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Old 11-01-2013, 07:42 PM
NatedogEZ's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 515
Default Zone Cloning / Door cloning to new versions!

My Firefox doesn't seem to want to load the EoC zone tools so I decided to write one myself and share with anyone that wanted to use it.

Here is what a cloned zone would look like in George's NPC editor it adds the version to the "new" NPCS.

The doors that are cloned KEEP the same DOORID so any script you may use to open doors by DOORID in certain zones will work across all the versions!

Here is what that looks like...

The script allows you to choose CLONE NPCS OR DOORS... or BOTH!
Cloning NPCS also places them in newly cloned spawngroups and correct spawn2 locations as well.

Here is my VERSION 1 of Gukbottom.. you can see the level 74 Ghoul Executioner and that the doors are correctly in place!

Lastly the script prints out a BACKUP.TXT file!
Inside this file it has a 100% reversal of that zone version you made.

Very simple to use if you have perl DBI !

1. Edit the database information inside the script
2. Edit the zone / version you want to copy from and what version to copy TO!
3. MIN NPC -- lowest ID it will copy from I have this at 1000 because I don't like it copying my "CUSTOM" npcs where their NPCID must remain low. Like my NPC that handles Weapon graphics.
4. COPYDOORS / COPYNPCS -- put both to 0 and script does nothing.. turn either to 1 and it copies JUST THAT!

example... Copydoors 1 and COPYNPCS 0 would only copy doors and ignore all NPC DATA. So you could copy a zones doors and just make your own custom NPCS for a new version!

I hope that is enough explanation, but if you have questions or concerns just PM me or reply here and I will help ya when I can

Here is the script!


Open command prompt ... and change directory to where the file is located..

cd c:\directorytogoto
Once you are in the directory just type...

perl FILENAME.pl

AND BAM you are done!

use Getopt::Std;
my $BACKUP = "BACKUP.txt"; #default
open(DUMB, ">>$BACKUP") or die "Unable to find backup file!: $BACKUP\n";

		use DBI;
		$database = "peq_new";
		$host = "localhost";
		$username = "USER";
		$password = "PASS";
		$dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=$database;host=$host", "$username", "$password", {RaiseError => 1});
		return $dbh;

	$zone = "gukbottom";		#Zone to copy from
	$version = 0;      	    	#Version to copy from
	$versionset = 2;			#Version to copy to
	$minNPC = 1000;				#Min NPC ID to copy from zone
	$COPYDOORS = 1;				#Set to 1 to copy doors from the copy version
	$COPYNPCS = 1;				#COPY ZONE set to 1.. turn to 0 if you only want the doors!
	$space = "_";
	my $TIME = localtime;
	my $line = "##ZONE = $zone - VERSION = $versionset -- $TIME \n";
	print DUMB $line; #write to the file
	$dbh       = DBI_CONNECT();
if($COPYNPCS == 1)
	$query = "SELECT distinct se.spawngroupID, se.npcID, se.chance FROM spawnentry se
				INNER JOIN spawn2 s ON se.spawngroupID = s.spawngroupID
				INNER JOIN npc_types n ON se.npcID = n.id
				INNER JOIN spawngroup sg ON sg.id = se.spawngroupID
				WHERE s.zone = '$zone' and s.version = $version and se.npcID >= $minNPC ORDER by se.spawngroupID ASC" ;
	$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
	$n = 0;
	while (@row = $sth->fetchrow_array())
		$SpawnEntries[$n] = [@row];
		#print "@row \n";
		#print "$n -- $SpawnEntries[$n][0] -- $SpawnEntries[$n][1] -- $SpawnEntries[$n][2] \n";
		#$lastone = $row[0];
	print "$n \n";
	$query = "SELECT distinct n.id FROM spawnentry se
				INNER JOIN spawn2 s ON se.spawngroupID = s.spawngroupID
				INNER JOIN npc_types n ON se.npcID = n.id
				INNER JOIN spawngroup sg ON sg.id = se.spawngroupID
				WHERE s.zone = '$zone' and s.version = $version and n.id >= $minNPC ORDER by n.id ASC";
	$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
	while ($id = $sth->fetchrow_array())
		push(@oldnpcs, $id);

