NPC_types has a column called lastname. The lastname text goes under the NPC's name in parenthesis (like you see with the merchants and bankers). In current releases of EQEmu, it isn't implemented.
Here is how to make it work.
First, you will need to change the definition to the table. lastname needs to be changed so it can no longer be NULL. If you don't do this, your zone server will crash. Use the following mysql line to make the change:
alter table npc_types modify lastname varchar(32) NOT NULL default '';
Once this is done, you are ready to change the code. In common/database.cpp Database:
BLoadNPCTypes change the line that reads
MakeAnyLenString(&query, "SELECT id,name,level,race,class,hp,gender,texture,helmtexture,size,loottable_id, merchant_id, banish, mindmg, maxdmg, npcspecialattks, npc_spells_id, d_meele_texture1,d_meele_texture2, walkspeed, runspeed,fixedz,hp_regen_rate,mana_regen_rate,aggroradius,bodytype,npc_faction_id,face FROM npc_types");//WHERE zone='%s'", zone_name
to read
MakeAnyLenString(&query, "SELECT id,name,level,race,class,hp,gender,texture,helmtexture,size,loottable_id, merchant_id, banish, mindmg, maxdmg, npcspecialattks, npc_spells_id, d_meele_texture1,d_meele_texture2, walkspeed, runspeed,fixedz,hp_regen_rate,mana_regen_rate,aggroradius,bodytype,npc_faction_id,face,lastname FROM npc_types");//WHERE zone='%s'", zone_name
then a few lines below that you will find
tmpNPCType.mana_regen = atoi(row[23]);
tmpNPCType.aggroradius = (sint32)atoi(row[24]);
if (row[25] && strlen(row[25]))
tmpNPCType.bodytype = (int8)atoi(row[25]);
tmpNPCType.bodytype = 0;
tmpNPCType.npc_faction_id = atoi(row[26]);
insert this line after that
strncpy(tmpNPCType.lastname, row[28], 32);
Now, in zone/mob.cpp Mob::FillSpawnStruct you will find the line
strcpy(ns->spawn.last_name, ns->spawn.last_name);
this should be changed to
strcpy(ns->spawn.last_name, lastname);
And that should do it.