I would try updating your database or downgrading the source code so they match.
This section tells me your database is older than the source code you are using
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to find rule 'World:ClearTempMerchantlist'
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to interpret rule record for World:ClearTempMerchantlist
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to find rule 'World:AddMaxClientsPerIP'
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to interpret rule record for World:AddMaxClientsPerIP
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to find rule 'World:AddMaxClientsStatus'
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to interpret rule record for World:AddMaxClientsStatus
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to find rule 'TaskSystem:EnableTaskSystem'
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to interpret rule record for TaskSystem:EnableTaskSystem
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to find rule 'TaskSystem:PeriodicCheckTimer'
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to interpret rule record for TaskSystem:PeriodicCheckTimer
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to find rule 'TaskSystem:RecordCompletedTasks'
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to interpret rule record for TaskSystem:RecordCompletedTasks
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to find rule 'TaskSystem:RecordCompletedOptionalActivities'
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to interpret rule record for TaskSystem:RecordCompletedOptionalActivities
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to find rule 'TaskSystem:KeepOneRecordPerCompletedTask'
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to interpret rule record for TaskSystem:KeepOneRecordPerCompletedTask
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to find rule 'TaskSystem:EnableTaskProximity'
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to interpret rule record for TaskSystem:EnableTaskProximity
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to find rule 'World:EnableTutorialButton'
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to interpret rule record for World:EnableTutorialButton
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to find rule 'World:EnableReturnHomeButton'
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to interpret rule record for World:EnableReturnHomeButton
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to find rule 'World:MaxLevelForTutorial'
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to interpret rule record for World:MaxLevelForTutorial
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to find rule 'World:MinOfflineTimeToReturnHome'
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to interpret rule record for World:MinOfflineTimeToReturnHome
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to find rule 'Zone:AutoShutdownDelay'
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to interpret rule record for Zone:AutoShutdownDelay
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to find rule 'Character:MaxExpLevel'
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to interpret rule record for Character:MaxExpLevel
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to find rule 'Combat:AdjustProcPerMinute'
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to interpret rule record for Combat:AdjustProcPerMinute
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to find rule 'Combat:AvgProcsPerMinute'
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to interpret rule record for Combat:AvgProcsPerMinute
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to find rule 'Combat:ProcPerMinDexContrib'
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to interpret rule record for Combat:ProcPerMinDexContrib
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to find rule 'Combat:BaseProcChance'
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to interpret rule record for Combat:BaseProcChance
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to find rule 'Combat:ProcDexDivideBy'
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to interpret rule record for Combat:ProcDexDivideBy
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to find rule 'Chat:ServerWideOOC'
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to interpret rule record for Chat:ServerWideOOC
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to find rule 'Chat:ServerWideAuction'
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to interpret rule record for Chat:ServerWideAuction
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to find rule 'Spells:BaseCritChance'
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to interpret rule record for Spells:BaseCritChance
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to find rule 'Spells:BaseCritRatio'
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to interpret rule record for Spells:BaseCritRatio
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to find rule 'Spells:WizCritLevel'
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to interpret rule record for Spells:WizCritLevel
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to find rule 'Spells:WizCritChance'
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to interpret rule record for Spells:WizCritChance
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to find rule 'Spells:WizCritRatio'
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to interpret rule record for Spells:WizCritRatio
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to find rule 'Character:SharedBankPlat'
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to interpret rule record for Character:SharedBankPlat
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to find rule 'Spells:ResistPerLevelDiff'
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to interpret rule record for Spells:ResistPerLevelDiff
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to find rule 'Combat:BaseHitChance'
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to interpret rule record for Combat:BaseHitChance
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to find rule 'Combat:HitPerLevelDiff'
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to interpret rule record for Combat:HitPerLevelDiff
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to find rule 'Combat:AgiHitFactor'
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to interpret rule record for Combat:AgiHitFactor
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to find rule 'Character:UseDeathExpLossMult'
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to interpret rule record for Character:UseDeathExpLossMult
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to find rule 'Character:DeathExpLossMultiplier'
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to interpret rule record for Character:DeathExpLossMultiplier
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to find rule 'Character:BindAnywhere'
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to interpret rule record for Character:BindAnywhere
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to find rule 'Bazaar:AuditTrail'
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to interpret rule record for Bazaar:AuditTrail
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to find rule 'Bazaar:MaxSearchResults'
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to interpret rule record for Bazaar:MaxSearchResults
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to find rule 'World:TutorialZoneID'
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to interpret rule record for World:TutorialZoneID
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to find rule 'Bazaar:EnableWarpToTrader'
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to interpret rule record for Bazaar:EnableWarpToTrader
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to find rule 'Bazaar:MaxBarterSearchResults'
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to interpret rule record for Bazaar:MaxBarterSearchResults
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to find rule 'World:AccountSessionLimit'
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to interpret rule record for World:AccountSessionLimit
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to find rule 'World:ExemptAccountLimitStatus'
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to interpret rule record for World:ExemptAccountLimitStatus
Those errors should not keep you from logging in and playing but some other missing peice in your database could be causing issues.