Ok, did a search. Google and here wasn't too helpful at all, since the problems are not the obvious ones, as near as I can tell. Here is the error:
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] New client from
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT_ERR] : ID is 0. Is this server connected to minilogin?
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT_ERR] : Could not find a minilogin account, verify ip address logging into minilogin is the same that is in your account table.
Here is my eq account settings:
| | Name |...| Password |...| minilogin_ip | hideme | rulesflag |
| 1 | Kagehi |...| inari |...| | 0 | 0 |
| 2 | Kagehi2 |...| inari |...| | 0 | 0 |
So, the accounts exists, though the passwords are not hashed (problem?).
The variable table looks like:
| value | varname |
| 0.75 | AAXPMod |
| 15 | ACfail |
| 20 | ACrandom |
| 3 | ACreduction |
| 6 | ailevel |
| 070_pop_cvs | DBVersion |
| 0 | DisableNoDrop |
| 1 | LootCoin |
| 0 | disablecommandline |
| 511 | Expansions |
| 0 | ServerType |
| 1 | holdzones |
| Minilogin | LoginType |
| 21626880 | Max_AAXP |
| 0 | MerchantsKeepItems |
| Welcome to ProjectEQ! http://projecteq.net. | MOTD |
| 0.60 | GroupEXPBonus |
| 0 | PvPreward |
| 0 | PvPitem |
| 0 | PersistentZoneState |
| 12345 | ZSPassword |
I can "seem to" log in, see my server on the list, etc., but the moment I try to connect to the actual server it barfs... What the heck is going on here? Oh, and there seems to be inaccurate info on minilogin, at least on Windows, if the long name matches the server name in the minilogin config, it dies with an "invalid world name (unknown reason)"... I think those are all right though, since everything works up until the login, then it fail. When those where wrong, I couldn't even get to that point at all.