#	print "\n $oldnpcs[5] \n";
	foreach $old_npc (@oldnpcs)
		$query = "SELECT max(id) FROM npc_types";
		$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
		$maxid = $sth->fetchrow_array()+1;
		push(@newnpcs, $maxid);
		$dbh->do("INSERT INTO `npc_types` 
				SELECT distinct $maxid, n.`name`, n.`lastname`, n.`level`, n.`race`, n.`class`, n.`bodytype`, n.`hp`, n.`mana`, n.`gender`, n.`texture`, n.`helmtexture`, n.`size`, n.`hp_regen_rate`, n.`mana_regen_rate`, 
n.`loottable_id`, n.`merchant_id`, n.`alt_currency_id`, n.`npc_spells_id`, n.`npc_faction_id`, n.`adventure_template_id`, n.`trap_template`, n.`mindmg`, n.`maxdmg`, n.`attack_count`, n.`special_abilities`, n.`aggroradius`, n.`face`, 
n.`luclin_hairstyle`, n.`luclin_haircolor`, n.`luclin_eyecolor`, n.`luclin_eyecolor2`, n.`luclin_beardcolor`, n.`luclin_beard`, n.`drakkin_heritage`, n.`drakkin_tattoo`, n.`drakkin_details`, n.`armortint_id`, n.`armortint_red`, n.`armortint_green`, 
n.`armortint_blue`, n.`d_meele_texture1`, n.`d_meele_texture2`, n.`prim_melee_type`, n.`sec_melee_type`, n.`runspeed`, n.`MR`, n.`CR`, n.`DR`, n.`FR`, n.`PR`, n.`Corrup`, n.`see_invis`, n.`see_invis_undead`, n.`qglobal`, n.`AC`, 
n.`npc_aggro`, n.`spawn_limit`, n.`attack_speed`, n.`findable`, n.`STR`, n.`STA`, n.`DEX`, n.`AGI`, n.`_INT`, n.`WIS`, n.`CHA`, n.`see_hide`, n.`see_improved_hide`, n.`trackable`, n.`isbot`, n.`exclude`, n.`ATK`, n.`Accuracy`, 
n.`slow_mitigation`, $versionset, n.`maxlevel`, n.`scalerate`, n.`private_corpse`, n.`unique_spawn_by_name`, n.`underwater`, n.`isquest`, n.`emoteid`, n.`spellscale`, n.`healscale`
				FROM npc_types n WHERE n.id = $old_npc");
		my $line = "DELETE FROM `npc_types` WHERE `id` = $maxid;\n";
		print DUMB $line; #write to the file
	$sth       = $dbh->prepare("SELECT  count(distinct s.spawngroupid) from spawn2 s 
								INNER JOIN spawnentry se ON se.spawngroupID = s.spawngroupID
								WHERE s.version = $version and s.zone = '$zone' and se.npcID >= $minNPC");
	$spawncount = $sth->fetchrow_array();
	#print "$spawncount \n";
	$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT distinct sg.* FROM spawnentry se
				INNER JOIN spawn2 s ON se.spawngroupID = s.spawngroupID
				INNER JOIN npc_types n ON se.npcID = n.id
				INNER JOIN spawngroup sg ON sg.id = se.spawngroupID
				WHERE s.zone = '$zone' and s.version = $version and se.npcID >= $minNPC ORDER by sg.ID ASC
	$B = 0;
	while (@SG = $sth->fetchrow_array())
		$SpawnGroups[$B] = [@SG];
		#print "@SG \n";
	for $M (1 .. $spawncount)
		$sth       = $dbh->prepare("SELECT MAX(id) FROM spawngroup");
		$SGID = $sth->fetchrow_array() + 1;
		$dbh->do("INSERT INTO `spawngroup` 
					(`id`, `name`, `spawn_limit`, `dist`, `max_x`, `min_x`, `max_y`, `min_y`, `delay`, `despawn`, `despawn_timer`) 
					VALUES ($SGID, '$zone$space$SGID', $SpawnGroups[$M][2], $SpawnGroups[$M][3], $SpawnGroups[$M][4], $SpawnGroups[$M][5], $SpawnGroups[$M][6], $SpawnGroups[$M][7], $SpawnGroups[$M][8], $SpawnGroups[$M][9], $SpawnGroups[$M][10])");
		my $line = "DELETE FROM `spawngroup` WHERE `id` = $SGID;\n";
		print DUMB $line; #write to the file
		#print "$M";
	$F = 0;
	for $SE (1 .. $n)
