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WarAngel 06-09-2019 07:05 PM

Your playing with Bots ... techniques?
So there are a few threads out there about Bots and fixes needed. Certain commands not working, etc. Even a few folks changing the code to work better for them. I am not one of those talented enough to go that deep into code. I will wait for the Dev Gods to make things better.


I figure I could ask the community on their techniques on how they handle playing and using Bots as group buddies. I am curious as control over a whole adventure group of Bots using current commands that work. How to keep them from running up to your mob as you pull, or switching targets, ect.

Right now I have a macro that I use to keep the Bots from attacking as I pull...


And then have them attack when I need them too...

/target Qithalas (my character)
^follow ownergroup

Of course I have to then pick out my target (if I have multiple pulls) to get them to attack.

Any other techniques you folks developed with the current Bot build? :)


WarAngel 06-09-2019 07:27 PM

Well, I finally decided to make an account in Discord. And there are a few ideas there on this topic. But My question above still stands for those not in discord (yet). :-) The is the address to discord if anyone wants to check it out. Please forgive me if 1.) I am not allowed to paste an address here 2.) I suck at pasting addresses.



Uleat 06-09-2019 09:11 PM

(to be kurt..)

On pulling, I usually target myself or one of the bots to keep them from attacking.

This keeps them in range and I am free to maneuver to a 'clean' spot for the fight.

If you want to force to only fight one target and not change, there is the option of setting Group->MainAssist (on yourself or another player.)

This will keep the bots focused on whatever target the MA has.

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