Item Set Generator(s).
These item set generators create 4 sets of items, cloth, chain, plate, and leather, as well as 2 sets of accessories, melee and caster. 42 Items total in a matter of seconds.
I have two item generators, one has a random functionality using defined ranges (1-10 returns random of 1-10).
Non-range based item set creator:
use strict;
use warnings;
sub CreateI {
my ($name, $id, $health, $ac, $stats, $heroic_stats, $combat_stats, $healamt) = (shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift);
my $material;
chomp $name;
$name =~ s/\'/\\'/ig;
open my $file, ">>$name Armor.sql";
my $n = 0;
my $slot = 0;
my %typeHash = (1 => ["Hood", "Robe", "Wristlet", "Covers", "Pantaloons", "Slippers", "Gloves"],
2 => ["Visor", "Chain Body", "Bracelet", "Shoulderpads", "Greaves", "Boots", "Gauntlets"],
3 => ["Helmet", "Breastplate", "Bracer", "Vambraces", "Greaves", "Boots", "Gauntlets"],
4 => ["Cap", "Cheststraps", "Wristband", "Armbands", "Pants", "Shoes", "Gloves"]);
my @slotArray = (4, 131072, 1536, 128, 262144, 524288, 4096);
my @materialArray = (10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16);
my %classesHash = (1 => 15360, 2 => 33544, 3 => 151, 4 => 16480);
my %iconsHash = (1 => [639, 838, 638, 670, 631, 525, 517],
2 => [625, 538, 620, 543, 630, 545, 526],
3 => [628, 624, 516, 622, 540, 524, 531],
4 => [640, 632, 637, 634, 635, 633, 636]);
foreach my $type (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %typeHash) {
foreach my $item (@{$typeHash{$type}}) {
$material = (($type == 1 && $item eq "Robe") ? $materialArray[rand @materialArray] : $type);
print "ID: $id Name: $name $item Type: $item\n";
my $query = "INSERT INTO `items` SET `id` = '$id', ";
$query .= "`name` = '$name $item', ";
$query .= "`slots` = '" . $slotArray[$slot] . "', ";
$query .= "`classes` = '" . $classesHash{$type} . "', ";
$query .= "`icon` = '" . $iconsHash{$type}[$n] . "', ";
$query .= "`material` = '$material', ";
$query .= "`hp` = '$health', ";
$query .= "`mana` = '$health', ";
$query .= "`endur` = '$health', ";
$query .= "`regen` = '" . int($health / 10) . "', ";
$query .= "`manaregen` = '" . int($health / 10) . "', ";
$query .= "`enduranceregen` = '" . int($health / 10) . "', ";
$query .= "`ac` = '$ac', ";
$query .= "`attack` = '$ac', ";
$query .= "`aagi` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`acha` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`adex` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`aint` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`asta` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`astr` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`awis` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`cr` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`dr` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`fr` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`mr` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`pr` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`svcorruption` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_agi` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 10) ? 10 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_cha` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 100) ? 100 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_dex` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 10) ? 10 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_int` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 100) ? 100 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_sta` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 100) ? 100 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_str` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 100) ? 100 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_wis` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 100) ? 100 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_cr` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 100) ? 100 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_dr` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 100) ? 100 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_fr` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 100) ? 100 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_mr` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 100) ? 100 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_pr` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 100) ? 100 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_svcorrup` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 100) ? 