So, I've been here for a little while, I see posts of all variations that very much resemble history repeating itself, one of which is the classic topic.
People will complain until the bitter end that P99 doesn't "share" their source/db and what have you, but to be completely honest, they aren't obligated to and they literally don't owe the community anything.
It is no different than said organization (not to confuse with business) of a few guys who dump their heart and soul into a project with insane amounts of time, they don't have to share their work because it is their fucking work, regardless of whether it resembles what "should" be available to the public.
While it is very encouraged to give back and a person/organization doesn't have to, P99 has definitely given back in more ways than people have a fucking clue about directly and indirectly and its the attitude that something is owed that pisses me off regardless of the intricacies of the drama that transpire around said server.
Circle back to my original point of repeating, every once in a while there are people who have stars in their eyes with enough fume to get a server up and half working and then realize how much work they are in for, and that if it really was that simple than everyone would be doing it. Running a project is not just throwing some content and source together, it becomes a whole other realm when you all of a sudden have many players to respond to and integrity of the project as a whole to maintain.
That being said, appreciate that there is EQEmu in its current form and that there is as much availability as there is and there is in my opinion, an incredibly healthy attitude about sharing and contribution amongst many. I feel obligated myself to continue to facilitate this as much as I can even though my days of playing with server content have been gone for quite some time. It's been about giving back to a community that gives people so much freedom and ability to express their own creativity and learn things they had no idea they'd even affiliate themselves to.
To conclude, if someone wants to head up a next-to classic project, organize it and run it with a healthy, non-spiting attitude that is of P99 I more than welcome it. However I must say, good luck.