Originally Posted by Sarepean
Well, I'm not completely positive on that one.
I used to do a lot of Multi-questing on the Journeyman's Boots--- was lucrative business; 2000 platinum per multiquest had me all my equipment when I needed it for all of my characters. The trick to spawning the AC was to kill a few oddly named creatures. Most people would kill EVERYTHING and I'd watch as they camped the Ancient Cyclops for days and never see him where I could spawn him in two game days reliably.
I'm fairly positive that the respawn time on his placeholders was a little lower then normal, too. In fact, it's quite possible that it may have been between 30 seconds and 4 minutes, but definitely not the slightly over 10 minutes that PEQ has most spawns for. However, I never saw this guy pop more then once per game night.
I'm thinking that maybe we should (in the database), lower the spawn time, SERIOUSLY decrease his chances (I've got him and Grizzleknot both as 5% now) and set a Spawnlimit 1 flag on their spawngroup. It's not quite live, but at least we won't be seeing more then one of him at a time and the spawn times will be closer to accurate.
So, on your quest files, implement a timer before the spawn to tick off 74 seconds, and then randomly spawn one of your PHs, but I'd lower the chances of getting a Quillmane. There'd be nothing worse then having one of his corpses lying on the ground and one of him spawned.
You could set a death flag for Quillmane and, as long as he has a corpse, it doesn't remove his spawn flag?
Could probably just figure out how long it takes the corpse to expire and stall the $variable cancellation with a timer.
But what I have now is, the two cycles of PH, that are ona one out of three chance to spawn, then if the proper npc spawns, he has a small chance to spawn Quillmane elsewhere in the zone. Might be able to get away with lowering the chance for the Ph to spawn, if I lower spawn time.