100 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`spellshield` = '" . (($combat_stats > 127) ? 127 : $combat_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`strikethrough` = '" . (($combat_stats > 127) ? 127 : $combat_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`stunresist` = '" . (($combat_stats > 127) ? 127 : $combat_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`clairvoyance` = '" . (($combat_stats > 127) ? 127 : $combat_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`dsmitigation` = '" . (($combat_stats > 127) ? 127 : $combat_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`healamt` = '" . (($healamt > 32767) ? 32767 : $healamt) . "', ";
$query .= "`spelldmg` = '" . (($healamt > 32767) ? 32767 : $healamt) . "', ";
$query .= "`itemtype` = '10', ";
$query .= "`nodrop` = '0', ";
$query .= "`races` = '65535', ";
$query .= "`idfile` = 'IT63', ";
$query .= "`augslot1visible` = '1', ";
$query .= "`augslot2visible` = '1', ";
$query .= "`augslot3visible` = '1', ";
$query .= "`augslot4visible` = '1', ";
$query .= "`augslot5visible` = '1', ";
$query .= "`magic` = '1', ";
$query .= "`norent` = '1', ";
$query .= "`stacksize` = '1', ";
$query .= "`clickeffect` = '-1', ";
$query .= "`proceffect` = '-1', ";
$query .= "`worneffect` = '-1', ";
$query .= "`scrolleffect` = '-1', ";
$query .= "`maxcharges` = '-1', ";
$query .= "`unk132` = '-1';\n";
print $file $query;
$query = "";
$n = 0;
$slot = 0;
CreateA($name, $id, $health, $ac, $stats, $heroic_stats, $combat_stats, $healamt);
close $file;
sub CreateA {
my ($name, $id, $health, $ac, $stats, $heroic_stats, $combat_stats, $healamt) = (shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift);
open my $file, ">>$name Accessories.sql";
my $n = 0;
my $slot = 0;
my %typeHash = (1 => ["Visor", "Ear Ring", "Necklace", "Pauldrons", "Cloak", "Ring", "Girdle"],
2 => ["Mask", "Hoop", "Choker", "Covers", "Cape", "Band", "Belt"]);
my @slotArray = (8, 18, 32, 64, 256, 98304, 1048576);
my %classesHash = (1 => 33245, 2 => 32290);
my %iconsHash = (1 => [506, 535, 848, 626, 663, 615, 503],
2 => [528, 757, 505, 664, 658, 616, 719]);
foreach my $type (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %typeHash) {
foreach my $item (@{$typeHash{$type}}) {
print "ID: $id Name: $name $item\n";
my $query = "INSERT INTO `items` SET `id` = '$id', ";
$query .= "`name` = '$name $item', ";
$query .= "`slots` = '" . $slotArray[$slot] . "', ";
$query .= "`classes` = '" . $classesHash{$type} . "', ";
$query .= "`icon` = '" . $iconsHash{$type}[$n] . "', ";
$query .= "`hp` = '$health', ";
$query .= "`mana` = '$health', ";
$query .= "`endur` = '$health', ";
$query .= "`regen` = '" . int($health / 10) . "', ";
$query .= "`manaregen` = '" . int($health / 10) . "', ";
$query .= "`enduranceregen` = '" . int($health / 10) . "', ";
$query .= "`ac` = '$ac', ";
$query .= "`attack` = '$ac', ";
$query .= "`aagi` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`acha` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`adex` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`aint` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`asta` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`astr` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`awis` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`cr` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`dr` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`fr` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`mr` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`pr` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`svcorruption` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_agi` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 10) ? 10 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_cha` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 100) ? 100 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_dex` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 10) ? 10 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_int` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 100) ? 100 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_sta` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 100) ? 100 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_str` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 100) ? 100 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_wis` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 100) ? 