If you used the default address for MySql of, then you can only access it from the host server computer. You will either need to reconfigure your mysql server to the host LAN IP address, or use a port forwarding on the same computer..192.168.xxx.xxx:3306 -> I think there is a tool to reconfigure the server..if not, try the mysql config files and then reboot. Port forwarding is done via host computer and not the router in this case.
That should get you access from another LAN computer. (Don't forget to change your eqemu config files to reflect any db server address changes.)
(Editing after one hour requires admin request..I've only noticed the button not showing up on posts that I'm at a different IP from the original post.)
Uleat of Bertoxxulous
Compilin' Dirty
Last edited by Uleat; 05-01-2012 at 07:31 PM..
Reason: Edit Button..