- more in line with quest as listed on ZAM*
* removed turn-in verification/reminder
* added response if quest started, but not finished
* will allow quest to be repeated
- call to plugin::return_items() unconditional
- will accept more than one turn in at once
- will not accept final turn ins until all basic steps are done
- Perl::Tidy formatting
# Discord Skin Samples
# quest started, but not complete (per ZAM)
if ( $qglobals{SkinSampleA} ) {
quest::say( "There is nothing more I can tell you, please take the ite"
. "m you received and get some samples for me." );
# initial contact
elsif ( $text =~ /hail/i ) {
quest::say( "Greetings traveler, my name is Alexsa and I am currently "
. "looking in to collecting samples from the strange beings that"
. " make up the Legion of Mata Muram ranks. Our initial encounte"
. "rs with them revealed that each one is innately resistant to "
. "certain types of weapons and weak against others. So, by orde"
. "r of Morden, we must gather skin samples from each race and e"
. "xamine it. Thanks to our tinkering sister, Vaifan, I now have"
. " a device which can readily examine samples. However, with ne"
. "ws of our scouts missing and our resources being spread so th"
. "in, retrieving these samples are impossible for us. Since you"
. " have taken the time to listen, I am wondering if you would b"
. "e willing to help?" );
# quest accepted
elsif ( $text =~ /yes/i ) {
quest::say( "Oh wonderful! You don't know how helpful this will be. Ta"
. "ke this device. It is what we use to examine samples. When yo"
. "u defeat the Muramite, remove his tongue, place it inside of "
. "here and combine it with some distilling salts. Distilling sa"
. "lts can be found along the shores of Natimbi. Once you have c"
. "ombined the ingredients, it will give you a final sample whic"
. "h I will need you to return to me when you get the chance. Ea"
. "ch time you hand a sample, I will be able to reveal to you th"
. "e innate strengths and weeknesses for that race. If you are s"
. "uccessful at recovering a sample from every different race th"
. "at has come through the portal, then I will talk to Morden ab"
. "out giving you a reward." );
quest::summonitem(67594); # Vaifan's Pocket Sampling Device
quest::setglobal( 'SkinSampleA', 1, 5, 'F' );
my $required = {
0 => {
item => 67596, # Kyv Sample
spam => "Ah yes, the kyv. These stealthy beings are quite elusive."
. " The fact that you were able to recover a sample from one of "
. "them is quite an accomplishment. Now, let's see... it appears"
. " that the kyv have no noticeable weapon weaknesses or resista"
. "nces, but we do know they have the ability to deflect incomin"
. "g arrows and thrown objects. It would seem that they are also"
. "resistant to poison based incantations, and quite weak to mag"
. "ic based spells."
1 => {
item => 67597, # Ukun Sample
spam => "An excellent find here! It appears that this was retrieve"
. "d from one of the beings called an ukun. They have frail bodi"
. "es but their blood is a deadly poison. This would imply that "
. "they are probably very resistant to poison."
2 => {
item => 67598, # Ikaav Sample
spam => "These snakelike beings are very deadly. The scales on the"
. "ir lower body are all but impervious to slashing weapons, but"
. " a well-placed arrow could do some serious damage. They are m"
. "asters of magical energy making their defenses against such s"
. "pells very good. However they do seem to be weak against elem"
. "ental magic like cold."
3 => {
item => 67599, # Mastruq Sample
spam => "Great sample! It looks like this was taken from a being w"
. "ith a thickened hide. This particular being is called a mastr"
. "uq and seems to be quite resistant to blunt objects, but an a"
. "rrow or slashing weapon would get through that hide quite eas"
. "ily. Because of their thick hides cold based elemental magic "
. "would be quite ineffective while the opposite would hold true"
. " for fire magic."
4 => {
item => 67600, # Aneuk Sample
spam => "These odd-looking floating beings interest me the most. T"
. "hey seem to be quite adept with magic making them strong agai"
. "nst magical incantations."
5 => {
item => 67601, # Nok Sample
spam => "Looks like this came from the body of the race of beings "
. "called the noc. While their bony frames make them quite weak "
. "against crushing damage, their plated chests protect any majo"
. "r organs, reducing the effectiveness of arrows or slashing we"
. "apons. It would appear that their flesh is diseased which mak"
. "es them resistant to disease based spells but their thin skin"
. "means that cold might be quite affective against them."