100 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_cr` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 100) ? 100 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_dr` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 100) ? 100 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_fr` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 100) ? 100 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_mr` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 100) ? 100 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_pr` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 100) ? 100 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_svcorrup` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 100) ? 100 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`spellshield` = '" . (($combat_stats > 127)? 127 : $combat_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`strikethrough` = '" . (($combat_stats > 127) ? 127 : $combat_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`stunresist` = '" . (($combat_stats > 127) ? 127 : $combat_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`dsmitigation` = '" . (($combat_stats > 127) ? 127 : $combat_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`clairvoyance` = '" . ($combat_stats > 127 ? 127 : $combat_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`healamt` = '" . (($healamt > 32767) ? 32767 : $healamt) . "', ";
$query .= "`spelldmg` = '" . (($healamt > 32767) ? 32767 : $healamt) . "', ";
$query .= "`itemtype` = '10', ";
$query .= "`nodrop` = '0', ";
$query .= "`races` = '65535', ";
$query .= "`idfile` = 'IT63', ";
$query .= "`augslot1visible` = '1', ";
$query .= "`augslot2visible` = '1', ";
$query .= "`augslot3visible` = '1', ";
$query .= "`augslot4visible` = '1', ";
$query .= "`augslot5visible` = '1', ";
$query .= "`magic` = '1', ";
$query .= "`material` = '0', ";
$query .= "`norent` = '1', ";
$query .= "`stacksize` = '1', ";
$query .= "`clickeffect` = '-1', ";
$query .= "`proceffect` = '-1', ";
$query .= "`worneffect` = '-1', ";
$query .= "`scrolleffect` = '-1', ";
$query .= "`maxcharges` = '-1', ";
$query .= "`unk132` = '-1';\n";
print $file $query;
$n = 0;
$slot = 0;
print "Done! ";
close $file;
print "Hello, what would you like the name in front of your items to be?\n";
my $name = <STDIN>;
print "Okay, what would you like the starting ID to be?\n";
my $id = int(<STDIN>);
print "What would you like to set the health modifier on the items to?\n";
my $health = int(<STDIN>);
print "What would you like to set the armor class on the items to?\n";
my $ac = int(<STDIN>);
print "What would you like to set the stat modifier on the items to?\n";
my $stats = int(<STDIN>);
print "What would you like to set the heroic stat modifier on the items to?\n";
my $heroic_stats = int(<STDIN>);
print "What would you like to set the combat stats modifier on the items to?\n";
my $combat_stats = int(<STDIN>);
print "What would you like to set the heal amount and spell damage on the items to?\n";
my $healamt = int(<STDIN>);
print "Okay, thank you!\n";
CreateI($name, $id, $health, $ac, $stats, $heroic_stats, $combat_stats, $healamt);
Example of use:
Range-based item set creator:
use strict;
use warnings;
sub CreateI {
my ($name, $id, $minhp, $maxhp, $minac, $maxac, $mins, $maxs, $minhs, $maxhs, $mincs, $maxcs, $minsh, $maxsh) = (shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift);
my $material;
chomp $name;
$name =~ s/\'/\\'/ig;
open my $file, ">>$name Armor.sql";
my $n = 0;
my $slot = 0;
my %typeHash = (1 => ["Hood", "Robe", "Wristlet", "Covers", "Pantaloons", "Slippers", "Gloves"],
2 => ["Visor", "Chain Body", "Bracelet", "Shoulderpads", "Greaves", "Boots", "Gauntlets"],
3 => ["Helmet", "Breastplate", "Bracer", "Vambraces", "Greaves", "Boots", "Gauntlets"],
4 => ["Cap", "Cheststraps", "Wristband", "Armbands", "Pants", "Shoes", "Gloves"]);
my @slotArray = (4, 131072, 1536, 128, 262144, 524288, 4096);
my @materialArray = (10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16);
my %classesHash = (1 => 15360, 2 => 33544, 3 => 151, 4 => 16480);
my %iconsHash = (1 => [639, 838, 638, 670, 631, 525, 517],
2 => [625, 538, 620, 543, 630, 545, 526],
3 => [628, 624, 516, 622, 540, 524, 531],
4 => [640, 632, 637, 634, 635, 633, 636]);
my @hpa = (($minhp > 0) ? ($minhp..$maxhp) : (0));
my @aca = (($minac > 0) ? ($minac..$maxac) : (0));
my @stata = (($mins > 0) ? ($mins..$maxs) : (0));
my @hsa = (($minhs > 0) ? ($minhs..$maxhs) : (0));
my @csa = (($mincs > 0) ? ($mincs..$maxcs) : (0));
my @sha = (($minsh > 0) ? ($minsh..$maxsh) : (0));
