I'm encountering a problem when grouping with mercs.
Here's the setup:
Player "Andy" owns the merc "Gohav"
Player "Bob" is without a merc.
Once Andyspawns his merc, and before Bobis invited to the group, the group_id table looks like this:
groupid charid name ismerc
5005 170527 Andy 0
5005 170527 Gohav 1
Next, Bob invites Andy to joins his group. Once accepted by Andy, the table looks like this:
groupid charid name ismerc
5006 170527 Gohav 1
5006 170539 Bob 0
5006 170539 Gohav 1
At this stage, Bob is seeing both Andy and Gohav in the group. But on Andy's screen, two Gohav's along with Bob is now in the group.
If however, Andy was the one to initiate and invite Bob to the group, this content of the table content and group-windows seem correct:
groupid charid name ismerc
6003 170527 Andy 0
6003 170527 Gohav 1
6003 170539 Bob 0
So, if the owner of a merc is not the one to invite other players, there are some serious side effects, like members only gaining xp if they are the one to get lasthit.
This merc-issue becomes even more hairy when multiple mercs are in a group.
Anyone have an idea of how to to fix this?
Thank you!