I am following the guide at:
I have reached the part entitled Installing EQEmu
"Now we get into the meat-and-potatoes of this guide.
The bots version of the server allows you to summon npcs to create groups and raids with, and there is a whole forum section dedicated to this build of the server.
1. Unzip the server files you downloaded from
http://code.google.com/p/projecteqemu/downloads/list∞ to c:\eqemu.
NOTE: Using this directory isn't required; EQEmu server will run correctly from any directory. c:\eqemu is the standard location however.
2. Move everything in c:\eqemu\build\*.* to c:\eqemu, you should end up with directories like c:\eqemu\quests\, c:\eqemu\Maps, etc..
You can delete the 'build' folder you just moved all those files out of.
3. Copy spells_en.txt and spells_us.txt from your Everquest directory (C:\Program Files\Sony\Everquest) to c:\eqemu\spells_en.txt and c:\eqemu\spells_us.txt."
I have no problem downloading the file, using 7Zip to unzip it into the folder, but when I look for the "build folder" I have no idea where it is and in the next section on "Installing Map Pack Files" I have no idea where the "Larger maps file" is located.
Please help.
I have downloaded from:
the file called "EQEmu-Rev1664-Bots.zip"