foreach my $type (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %typeHash) {
foreach my $item (@{$typeHash{$type}}) {
$material = (($type == 1 && $item eq "Robe") ? $materialArray[rand @materialArray] : $type);
print "ID: $id Name: $name $item Type: $item\n";
my $query = "INSERT INTO `items` SET `id` = '$id', ";
$query .= "`name` = '$name $item', ";
$query .= "`slots` = '" . $slotArray[$slot] . "', ";
$query .= "`classes` = '" . $classesHash{$type} . "', ";
$query .= "`icon` = '" . $iconsHash{$type}[$n] . "', ";
$query .= "`material` = '$material', ";
$query .= "`hp` = '" . $hpa[rand @hpa] . "', ";
$query .= "`mana` = '" . $hpa[rand @hpa] . "', ";
$query .= "`endur` = '" . $hpa[rand @hpa] . "', ";
$query .= "`regen` = '" . int($hpa[rand @hpa] / 10) . "', ";
$query .= "`manaregen` = '" . int($hpa[rand @hpa] / 10) . "', ";
$query .= "`enduranceregen` = '" . int($hpa[rand @hpa] / 10) . "', ";
$query .= "`ac` = '" . $aca[rand @aca] . "', ";
$query .= "`attack` = '" . $aca[rand @aca] . "', ";
$query .= "`aagi` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`acha` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`adex` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`aint` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`asta` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`astr` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`awis` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`cr` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`dr` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`fr` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`mr` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`pr` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`svcorruption` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_agi` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_cha` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_dex` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_int` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_sta` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_str` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_wis` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_cr` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_dr` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_fr` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_mr` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_pr` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_svcorrup` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`spellshield` = '" . $csa[rand @csa] . "', ";
$query .= "`strikethrough` = '" . $csa[rand @csa] . "', ";
$query .= "`stunresist` = '" . $csa[rand @csa] . "', ";
$query .= "`clairvoyance` = '" . $csa[rand @csa] . "', ";
$query .= "`dsmitigation` = '" . $csa[rand @csa] . "', ";
$query .= "`healamt` = '" . $sha[rand @sha] . "', ";
$query .= "`spelldmg` = '" . $sha[rand @sha] . "', ";
$query .= "`itemtype` = '10', ";
$query .= "`nodrop` = '0', ";
$query .= "`races` = '65535', ";
$query .= "`idfile` = 'IT63', ";
$query .= "`augslot1visible` = '1', ";
$query .= "`augslot2visible` = '1', ";
$query .= "`augslot3visible` = '1', ";
$query .= "`augslot4visible` = '1', ";
$query .= "`augslot5visible` = '1', ";
$query .= "`magic` = '1', ";
$query .= "`norent` = '1', ";
$query .= "`stacksize` = '1', ";
$query .= "`clickeffect` = '-1', ";
$query .= "`proceffect` = '-1', ";
$query .= "`worneffect` = '-1', ";
$query .= "`scrolleffect` = '-1', ";
$query .= "`maxcharges` = '-1', ";
$query .= "`unk132` = '-1';";
say $file $query;
$query = "";
$n = 0;
$slot = 0;
CreateA($name, $id, $minhp, $maxhp, $minac, $maxac, $mins, $maxs, $minhs, $maxhs, $mincs, $maxcs, $minsh, $maxsh);
close $file;
sub CreateA {
my ($name, $id, $minhp, $maxhp, $minac, $maxac, $mins, $maxs, $minhs, $maxhs, $mincs, $maxcs, $minsh, $maxsh) = (shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift);
open my $file, ">>$name Accessories.sql";
my $n = 0;
my $slot = 0;
my %typeHash = (1 => ["Visor", "Ear Ring", "Necklace", "Pauldrons", "Cloak", "Ring", "Girdle"],
2 => ["Mask", "Hoop", "Choker", "Covers", "Cape", "Band", "Belt"]);
my @slotArray = (8, 18, 32, 64, 256, 98304, 1048576);
my %classesHash = (1 => 33245, 2 => 32290);
my %iconsHash = (1 => [506, 535, 848, 626, 663, 615, 503],
2 => [528, 757, 505, 664, 658, 616, 719]);
my @hpa = (($minhp > 0) ? ($minhp..$maxhp) : (0));
my @aca = (($minac > 0) ? ($minac..$maxac) : (0));
my @stata = (($mins > 0) ? ($mins..$maxs) : (0));
my @hsa = (($minhs > 0) ? ($minhs..$maxhs) : (0));
