Anyone interested in thew old spell graphics
Hello everyone
So for my own interest I loaded up GeorgeS' spell editor and started changing all of the spell effects for my UF client to the old spell graphics. I was using p1999's spells_us.txt as a reference (as trying to use it as a straight copy/paste caused errors in UF).
Two spell lines I am not reverting back to the old graphics because the old graphics made less sense:
Lightning used to look like fire or shock (red stars) and so left it as lightning
Blades line because the new look seems perfect
I am also debating on leaving a few bard songs as the old ones were just crazy on screen cover
I know I could keep mixing and matching based on taste but really wanted the older look as I think the use of primary colors they used to have made for a better look than the darker feel they went for later.
Anyway, I am currently about half done (maybe more) and would be willing to post it to some file site with a link if anyone is interested.
OH yea and I also noticed that something changed in the spellsnew files between Titanium and UF. GeorgeS tool uses Titanium as a reference, so I actually copied my spellsnew.eff and edd from my Titanium directory to my UF directory and it matches the old spells better. The UF one works as it is but a particle effect or two seems a bit different. Like shielding line doesn't have the same effect from the hands as the original effects even though it is obviously supposed to be the shielding particle effect.