Thread: EQ Might
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Old 07-04-2024, 03:08 PM
ragetli's Avatar
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Zurich, Switzerland
Posts: 11
Default Update Q2, 2024

Today, July 4, 2024, EQ Might is celebrating its 2nd anniversary!

Various new zones and instances, including:
The Fabled Tower of Solusek Ro - Tier 11 raid instance.
Stillmoon Temple - Tier 10 solo/duo instance with fully custom NPCs and quests.
Sverag, Legions of Sverag - Tier 10 solo/duo instance.
The Corruption of Ro - Tier 10 solo/duo instance.
Sverag, Ravenous Undead - Tier 9 group instance.
Lodge of the Fang - Tier 8 solo/duo instance.
Circle of Drakes - Tier 8 solo/duo instance.

Players can now Unlock level 69 (Tier 11) by completing the following tasks:
- Defeat all Fabled PoP Tier 10 group instances.
- Defeat all Prophecy of Ro Tier 10 group instances.
- Defeat all Prophecy of Ro Tier 10 solo/duo instances.
- Defeat OMM.
- Attain Epic 2.0, The Black Gemstone (BiC, simplified) and three other epic quest items.
As per today, 18 players have already achieved this goal.

Additional new features:
- Many new Fabled NPCs and new custom NPCs in existing zones.
- Introduction of Ultrafabled NPCs, such as The Ultrafabled Sontalak (Tier 12).
- Various new reliquaries (server custom currency to buy zone specific items).
- Intoduction of Mystical Items (high end quest-items or rare-drops with three augmentation slots).
- Most reliquaries are now tradable between players with the same IP.
- Support for trading banked AA.
- Many new AAs unlocked with level 69.
- Epic 2.0 bow for Rangers.
- Plane of Time instance can be halted at half time and continued at a later time.
- Improved aggro options for tanks.
- Class balancing.
- Various new QoL enhancements.
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