I've just put the first version of my model viewer up on the web.
http://www.geocities.com/kaiyodouk/ . Might help people who are looking for graphics for weapons and stuff.
I'll post a section of the readme save me typing what it does and doesn't do again
Kaiyodo's EQ Model Viewer :-
What it does:
Lets you view a lot of the EQ models in wireframe or textured. You can export them as Wavefront OBJ files too so you can play with them in 3dsMax!
How to use it:
1) Load it up and set your EQ directory so it can find the files. When it's found the EQ files the list on the left will fill up and it should Auto-select gequip.s3d
2) Press 'Load S3D'. It won't take long, when it's finished it'll say 'Done' at the bottom and auto-select the first file in the model list.
3) Press 'Load Model'. It'll say 'Loading WLD' for a bit then You'll get a screenful of crap, click on one of the names in the box at the bottom to view a single model rather then everything in the file.
4) Rotate about it a bit in the 3d view, left mouse button = rotate, right = pan, middle = zoom.
Thing that will go wrong:
1) Loading in zone S3Ds may take a while (30 secs or so, there are 1 million+ chunks to check in some of those files!), if they're Luclin zones they'll just crash. This is a model viewer, not a zone viewer, what did you expect
2) Some stuff won't have textures on.
3) Models that animate using skinning will screw up.
There's more info in the readme, but that should be enough to get people going