This topic above, here's my notes about it.
I used debian-7.6.0-amd64-netinst.iso
----compile EQEMU section---
cmake is now used instead of just make, so these steps are added:
apt-get install cmake
cmake .
---Grabbing the sources--
remove these (deprecated):
svn co peq
svn co quests
they're now
copying and linking files:
on the change to server dir, copy and create links steps:
cp ../source/utils/patches/patch_* ./
cp ../source/utils/patches/opcodes.conf ./
This is a personal preference, so if you recompile it backs up old and copies new. cleanipc and a lot of commands aren't properly noted here, but can be. (You need to copy the files from ~/eq/source/Bin/* over to your ~/eq/server/ dir.
#sync latest compiled source files to server dir. Place in server dir.
mkdir -p backup/
cp zone backup/$(date +%Y-%m-%d)-zone
cp ../source/Bin/zone .
cp eqlaunch backup/$(date +%Y-%m-%d)-eqlaunch
cp ../source/Bin/eqlaunch .
cp world backup/$(date +%Y-%m-%d)-world
cp ../source/Bin/world .
cp /usr/lib/ backup/$(date +%Y-%m-%d)
cp ../source/Bin/ /usr/lib/
echo Syncronized.
Database Setup no longer has a peqdb_rev.sql_gz, the source noted has a readme DO NOT USE THIS DB
instead, copied from the readme.txt
create database whatever_db_name_you_want;
use whatever_db_name_you_made;
source peqbeta_blahblah.sql;
source player_tables_blahblah.sql;
(OPTIONAL) source load_login.sql;
(OPTIONAL) source load_bots.sql;
copy eqtime.cfg over to the directory where your server binaries live.
If you plan on using the public EQEmu login server, then sourcing load_login.sql is not necessary.
If you wish to use a local login, you can login using Admin and the password "password". You can also look in load_login.sql to see how to add your own users manually.
Then run:
mysql -u root -p peq < peqbeta*.sql
mysql -u root -p peq < player_tables_*.sql
cp ~/eq/peq/eqtime.cfg ~/eq/server/
EQEMU setup--
the mv eqemu_config.xml.bak command doesn't do anything. No source/destination. I think it wants:
mv eqemu_config.xml eqemu_config.xml.bak
Create your server start and stop files---
instead of the mess of shell scripts, I normally install gnu screen or tmux or whatever. I adjust tmux personally with this so it feels like screen. and do a series of C+a c C+a , and call them eqlaunch, world, whatever you launch.
eqconfig needs 5998 as well
I think that's about it.