		if($LastSpawnG == $SpawnEntries[$SE][0])
		$SPOTS = FINDSPOT($SpawnEntries[$SE][1]);
		$npcID = $newnpcs[$SPOTS];
		$chance = $SpawnEntries[$SE][2];
		#print "$SE -- $SG ... $npcID ... $chance \n";
		$dbh->do("INSERT INTO `spawnentry` 
					(`spawngroupID`, `npcID`, `chance`) 
					VALUES ($SG, $npcID, $chance)");
		my $line = "DELETE FROM `spawnentry` WHERE `spawngroupID` = $SG and `npcID` = $npcID;\n";
		print DUMB $line; #write to the file
		$LastSpawnG = $SpawnEntries[$SE][0];
		#print "$SG $npcID $chance \n";
	$sth       = $dbh->prepare("SELECT distinct s.spawngroupid, s.x, s.y, s.z, s.heading, s.respawntime, s.variance, s.pathgrid, s._condition, s.cond_value, s.enabled, s.animation FROM spawn2 s 
								INNER JOIN spawnentry se ON se.spawngroupID = s.spawngroupID
								WHERE zone = '$zone' AND version = $version and se.npcID >= $minNPC ORDER by s.spawngroupid ASC");
		$g = 0;
		while ( ($spawnGID, $x, $y, $z, $heading, $respawntime, $variance, $pathgrid, $condition, $convalue, $enabled, $animation) = $sth->fetchrow_array())
			if($spawnGID eq $spawnlast)
			#print "$g -- $SPAWNGROUPS[$g] -- $x, $y, $z \n";
			$dbh->do("INSERT INTO `spawn2` 
					(`id`, `spawngroupID`, `zone`, `version`, `x`, `y`, `z`, `heading`, `respawntime`, `variance`, `pathgrid`, `_condition`, `cond_value`, `enabled`, `animation`) 
					VALUES ('', $SPAWNGROUPS[$g], '$zone', $versionset, $x, $y, $z, $heading, $respawntime, $variance, $pathgrid, $condition, $convalue, $enabled, $animation)");
		$spawnlast = $spawnGID;
		my $line = "DELETE FROM `spawn2` WHERE `version` = $versionset and `zone` = '$zone';\n";
		print DUMB $line; #write to the file
		if($COPYDOORS == 1)
			$dbh->do("INSERT INTO `doors`
						(`id`, `doorid`, `zone`, `version`, `name`, `pos_y`, `pos_x`, `pos_z`, `heading`, `opentype`, `guild`, `lockpick`, `keyitem`, `nokeyring`, `triggerdoor`, `triggertype`, `doorisopen`, `door_param`, `dest_zone`, `dest_instance`, `dest_x`, `dest_y`, `dest_z`, `dest_heading`, `invert_state`, `incline`, `size`, `buffer`, `client_version_mask`, `is_ldon_door`) 
						SELECT '', `doorid`, `zone`, $versionset, `name`, `pos_y`, `pos_x`, `pos_z`, `heading`, `opentype`, `guild`, `lockpick`, `keyitem`, `nokeyring`, `triggerdoor`, `triggertype`, `doorisopen`, `door_param`, `dest_zone`, `dest_instance`, `dest_x`, `dest_y`, `dest_z`, `dest_heading`, `invert_state`, `incline`, `size`, `buffer`, `client_version_mask`, `is_ldon_door`
						FROM `doors` WHERE zone = '$zone' and version = $version");
						my $line = "\n ### ADDED DOORS !! \n\n";
						print DUMB $line; #write to the file
						my $line = "DELETE FROM doors WHERE zone = '$zone' and version = $versionset;\n\n";
						print DUMB $line; #write to the file
		my $line = "\n ### END OF -- ZONE = $zone - VERSION = $versionset -- $TIME\n\n";
		print DUMB $line; #write to the file
	print "FINISHED! Copying $zone to Version $versionset!";
	close (DUMB); #since we're done with it...
		for $i (0 .. $#oldnpcs)
			#print "$oldnpcs[$i] \n";
			if($oldnpcs[$i] == $_[0])
				return $i;

Last edited by Akkadius; 11-02-2013 at 12:03 AM.. Reason: Wide ass page
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