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Old 11-10-2022, 12:41 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jul 2022
Location: Norrath
Posts: 27
Smile Good question!

Originally Posted by Eastwood View Post

This sounds interesting in fact! I love the idea of a progression server. Why not character based gates instead of account based gates? This way, if you join later, or make alts, the content will stay relevant and veterans will have motivation to do older content to help others and their alts.

Anyways, I'm getting the EQ itch again, and this seems like a good server to hop into! when does it open?
Hey, Eastwood! Thanks!

So that's a really interesting question. The decision to have account based progression really came from the structure of the code used to allow for certain races/classes to become unlocked after X conditions are achieved.

Knowing what we know now, we probably could have made the race/class unlocks account bound and expansion progression character bound but I think there would be a split between those that want to be able to make an alt and not have to participate in raid kills to enjoy the content they already unlocked and those that would.

That being said, with the gear available from even old world raid targets, veterans will likely continue clearing that content enough to benefit new players that may be stuck.

As for launch... We launch TOMORROW! WOO!
(November 11, at 6PM EST).

Hope to see you there!
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