Originally Posted by N0ctrnl
What I had hoped to do was remove the drop if a higher level even got on the hatelist - which would be the right way do to it - but that's above my skill level to figure out. Assuming it's even possible
It's possible.
You could verify it by adding this code: (found in
my @hatelist = $npc->GetHateList();
foreach $ent (@hatelist) {
my $h_ent = $ent->GetEnt(); # do not forget GetEnt() or the script halts!
my $h_dmg = $ent->GetDamage();
my $h_hate = $ent->GetHate();
if($h_ent) {
my $h_ent_name = $h_ent->GetCleanName();
quest::say("$h_ent_name is on my hate list with $h_hate hate and $h_dmg damage.");
$npc may not be set, so may need to get the entity and cast it over, but if the hate list isn't wiped out before DEATH event is triggered, the above code lets you iterate it's hate list.
Then, just change the code logic to get each entity's level and remove loot if a higher level is there.