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Old 11-29-2023, 01:34 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jul 2022
Location: Norrath
Posts: 27

Thank you Sodapopin!

Up until this point, PoP has been the final expansion available on Retribution.

We have worked quite hard to address all bugs and suggestions, and to this point feel very good about the state of play. Recently, we have been working on providing players with new events and more importantly, access to more content.

If you haven't given Retribution a try, now is a great time. If you already came and conquered Quarm and moved on, now is also a great time to return. With aims set on new years launch- GoD will be coming to Retribution.

We look forward to partnering with our playerbase to tweak the many encounters just enough to be challenging (not impossible) for a 6 man team.

GoD will bring with it a level cap increase to level 70, as that was the originally intended level for the content and lends itself to the expectation of 6 man viability.

Additionally, our players have almost reached the next phase of our Froglok unlock event, and with that- another fabled raid encounter.

Be well, adventurers!
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