Augment Creation Quest
I'm in the process of creating a new server with some fun custom content. I just finished a perl script to create custom augments from gear/items you collect. Since this is my first major script, I thought I would put it up on here to get some tips. I've never developed in perl before, but I don't find it much different than any other scripting I've done.
If you want to try the script out, it's live on the server I'm working on: "The Augmented Server". The guy who gives quest is "Augment Master" in the bazaar.
The point of this script is to allow a player to turn in 1-4 items and have the quest giver turn it into an augment with the combined stats of those items.
There are two important configuration notes that goes along with this script:
1. The server MUST be restarted before the augment can be rewarded to player. I've set my server up to restart every night at midnight PST which will accommodate my configuration of not passing out the augments until the next calendar day.
2. You must add a table to the database (table definition at bottom of page).
use DBI;
#database configuration information
#connect to MySQL database
my $dbh = DBI->connect ("DBI:mysql:database=$db:host=$host", $user, $password);
my $workOrders = quest::saylink("Work Orders", 1);
my $redeem = quest::saylink("Redeem Augments", 1);
my $NPCName = "Augment Master";
$client->Message(315,"$NPCName whispers to you, 'I am the augmentation master. If you can provide me with the proper materials and a payment for work, I can imbue an augment with the powers of your armor and it's current augments.'") ;
$client->Message(315,"$NPCName whispers to you, 'If you wish to have an item appraised for work, just hand me the item.'");
$client->Message(315,"$NPCName whispers to you, 'If you wish to view your current work orders, click here [$workOrders].'");
$client->Message(315,"$NPCName whispers to you, 'If you wish to redeem any finished items, click here [$redeem].'");
if($text=~/Work Orders/i)
#Get current work orders that need to be fulfilled for player.
my $workorders = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT * from augment_work_orders where player_id = '$charid'");
$workorders->execute( );
my $hasWorkOrder = false;
while ( my @workorderrow = $workorders->fetchrow_array( ) ) {
$hasWorkOrder = true;
my $newAugId = @workorderrow[2];
#get the stats for this augment
my $workOrderItem = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * from items where id = '$newAugId'");
my @row = $workOrderItem->fetchrow_array();
#display information to the client about their item
$client->Message(315,"Damage: $row[49], Delay: $row[52]") ;
$client->Message(315,"HP: $row[75], Mana: $row[88]") ;
$client->Message(315,"Mana Regen: $row[89], HP Regen: $row[76]") ;
$client->Message(315,"AC: $row[4], ATK: $row[12]");
$client->Message(315,"STR: $row[11]") ;
$client->Message(315,"STA: $row[10]") ;
$client->Message(315,"AGI: $row[3]") ;
$client->Message(315,"DEX: $row[7]") ;
$client->Message(315,"WIS: $row[26]") ;
$client->Message(315,"INT: $row[8]") ;
$client->Message(315,"CHA: $row[6]") ;
$client->Message(315,"PR: $row[97]") ;
$client->Message(315,"MR: $row[93]") ;
$client->Message(315,"DR: $row[55]") ;
$client->Message(315,"FR: $row[71]") ;
$client->Message(315,"CR: $row[48]") ;
$client->Message(315,"Haste: $row[73]");
#if there weren't any work orders, tell them
$client->Message(315,"$NPCName whispers to you, 'I currently do not have any work orders from you.'");
if($text =~/Redeem Augments/i)
#get the augments that have been added long enough to go through a server restart
my $workorders = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT * from augment_work_orders where player_id = '$charid' and order_date != CURDATE();");
$workorders->execute( );
while ( my @workorderrow = $workorders->fetchrow_array( ) )
#give item to player
#remove work order from the augment_work_order table
my $removeWorkOrder = $dbh->prepare( "delete from augment_work_orders where player_id = '$charid' and item_id = '$workorderrow[2]'");
$removeWorkOrder->execute( );
$client->Message(315,"$NPCName whispers to you, 'I have nothing more to return to you at this time.'");
