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Old 03-13-2004, 03:52 PM
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 45
Default anyone know if this is properly collecting the new fields?

since patch a few days ago when new fields were added does the packetcollector automaticly recognize and collect new fields or will we need an update?

I grabbed the new items sql tonight, sourced it in, logged in with the new code on shawns site and newest patched everquest. I logged on my server, summoned an item that I had collected and the attack and haste values weren't showing as they should.

so is this just a matter of the server needing to be updated to send this new data to the client, or does the collector need to be updated or does the upload server need to be updated to handle these new fields?

I looked in eqadmin in the items tab and didn't notice anything that would fit these new fields in there and I'm pretty sure eqadmin reads in all columns in the table, not just the ones it knows.

point is though, if it's not collecting or uploading properly then all the work that us people collecting are doing since this patch is wasted work, right clicking 200+ traders in bazaar once every other day or so and running around to most every town and hitting all the vendors is alot of finger work hehe, well maybe not all wasted work for items that don't use any of them fields and is all set to 0, but there are alot of items, esp higher end stuff that may be harder to collect multiple times cause of finding links that would suck if it wasn't being logged correctly

any quick response with some info on this would be cool, thanks
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