To all of you who are frustrated with the horrible issues with the Login Server (myself included), I wanted to spread the word about a new announcement; KLS, a long-time trusted and active member of the EQEmu team has the opportunity to take over the ownership of the Login Server. Her plans are to move it to new dedicated hosting that will be more than enough power to handle heavy load with very high up-times and nearly 0 downtime.
The main reason for posting about this is to make sure that everyone in the community is aware that the new hosting will have to be paid for by the community via contributions. As long as she is able to get enough money to keep the hosting up, it will be up and stable. For anyone curious about who she is, KLS has been one of the core developers of the emulator for a couple of years now, and is also one of the admins of these forums. She is extremely technical and I am confident that she will have no problem maintaining a very stable Login Server.
If you have some extra money ( if there is such a thing :P ) that you would be willing to spend to ensure that you don't have to wait hours or even days to be able to log in to play on your favorite server, then please visit the following thread and send whatever you think is reasonable to help make sure the hosting is paid up for a long time to come so we don't have to do constant fund raising for it.
For anyone who may not know whether to trust sending money to someone they do not know, I personally vouch for her if that means anything.