ alone for several years now, before I knew about EQEmu. But recently I wanted to start putting this plan into action.

You can play with bots if you want, this does make the game a lot easier. But if you want to solo a character from start to finish, here are some server rules I have made up. So far I've gone from level 1 - 40 without any issues and it has been a ton of fun.

If you have any ideas to add to this list, please let me know! :)

## Server Rule Changes

- Faster HP/MP/Endurance regen in and out of combat.
- Reduce NPC hit rate to something more fair.
- Slower food consumption.
- Remove corpse retrieval (very difficult when playing alone).
- Remove XP loss (you may die often and not be able to get out alive).
- Lower chance of NPC's running away when getting lower in HP .
- Allow binding anywhere (you may die often).
- Remove re-mem spells on respawn.
- Remove NPC enraging.
- Let monks have AC bonus with higher weight.
- Heal on level up (this is what most action RPGs do).
- Lower kick/bash stun level from 55 to 10.

## The MySQL Script


UPDATE rule_values SET rule_value = 999 WHERE rule_name = 'Character:DeathItemLossLevel';
UPDATE rule_values SET rule_value = 1 WHERE rule_name = 'Character:DeathExpLossMaxLevel';
UPDATE rule_values SET rule_value = false WHERE rule_name = 'Character:UnmemSpellsOnDeath';
UPDATE rule_values SET rule_value = 300 WHERE rule_name = 'Character:HPRegenMultiplier';
UPDATE rule_values SET rule_value = 300 WHERE rule_name = 'Character:ManaRegenMultiplier';
UPDATE rule_values SET rule_value = 300 WHERE rule_name = 'Character:EnduranceRegenMultiplier';
UPDATE rule_values SET rule_value = 300 WHERE rule_name = 'Character:ConsumptionMultiplier';
UPDATE rule_values SET rule_value = true WHERE rule_name = 'Character:HealOnLevel';
UPDATE rule_values SET rule_value = true WHERE rule_name = 'Character:BindAnywhere';
UPDATE rule_values SET rule_value = 15 WHERE rule_name = 'Character:RestRegenPercent';
UPDATE rule_values SET rule_value = 180 WHERE rule_name = 'Character:BaseRunSpeedCap' AND ruleset_id = 1;
UPDATE rule_values SET rule_value = 180 WHERE rule_name = 'Character:BaseRunSpeedCap' AND ruleset_id = 10;
UPDATE rule_values SET rule_value = true WHERE rule_name = 'Mercs:AllowMercs';
UPDATE rule_values SET rule_value = 0 WHERE rule_name = 'Combat:FleeMultiplier';
UPDATE rule_values SET rule_value = 75 WHERE rule_name = 'Combat:BaseHitChance';
UPDATE rule_values SET rule_value = 0 WHERE rule_name = 'Combat:NPCBonusHitChance';
UPDATE rule_values SET rule_value = 15 WHERE rule_name = 'Combat:MinChancetoHit';
UPDATE rule_values SET rule_value = 40 WHERE rule_name = 'Combat:MinRangedAttackDist';
UPDATE rule_values SET rule_value = 10 WHERE rule_name = 'Combat:ClientStunLevel';
UPDATE rule_values SET rule_value = 50 WHERE rule_name = 'Combat:MonkACBonusWeight';
UPDATE rule_values SET rule_value = true WHERE rule_name = 'NPC:LiveLikeEnrage';
UPDATE rule_values SET rule_value = 5 WHERE rule_name = 'Combat:FleeGrayHPRatio';
UPDATE rule_values SET rule_value = 5 WHERE rule_name = 'Combat:FleeHPRatio' AND ruleset_id = 1;
UPDATE rule_values SET rule_value = 5 WHERE rule_name = 'Combat:FleeHPRatio' AND ruleset_id = 10;

Aporia 10-23-2020 08:18 AM

Thanks for posting this

Taleason 10-24-2020 08:13 PM

A few more tweaks for solo play

-- This makes monsters easier for solo play

UPDATE npc_types SET AC=CEIL(level*20) WHERE level>19 AND AC>(level*20);
UPDATE npc_types SET maxdmg=(level) WHERE level>19 AND maxdmg>(level) AND id>1000 AND id<800000;
UPDATE npc_types SET mindmg=CEIL(level/10) WHERE level>19 AND mindmg>(level/10) AND id>1000 AND id<800000;
UPDATE npc_types SET hp=CEIL(level*35) WHERE level>19 AND hp>(level*35) AND id>1000 AND id<800000;
UPDATE npc_types SET STR=CEIL(level*4) WHERE level>19 AND STR>(level*4) AND id>1000 AND id<800000;
UPDATE npc_types SET STA=CEIL(level*4) WHERE level>19 AND STA>(level*4) AND id>1000 AND id<800000;
UPDATE npc_types SET DEX=CEIL(level*4) WHERE level>19 AND DEX>(level*4) AND id>1000 AND id<800000;
UPDATE npc_types SET AGI=CEIL(level*4) WHERE level>19 AND AGI>(level*4) AND id>1000 AND id<800000;
UPDATE npc_types SET _INT=CEIL(level*4) WHERE level>19 AND _INT>(level*4) AND id>1000 AND id<800000;
UPDATE npc_types SET WIS=CEIL(level*4) WHERE level>19 AND WIS>(level*4) AND id>1000 AND id<800000;
UPDATE npc_types SET CHA=CEIL(level*4) WHERE level>19 AND CHA>(level*4) AND id>1000 AND id<800000;
UPDATE npc_types SET ATK=CEIL(level*(9+(level/10))) WHERE level>19 AND ATK>(level*(9+(level/10))) AND id>1000 AND id<800000;
UPDATE npc_types SET MR=CEIL(level*1.50) WHERE level>19 AND MR>(level*1.50) AND id>1000 AND id<800000;
UPDATE npc_types SET CR=CEIL(level*1.50) WHERE level>19 AND CR>(level*1.50) AND id>1000 AND id<800000;
UPDATE npc_types SET DR=CEIL(level*1.50) WHERE level>19 AND DR>(level*1.50) AND id>1000 AND id<800000;
UPDATE npc_types SET FR=CEIL(level*1.50) WHERE level>19 AND FR>(level*1.50) AND id>1000 AND id<800000;
UPDATE npc_types SET PR=CEIL(level*1.50) WHERE level>19 AND PR>(level*1.50) AND id>1000 AND id<800000;
UPDATE items SET name=REPLACE(name, '(Test)', '');

These were taken from the following .SQL file, which I run on a basic server install to make it solo friendly. Feel free to change it to meet your own needs.

hayward6 10-26-2020 07:47 AM

This is good work man, thanks. I run The Sandbox in a very similar manner, but I've always just made these edits manually one by one in query browser, and some of them I have simply never thought to mess with. Between this and the tweaks I made to pets in another thread, my Necro is going to have a lot of fun. Now with these changes I don't have to stick with a pet class if I don't want to. I'll try it out tonight.

Thank you!

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