Actually, EQEmu couldn't care less how you get your client files as long as it is by a legal & legit means. Downloading the trilogy of the sony site for use with EQEmu is perfectly acceptable, kosher, legal, etc.... its just that it isnt compatible with EQEmu at the moment
When the devs made the decision to make EQEmu run from a fresh install off a set of disks versus continually chasing EQLive... i jumped for joy! Even if I had to "shell out the $20" for titanium, its still 10000x times better than accidentally patching to live and screwing my ability to play EQEmu for months at a time (aka, the way it USED to be before the coded for Titanium)
...but i suppose that the Devs will never be able to make everyone happy. Bitch about not being able to play EQEmu at all or bitch about having to shell out a one time fee of $20.... *sigh*