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Old 10-11-2015, 09:48 PM
Join Date: Jan 2015
Posts: 75

Originally Posted by haynar View Post
Yes, I dev on P99 and Takp. I have helped out on EQEmu a little too, but not much.

I have added several of things I did on p99 to takp. Nothing is a cut and paste anymore. There are many differences that make it basically so I have to re-develop things.

Nilbog and Rogean, with what they do on p99, was never the intention to have a server so populated. And there has been many thing that were necessary for that too. P99 was always about recreating the "classic" experience. If people wanted to play there, that's great too.

There are things I co-develop on both projects, like changes to the pathing systems. Those have diverged enough, they are still similar, but different.

There are things I have added to takp, that should be added to eqemu too. The original rotation code on p99 was done by Kanras, and for the life of me I struggled so hard to figure out exactly how it worked. And for the longest time I couldn't. But when learning how to decypher the movement delta's on takp, I figured out how the heading delta worked too. That let me do a new implementation of heading deltas, to allow mobs to rotate during certain movements.

Could I do more to contribute to the main EQEmu project? Sure, if I had time. I like to play this game too. I have gotten a whole one blue of exp, in the last 3 months. But I don't care.

If you want a "classic" server handed to you to work on? Get the PEQ db, start making changes. Work at it 30-40 hrs a week, for the next 2 years, with 2 or 3 other people, and tada, you will have it too.

Good luck. Happy coding.

And Go SLAY the DRAGON!!!!

So your saying that you guys feel like forcing everyone to spend 12,000 hours so they can start actually improving p99 database instead of reinventing the wheel? If p99 really only cared about the classic implementation and didn't care about having a monopoly of players then why would you place a 12,000 hr hurdle to others who have the same goal? Come on don't tell me it isn't about the coin.

In a free society anyone can do what they want but that doesn't stop me and people like me for calling people out on their BS.

I wonder if any of the p99 donators have ever asked for an audit to see where their money is ACTUALLY going . That would be interesting.
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