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Old 10-08-2024, 12:05 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jun 2018
Location: Eastern United States
Posts: 4
Smile EQA Web Tools

Hey all! I'm the server operator for EQA. I also wanted to highlight the web tooling I've been working on for EQA which I think are pretty cool.

EQA has its own login server / account registration at which allowed me to write character and account tools that provide numerous quality of life features - some features that are unique, some that are implemented by other servers as well.

1. EQA provides self-service character transfer between game (world server) accounts associated with your EQA web account.
2. EQA now provides a single place to search inventory for all characters associated with your EQA web account.
3. The character viewer (found by drilling down from your account list) shows you detailed information about your characters' data, inventory, faction, guild members, skills, spells (including which ones you've scribed), and which items the character discovered as server firsts.
4. The site provides full Allaclone functionality (which I've implemented from scratch) against the actual world server database. I regularly improve this based on player feature requests.
5. Zone pages provide detailed information about fishing, foraging, ground spawns, merchants, spawn points, npcs, as well as both classic and interactive maps with Z-axis filtering.

The app itself is open source and I'd be happy to share on request.
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