Originally Posted by image
I can set the values to whatever I want for how many users/worlds can be used, this was just a number that was suggested to me.
World accounts can only connect as one otherwise they get ghosted, it will limit to 3.
Secrets says this works for Titanium and SoF.
Anyway I'm still unsure about this, but what I'm looking for in this new mini-login, is unlimited user/player accounts. the reason for this is I already have hundreds of users for the AX_CLASSIC Server Repack (probably still have people that use my older MiniLogin package too), and they already have their characters and accounts made (the REPACK updates characters to newer versions of DB). My test server, which I don't promote and use at home, has 126 accounts - I need to protect those too, as I see people playing there.
I would even be willing to trade this feature off with only one game server able to connect LS. I would still greatly benefit because it has a true account system that doesn't require the old ip system
Three game servers hooked up to the LS would be nice, I could bring back my old ax_peq , and even some other old DB i was thinking of resurrecting.
Unlimited would be even nicer , all us "Minilogin" people could hook up with each other if we wanted.
But it's not needed - a true account system that doesn't require the old ip system is what I need, I think this wouldn't burst anybody's bubble.