#get the stats on each of the items given to the NPC
my $sth = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT * FROM items where id = '$item1' or id = '$item2' or id = '$item3' or id = '$item4' ");
$sth->execute( );
#create variables for all of the stats to be added together
my $dmg = 0;
my $delay = 0;
my $hp = 0;
my $regen = 0;
my $mana = 0;
my $manaregen = 0;
my $ac = 0;
my $atk = 0;
my $str = 0;
my $sta = 0;
my $agi = 0;
my $dex = 0;
my $wis = 0;
my $int = 0;
my $cha = 0;
my $pr = 0;
my $mr = 0;
my $dr = 0;
my $fr = 0;
my $cr = 0;
my $haste = 0;
#create variable to store tier (Used for pricing increases)
my $tier = 0;
while ( my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array( ) ) {
#increment stats for each item
$dmg = $dmg + $row[49];
$delay = $delay + $row[52];
$hp = $hp + $row[75];
$regen = $regen + $row[76];
$mana = $mana + $row[88];
$manaregen = $manaregen + $row[89];
$ac = $ac + $row[4];
$atk = $atk + $row[12];
$str = $str + $row[11];
$sta = $sta + $row[10];
$agi = $agi + $row[3];
$dex = $dex + $row[7];
$wis = $wis + $row[26];
$int = $int + $row[8];
$cha = $cha + $row[6];
$pr = $pr + $row[97];
$mr = $mr + $row[93];
$dr = $dr + $row[55];
$fr = $fr + $row[71];
$cr = $cr + $row[48];
$haste = $haste + $row[73];
#determine the highest tier and set it as tear
if($row[253] > $tier)
$tier = $row[253];
#increment tier for new item
$tier = $tier + 1;
#pricing structure for stat types
$regularStatPrice = 10;
$achpmanaPrice = 10;
$resistCost = 5;
$hasteCost = 1000;
$dmgregenCost = 1000;
#calculate regular stats totals and add to cost
my $regularStats = $str + $sta + $agi + $dex + $wis + $int + $cha;
$cost = $regularStatPrice * $regularStats;
#calculate AC + HP + Mana totals and add to cost
my $achpmanaStats = $hp + $mana + $ac;
$cost = $cost + ($achpmanaStats * $achpmanaPrice);
#calculate resists totals and add to cost
my $resistStats = $pr + $mr + $dr + $fr + $cr;
$cost = $cost + ($resistCost * $resistStats);
#calculate Haste totals and add to cost
my $hasteStat = $haste;
$cost = $cost + ($hasteCost * $hasteStat);
#calculate DMG and Regen totals and add to cost
my $dmgregenStat = $dmg + $regen + $manaregen;
$cost = $cost + ($dmgregenCost * $dmgregenStat);
#multiply cost by tier to get final price
$cost = $cost * $tier;
#display price to client
$client->Message(315,"$NPCName whispers to you, 'The total cost to turn these items into an augment is $cost platinum pieces.'") ;
#if they included the correct amount of money, create the item and the work order
if($platinum == $cost)
#insert statement for new item
my $newAugStatement = "INSERT INTO `peq`.`items`(`id`,`minstatus`,`Name`,`aagi`,`ac`,`accuracy`,`acha`,`adex`,`aint`,`artifactflag`,`asta`,`astr`,`attack`,`augrestrict`,`augslot1type`,`augslot1visible`,`augslot2type`,`augslot2visible`,`augslot3type`,`augslot3visible`,`augslot4type`,`augslot4visible`,`augslot5type`,`augslot5visible`,`augtype`,`avoidance`,`awis`,`bagsize`,`bagslots`,`bagtype`,`bagwr`,`banedmgamt`,`banedmgraceamt`,`banedmgbody`,`banedmgrace`,`bardtype`,`bardvalue`,`book`,`casttime`,`casttime_`,`charmfile`,`charmfileid`,`classes`,`color`,`combateffects`,`extradmgskill`,`extradmgamt`,`price`,`cr`,`damage`,`damageshield`,`deity`,`delay`,`augdistiller`,`dotshielding`,`dr`,`clicktype`,`clicklevel2`,`elemdmgtype`,`elemdmgamt`,`endur`,`factionamt1`,`factionamt2`,`factionamt3`,`factionamt4`,`factionmod1`,`factionmod2`,`factionmod3`,`factionmod4`,`filename`,`focuseffect`,`fr`,`fvnodrop`,`haste`,`clicklevel`,`hp`,`regen`,`icon`,`idfile`,`itemclass`,`itemtype`,`ldonprice`,`ldontheme`,`ldonsold`,`light`,`lore`,`loregroup`,`magic`,`mana`,`manaregen`,`enduranceregen`,`material`,`maxcharges`,`mr`,`nodrop`,`norent`,`pendingloreflag`,`pr`,`procrate`,`races`,`range`,`reclevel`,`recskill`,`reqlevel`,`sellrate`,`shielding`,`size`,`skillmodtype`,`skillmodvalue`,`slots`,`clickeffect`,`spellshield`,`strikethrough`,`stunresist`,`summonedflag`,`tradeskills`,`favor`,`weight`,`UNK012`,`UNK013`,`benefitflag`,`UNK054`,`UNK059`,`booktype`,`recastdelay`,`recasttype`,`guildfavor`,`UNK123`,`UNK124`,`attuneable`,`nopet`,`updated`,`comment`,`UNK127`,`pointtype`,`potionbelt`,`