6 => {
item => 67602, # Ixt Sample
spam => "These centaur-like beings are quite bloodthirsty. They ap"
. "pear to be bred for fighting. Their fur covered lower half ma"
. "kes them very resistant to the element of cold but while that"
. " fur can protect them from one element it also makes them ver"
. "y vulnerable to fire."
7 => {
item => 67605, # Ra'Tuk Sample
spam => "This looks like a sample from the brutish ra'tuk. These l"
. "arge beasts wield their axes adeptly and seem to have no majo"
. "r weaknesses save magical based spells. Because of their stra"
. "nge body makeup magic tends to affect them more then other sp"
. "ell types."
8 => {
item => 67603, # Tunat'Muram Sample
spam => "This is unbelievable, you retrieved a sample from the arm"
. "y's leader and you still live? You are truly a great adventur"
. "er. I must get this sample to our mages quickly. We must do s"
. "ome extended testing as we have not had any information on hi"
. "m till now."
9 => {
item => 67604, # Zun'muram Sample
spam => "A two-headed beast built for destruction. This creature i"
. "s quite powerful, as I am sure you found out when you met it."
. " While it does not appear to have any resistances or weakness"
. "es, this sample should reveal some more information about its"
. " particular race."
# quest started, but all basic samples not turned in yet
if ( $qglobals{SkinSampleA} and not $qglobals{SkinSampleB} ) {
foreach ( 0 .. 7 ) {
my $qgKey = "SkinSample$_";
my $sample = $required->{$_};
next if $qglobals{$qgKey}; # already turned in
next unless AcceptSample( $sample, $qgKey );
# see if all basic samples are turned in after each accepted sample
if ( BasicSamplesDone() ) {
"Now that I have all of the basic samples I can ad"
. "d all of my research into this tome and give it to yo"
. "u." );
quest::summonitem(67624); # Alexsa's Research Notes
"While we still need samples from both the force c"
. "ommander and his lieutenant, what you have given me s"
. "o far warrants a reward of some kind. When you have r"
. "ecovered samples from both of the additional races I "
. "mentioned I will be able to reward you with something"
. "much better." );
quest::setglobal( 'SkinSampleB', 1, 5, 'F' );
# all basic samples have been turned in
if ( $qglobals{SkinSampleB} ) {
foreach ( 8, 9 ) {
my $qgKey = "SkinSample$_";
my $sample = $required->{$_};
next if $qglobals{$qgKey}; # already turned in
next unless AcceptSample( $sample, $qgKey );
# see if all samples are turned in after each accepted sample
if ( AllDone() ) {
"This is unbelievable, you retrieved a sample from"
. " the army's leader and you still live? You are truly "
. "a great adventurer. I must get this sample to our mag"
. "es quickly. We must do some extended testing as we ha"
. "ve not had any information on him till now. You have "
. "collected all the samples we need and I thank you for"
. " the assistance. I am indebted to you and with approv"
. "al given by Morden himself I want you to take this, h"
. "opefully it will help you in your future adventures. "
. "Good day and good luck." );
quest::summonitem(67625); # Assistant Researcher's Symbol
# delete qglobals to allow for repetition of quest (per ZAM)
quest::delglobal("SkinSample$_") for ( 0 .. 9 );
quest::delglobal("SkinSample$_") for ( 'A', 'B' );
# return unused items
quest::say("I do not need this.") if keys %itemcount > 1;
plugin::return_items( \%itemcount );
sub AcceptSample {
my ( $sample, $qgKey ) = @_;
return 0
unless plugin::check_handin( \%itemcount, $sample->{item} => 1 );
quest::say( $sample->{spam} );
quest::setglobal( $qgKey, 1, 5, 'F' );
"You're doing great, but there are more samples to be found. P"
. "lease get them to me as soon as you can." )
unless AllDone();
return 1;
sub BasicSamplesDone {
return 1 if $qglobals{SkinSampleB};
foreach ( 0 .. 7 ) {
return 0 unless $qglobals{"SkinSample$_"};
return 1;
sub AllDone {
return 0 unless BasicSamplesDone();
foreach ( 8, 9 ) {
return 0 unless $qglobals{"SkinSample$_"};
return 1;
#END OF FILE zone:abysmal ID:279038 --