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Mythar 01-19-2021 02:53 AM

Hello, Im trying to set up my server for progression.

Settings in DB table rule_values:
World:UseClientBasedExpansionSettings = false
World:ExpansionSettings = 0

As far as I have read on this forum, this works with the Titanium client.

Im using the RoF2 client and Im still able to, goto any zone, even with table account status set to 0.

Am I missing something ?

Walkure 01-27-2021 07:26 AM

Also interested
I am also interested in doing the same. Please let me know if you make any progress. I will do the same.

blackdragonsdg 01-27-2021 10:56 PM

I have never tinkered with the rules you are referencing so I can not help with that part but as an alternate method you can always try the following:

2. Go into account and set status = 0 for the desired account.
3. Go into zone and set min_status = 5 for all zones you don't want access to...If you use the following example it should lock you out of every zone post velious. EX: update zone set min_status = 5 where expansion >= 4;
4. If step 3 caused an undesired effect then you can either restore your database backup or use the following example to reverse it. EX: update zone set min_status = 0;

There are multiple ways to implement a progression style server some might be easier than others....status based or qglobals and/or databuckets with zone flags(PoP style) will both work. Years ago I even tinkered around with level based progression but that gets a little weird because not every expansion contains a level increase.

Mythar 01-28-2021 04:20 AM

Thx, also setting zone min_level to more than current max level works.

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