Wow, that's an objective unbiased poll
I had a conversation with one of the key people just a couple days ago and offered my input on what can make it a good, long-lasting server. While, just out of personal taste, I'm not that interested in the kind of ruleset GW has, I think the population of the old server before it went down speaks for itself. People had a ton of fun on it, and hopefully the proper measures are being implemented so that the issues that led to its first shutdown won't repeat themselves. If so, I foresee it being a popular server for a year or more down the road, and hopefully that can breathe some new life into eqemu.
Besides, after its shutdown, a handful of the playerbase has just kinda became homeless bums around here... lingering around the forums and the IRC channels and in general annoying the rest of us

Give them a home again and make them productive members of eqemu society... well, productive might be too much to ask but at least they're busy playing and not bothering the rest of us
BTW, what escrow company did you leave that $10 with to make sure when I win the poll I'm guaranteed the payout?