potionbeltslots`,`stacksize`,`notransfer`,`stackable`,`UNK134`,`UNK137`,`proceffect`,`proctype`,`proclevel2`,`proclevel`,`UNK142`,`worneffect`,`worntype`,`wornlevel2`,`wornlevel`,`UNK147`,`focustype`,`focuslevel2`,`focuslevel`,`UNK152`,`scrolleffect`,`scrolltype`,`scrolllevel2`,`scrolllevel`,`UNK157`,`serialized`,`verified`,`serialization`,`source`,`UNK033`,`lorefile`,`UNK014`,`svcorruption`,`UNK038`,`UNK060`,`augslot1unk2`,`augslot2unk2`,`augslot3unk2`,`augslot4unk2`,`augslot5unk2`,`UNK120`,`UNK121`,`questitemflag`,`UNK132`,`clickunk5`,`clickunk6`,`clickunk7`,`procunk1`,`procunk2`,`procunk3`,`procunk4`,`procunk6`,`procunk7`,`wornunk1`,`wornunk2`,`wornunk3`,`wornunk4`,`wornunk5`,`wornunk6`,`wornunk7`,`focusunk1`,`focusunk2`,`focusunk3`,`focusunk4`,`focusunk5`,`focusunk6`,`focusunk7`,`scrollunk1`,`scrollunk2`,`scrollunk3`,`scrollunk4`,`scrollunk5`,`scrollunk6`,`scrollunk7`,`UNK193`,`purity`,`evolvinglevel`,`clickname`,`procname`,`wornname`,`focusname`,`scrollname`,`dsmitigation`,`heroic_str`,`heroic_int`,`heroic_wis`,`heroic_agi`,`heroic_dex`,`heroic_sta`,`heroic_cha`,`heroic_pr`,`heroic_dr`,`heroic_fr`,`heroic_cr`,`heroic_mr`,`heroic_svcorrup`,`healamt`,`spelldmg`,`clairvoyance`,`backstabdmg`,`created`,`elitematerial`,`ldonsellbackrate`,`scriptfileid`,`expendablearrow`,`powersourcecapacity`,`bardeffect`,`bardeffecttype`,`bardlevel2`,`bardlevel`,`bardunk1`,`bardunk2`,`bardunk3`,`bardunk4`,`bardunk5`,`bardname`,`bardunk7`,`UNK214`)
( select max(id) + 1, '0', 'Augment Master Forged Augment', '$agi', '$ac', '0', '$cha', '$dex', '$int', '0', '$sta','$str', '$atk', '0', '0', '1', '0', '1', '0', '1', '0','1', '0', '1', '4091', '0', '$wis', '0', '0', '0', '0','0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '','0', '65535', '4278190080', '0', '0', '0', '0', '$cr', '$dmg', '0','0', '0', '47006', '0', '$dr', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0','0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '', '-1','$fr', '0', '$haste', '0', '$hp', '$regen', '963', 'IT63', '0', '54','510', '16', '1', '0', 'An aura emanates from within', '0', '0', '$mana', '$manaregen', '0','0', '0', '$mr', '0', '1', '0', '$pr', '0', '65535', '0','0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', '-1', '0', '2097150', '-1','0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '2010-09-11 11:23:49', '', '0', '1', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', '', '0', '-1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '-1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '-1', '0', '0', '0', '0', NULL, '2009-04-10 17:38:02', NULL, '13THFLOOR', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '-1', '0', '0', '0000000000000000000', '0', '', '-1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '', '-1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '', '-1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '', '-1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '', '-1', '0', '0', '0', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '20031014223933', '0', '70', '0', '0', '0', '-1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '', '-1', '$tier' from items );";
my $createAug = $dbh->prepare("$newAugStatement");
$createAug->execute( );
#get the new items id
my $lastid = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT id from items order by id desc limit 1");
$lastid->execute( );
my $newAugId = 0;
while ( my @row2 = $lastid->fetchrow_array( ) ) {
$newAugId = @row2[0];
#create new augment work order with newly created item
#has to work like this since items are not automatically added to the game when added in DB
my $workOrderCreate = $dbh->prepare("insert into `peq`.`augment_work_orders` (player_id, item_id, order_date) values ('$charid', '$newAugId', NOW());");
#Notify the Player that the work order was successful
$client->Message(315, "$NPCName whispers to you, 'Work order created successfully'");
The create statement for augment_work_order table is:
CREATE TABLE `augment_work_orders` (
`player_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`item_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`order_date` date NOT NULL,
Thanks for any feedback guys!