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Old 02-28-2015, 08:45 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 231
Default ! Zombie/Dragon Apocalypse!

The gale wind became riddled with the smell of death. The fresh air turned stale and the foul stench was left lingering in the nose. The hero's realized that they may have made a mistake. First it was the Lady and Lord dragons of Norrath, then of Kunark. The blood shed spilled into Velious and Luclin claiming the leaders of every race and faction.

Even then that was not enough. Through merciless planar slaughters and the unlocking of more evil and destruction, they were not satisfied. They turned to, and challenged the gods. One by one they fell. With every death, the hero's became more and more powerful.

As Touch, Fornever and Fludde decapitated the 4th Head of Quarm, Flocon ran in to alert them that something was wrong. She explained that as her and Moozilla were mindlessly slaughtering minions in the Plane of Fire, they noticed that they were sometimes encountering the same beings twice! As they sat their thinking Flo was delirious and just seeing things, Ghost arrives and says "Well finding you guys started off easy but then the trail of bodies ended, Weirdly enough the blood trail did not. Tolus and Tyke were with me and then we got swarmed by the undead and I have not seen them since..."

A loud cracking sound is heard. The ground freezes around them and they are all stuck!
Mayong Mistmoore comes walking through the fog dragging 4 bodies. The feared dragon Veeshan lands right beside him with an astounding thunder sound. And the sound of dragging chains can be heard. A cloud of disease slowly rolls in as Vekeros, Lord of the Undead emerges.

Veeshan rumbles, "You have gone too far mortals. Out of fear that your thirst for power will bring you to us, we are putting an end to it before you can!"
Mayong shouts "And as a sign of our seriousness you can watch your 4 friends be painfully executed in front of you!"
Vekeros shouts "And I will make them my slaves for eternity. I will infect them with my plague and then send them to slay you, and make you all my minions!"

Mayong presents Maceblade, Vattan, Tolus and Bloodeus.

Bloodeus says " We were jumped. They stormed us with all their minions and after 4 days of non stop fighting we couldn't hold it. Our dead started fighting us !"
Vattan says "All the cities fell. They took them one by one and then used them against us."
Vekeros says " The death of Bertox and Saryn unleashed a deadly plague on the dark arts cities and guilds. Anyone that worshipped them turned to the undead. Now you shall!"

Fornever's ice breaks free. He slashes Touch's ice mound with the Fiery Defender and then throws it at Fludde's! Fludde quickly rushes to free the other frozen hero's
Ravness slips out of the shadows to pick Mace's lock. Maceblade yanks his chains stumbling Mayong and freeing up Tolus, while Rav finishes the others.
Maceblade shouts "You shouldn't have questioned wether or not we were coming after you, because right now we can promise you we are!"
Touch shouts " Mace we got this, get out while you can! "
Fornever shouts "This is your doom! CHARGE!"

The hero's charge in. There is a lot of metal on metal sounds, screams, fog, explosions and then nothing. Everything is silent. The disease riddled fog is so thick that the unarmed had no choice but to flee.

The last remaining stronghold is Qeynos... for the living... The undead city is rumored to be in Unrest which only seems fitting.

What side will you choose?

You will be faced with a decision upon entering... Life of the living or the Undeath of death.

As the living you will start with 10 aa's and a small self hp buff.
As the undead you will have a custom undead ability based on the race you choose , that is rankable and increases as you progress. Ie: Zombie bash = Skill attack Bash with 50% chance to cast a AE Disease DoT .

Custom Server Specs:
Custom spell file. The spells were not modified but focus effects were. Focus effects play a more important role here than normal.
Server wide drops of all/all spells. Whats this mean? Any dropped spell can be used and scribed by anyone unless specified different.
1 bot spawned up to 10 created.
Enchanters get Dire Charm at level 20 and every spell charm should act as a perma charm.
AA's are custom as well. You may see Aa's for your class that are not normally there on other servers.
All AA's are set to level 1 achievable. AA's are granted via quests.
All gear is ALL / ALL
All Classes for All Races.

Hidden Quests with custom rewards
Completely custom quests and gear. Everything has been modified.
Legendary Quests (Unique rewards)
Exotic Quests (only 10 rewards handed out then NPC poofs)
Achievement Rewards and Quests (xxxx amount of undead / living killed)
Lore based quests as well.

NPC's aligned with factions. They are either with you or against you.
Rare Named with rare loot
Exotic NPC's
NPC first time killed rewards

Will you be in the zone when a Public Event happens? What will be in your chest?
"The ongoing war between the living and undead can happen anywhere. Maybe you could turn the tide of the battle."

--------<<< www.maceblade.proboards.com >>>--------
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Old 03-01-2015, 05:54 AM
Join Date: May 2013
Location: United States
Posts: 1,603

It's nice to see you back in the community, it's also nice to see you're occupying yourself with a learning project.
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Old 03-01-2015, 08:24 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 231

Thanks Krab, Im thankful for the friendly helpful people here, like yourself that are willing to to offer ideas, scripts and suggestions to us in learning.
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Old 03-03-2015, 08:53 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Texas
Posts: 28

Supported clients?
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Old 03-03-2015, 09:44 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 231

no tit or rof yet
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Old 03-03-2015, 11:20 AM
Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 1,103

Let me know when I can play this, cause I play all your shit.


Well, once i find a client, cause mine is fuxxored from my custom server.
"No, thanks, man. I don't want you fucking up my life, too."

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Old 03-05-2015, 08:24 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 231

lol will do bro, been trying to get it out as fast as I can w very little mistakes lol...
Link to client locations here
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Old 03-06-2015, 08:11 AM
Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 1,103

You're bae <3
"No, thanks, man. I don't want you fucking up my life, too."

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Old 10-16-2015, 11:06 AM
Join Date: Mar 2015
Posts: 33

Glad to see this server back up!! And the new content sounds awesome. Has always been one of my fav servers.

PRESTIGE----- 4 different prestige modes. Available at 65, 70 and 75. What does this mean? Glad you asked! It means, every time you prestige, You will be given a permanent buff that cannot be dispelled or over written and stacks with everything, however, there is a cost....

RACES-----Due to lack of participation, gnoll and orc races are still up for grabs... the first race to reach 500 kills wins. Dragon races are now attainable! Your dragon prestige comes with a permanent custom buff, new aug/clicky but you pay a hefty price at the cost of looking awesome!

HALLOWEEN ZONE---- You heard right! Do not expect to be able to walk through this zone solo like the last one... it will have insane loots and hard ass mobs. First persons to defeat the new end boss will receive custom loot and have loot named after them! Also, there will be quests Implemented into this Halloween event but not as hard to locate as the last one.

Good luck and happy hunting!

Read more: http://maceblade.proboards.com/threa...#ixzz3okAR7NVj
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