lots of people seem to enjoy skill trainer and spell scriber/disc trainer npcs. since you're going to be increasing skills for free, why not just pop it in global_player.pl and trigger it when the player levels? no need to add a new spawn.
this script will increase skills to the maximum level allowed by the player's race/class/level (and only those that he/she can learn). it also automatically scribes spells and trains discs.
sub AutoTrain {
$client->Message( 15, "Your experiences across the realm have infused you with increased power and knowledge..." );
# set all available skills to maximum for race/class at current level
foreach my $skill ( 0 .. 74 ) {
next unless $client->CanHaveSkill($skill);
my $maxSkill = $client->MaxSkill( $skill, $client->GetClass(), $ulevel );
next unless $maxSkill > $client->GetRawSkill($skill);
$client->SetSkill( $skill, $maxSkill );
# scribe all spells for current level
quest::scribespells( $ulevel, $ulevel - 1 );
# train all discs for current level
quest::traindiscs( $ulevel, $ulevel - 1 );