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Old 01-11-2023, 11:57 PM
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 36

Originally Posted by thefusz View Post
<Project Gate>
Project Gate is a Mostly-LEGIT-VELIOUS server dedicated to all of the old school EQ Legit Velious lovers.

Beastlords in Velious? Oh yeah!
Quality of life changes such as food/water usage and regen times
Holiday events! (Right now is Xmas & New years event!)
Server Wide OOC
Nostalgic items are in and dropping including Original DE mask + Manastone, original Wurmslayer, Rubicite armor and more!!!
Firepots are currently in and working!!
Druids and Wizards still port you [No Hubs]
Hotzones currently in play
All class epics are now dropping at a low drop rate % from the following Raid NPC's: Venril Sathir, Gorenaire and Trakanon!
6 box limit
Everything with over a 24 hour respawn timer has been changed to 4 hours!

Undergoing continuous updates ~
You can check out our discord to find updates, change-logs and more.
Come check us out - feedback welcome!
In addition to these things, we plan on having a system to help keep the grind interesting without being game-breaking or being totally custom (i.e: vendors selling Armor dyes and such for plat or maybe quest turn ins, etc) We have a few ideas we have been tossing back and forth. Hop in our discord and ask all the questions you have, we usually get back to you pretty quickly!
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