(tl;dr - I figured this out in the process of documenting what I tried, perhaps someone else will find it useful)
It has been a long time since I've been back. I set up a server using the script on Ubu 16.04 in a windows virtual machine. Network setting is bridged.
I started the server with the script:
This seemed to work fine, if I do ps I see the login server, world, multiple zones running.
I set up a client, I have two versions, one UF, one RoF (not sure if it is technically 1 or 2). Both were acquired about 2013/2014 and both used to work on eqemu at that time.
Pointed eqhosts to my server on port 5999. The client starts up fine and I see a server named "Akkras Linux PEQ Installer (Uv7vUb)" with status up. When I click play, the client screen goes black for quite a while (over a minute) until it returns sometimes with a message suggesting I patch, other times it just doesn't return at all.
I greatly appreciate the scripted installation but I feel very out-of-touch with my install, like I'm not quite certain where to troubleshoot. Gone is the old spam on the terminal telling me if I connected or cryptic messages that might let me know why my client failed.
My client dbg.txt states:
[Sun Feb 18 12:31:37 2018]00040:Memory mode defaulted to Maximum
[Sun Feb 18 12:31:37 2018]00041:Networking: using port [57783].
[Sun Feb 18 12:31:37 2018]00042:Networking: Connection Established [1]
[Sun Feb 18 12:32:37 2018]00043:*** WorldAuthenticate. Error connecting to [client
isconne ctReasonNone]
[Sun Feb 18 12:32:37 2018]00044:Networking: Connection Closed [0] with 0 pending bytes.
[Sun Feb 18 12:32:37 2018]00045:*** ERROR: WorldAuthenticate has failed after attempting to connect.
[Sun Feb 18 12:32:37 2018]00046:Cleanup 4
I am wondering if this is because the world server is looking on localhost ( instead of my VM ip address? My VMs address is DHCP so it is going to change most likely unless I set it static.
I altered the start up script to enable debug by removing the quiet option, and I altered the eqemu_configconfig json to use the servers actual ip address instead of for the PEQ Installer entry.
I see my client connect, no errors, and then I see it try to initiate the game and nothing ever comes back until the client fails. Even with the change to config, the dbg.txt on the client shows itself trying to connect to
In desperation with nothing else to try, I tried changing the ip of the login server to the actual ip instead of the loopback within the config json, restart, and lo and behold, I can play.
Just passing along my experience. Thanks to the developers for all their hard work! It is amazing how far along it has come.