I already made it in game just using the .conf file I created for the Jan 16th patch for EQExtractor:
Obviously there are some issues. Only 1 item loaded in my inventory (which is interesting that it didn't crash the client as that normally would), and position updates are off so NPCs aren't where they should be. It is hard to test anything else atm due to the position updates being off so if I try to click a merchant or whatever I am actually too far away from it as far as the server is concerned even though it looks like it is right next to me.
I was afraid that Steam might start doing updates like this. The people on the EQ2Emu team mentioned that they did it for EQ2 on Steam already so I knew it was a possibility. Though, it obviously isn't updated every patch, more like every 2 months which isn't quite as bad.
The Steam updates are both good and bad. They are bad obviously because it means we need to figure out a good way to deal with it and more work to keep up with it. They are good because it should mean there is less chance EQ1 will drop off of Steam again for an extended amount of time like it did after UF. It is also easier to keep up if we are dealing with small patches more frequently as apposed to huge patches less often. It requires more regular work, which is annoying, but the work has more focus and should be able to be done in a couple nights in most cases.
I imagine Steam has the update system automated. It probably just does an update on a regular schedule like every 2 months. If we can figure out the exact schedule of it, we can be more prepared for it, which helps development and players (since players will know why their recently acquired Steam download doesn't work).