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Quests::Submissions This is where you submit your quests for review

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Old 07-24-2006, 02:43 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 117
Default Quest random rotator type mob

I figured i would share some of my perl stuff so here is a little helpful quest script that will allow you to generate a mob or mobs that will be able to say different things when you hail them. Good for rumors, to help implement tips and stuff or even boss mobs. Hopefully it will help those learning to use the random command
  if ($text=~/Hail/i)
$a = quest::ChooseRandom(4,8,7,1,5,10,3,9,2,6);
if ($a == 1)
quest::say("text here");
if ($a == 2)
quest::say("text here");
if ($a == 3)
quest::say("text here");
if ($a == 4)
quest::say("text here");
if ($a == 5)
quest::say("text here");
if ($a == 6)
quest::say("text here");
if ($a == 7)
quest::say("text here");
if ($a == 8)
quest::say("text here");
if ($a == 9)
quest::say("text here");
if ($a == 10)
quest::say("text here");
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