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Old 09-25-2024, 02:54 PM
Join Date: Nov 2022
Posts: 36

Kunark Chapter 1 Released . Uncover the secrets in the 2 dungeons off of FoB and the raid encounter in FoB afterward there. Emperor Ganak wants you to enact revenge for him.

Kunark Chapter 2 Released. Uncover the secrets in the 2 dungeons off of FM and the raid encounter in FM afterward there. A ruined Temple of worship to a god long forgotten is now the home of The Mad.

Kunark Chapter 3 Releasing Today. Uncover the secrets of The North Wood (Warsilks) and Chelsith (Overthere) and their adjacent dungeons. Think you can Rock the Royals from the past? Charasis awaits. If you look hard enough, you may even find a certain son of an Emperor and his generals.

Really need people to test this out. Well more people LOL. So take a break from your grindy ass servers and try something different.
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