my @csa = (($mincs > 0) ? ($mincs..$maxcs) : (0));
my @sha = (($minsh > 0) ? ($minsh..$maxsh) : (0));
foreach my $type (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %typeHash) {
foreach my $item (@{$typeHash{$type}}) {
print "ID: $id Name: $name $item\n";
my $query = "INSERT INTO `items` SET `id` = '$id', ";
$query .= "`name` = '$name $item', ";
$query .= "`slots` = '" . $slotArray[$slot] . "', ";
$query .= "`classes` = '" . $classesHash{$type} . "', ";
$query .= "`icon` = '" . $iconsHash{$type}[$n] . "', ";
$query .= "`hp` = '" . $hpa[rand @hpa] . "', ";
$query .= "`mana` = '" . $hpa[rand @hpa] . "', ";
$query .= "`endur` = '" . $hpa[rand @hpa] . "', ";
$query .= "`regen` = '" . int($hpa[rand @hpa] / 10) . "', ";
$query .= "`manaregen` = '" . int($hpa[rand @hpa] / 10) . "', ";
$query .= "`enduranceregen` = '" . int($hpa[rand @hpa] / 10) . "', ";
$query .= "`ac` = '" . $aca[rand @aca] . "', ";
$query .= "`attack` = '" . $aca[rand @aca] . "', ";
$query .= "`aagi` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`acha` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`adex` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`aint` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`asta` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`astr` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`awis` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`cr` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`dr` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`fr` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`mr` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`pr` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`svcorruption` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_agi` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_cha` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_dex` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_int` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_sta` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_str` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_wis` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_cr` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_dr` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_fr` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_mr` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_pr` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_svcorrup` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`spellshield` = '" . $csa[rand @csa] . "', ";
$query .= "`strikethrough` = '" . $csa[rand @csa] . "', ";
$query .= "`stunresist` = '" . $csa[rand @csa] . "', ";
$query .= "`dsmitigation` = '" . $csa[rand @csa] . "', ";
$query .= "`clairvoyance` = '" . $csa[rand @csa] . "', ";
$query .= "`healamt` = '" . $sha[rand @sha] . "', ";
$query .= "`spelldmg` = '" . $sha[rand @sha] . "', ";
$query .= "`itemtype` = '10', ";
$query .= "`nodrop` = '0', ";
$query .= "`races` = '65535', ";
$query .= "`idfile` = 'IT63', ";
$query .= "`augslot1visible` = '1', ";
$query .= "`augslot2visible` = '1', ";
$query .= "`augslot3visible` = '1', ";
$query .= "`augslot4visible` = '1', ";
$query .= "`augslot5visible` = '1', ";
$query .= "`magic` = '1', ";
$query .= "`material` = '0', ";
$query .= "`norent` = '1', ";
$query .= "`stacksize` = '1', ";
$query .= "`clickeffect` = '-1', ";
$query .= "`proceffect` = '-1', ";
$query .= "`worneffect` = '-1', ";
$query .= "`scrolleffect` = '-1', ";
$query .= "`maxcharges` = '-1', ";
$query .= "`unk132` = '-1';";
say $file $query;
$n = 0;
$slot = 0;
print "Done!";
close $file;
print "Hello, what would you like the name in front of your items to be?\n";
my $name = <STDIN>;
print "Okay, what would you like the starting ID to be?\n";
my $id = int(<STDIN>);
print "What would you like to set the health range on the items to?\n";
my @hp = split(/ /, <STDIN>);
print "What would you like to set the armor class range on the items to?\n";
my @ac = split(/ /, <STDIN>);
print "What would you like to set the stat range on the items to?\n";
my @s = split(/ /, <STDIN>);
print "What would you like to set the heroic stat range on the items to?\n";
my @hs = split(/ /, <STDIN>);
print "What would you like to set the combat stats range on the items to?\n";
my @cs = split(/ /, <STDIN>);
print "What would you like to set the heal amount and spell damage range on the items to?\n";
my @sh = split(/ /, <STDIN>);
print "Okay, thank you!\n";
CreateI($name, $id, $hp[0], $hp[1], $ac[0], $ac[1], $s[0], $s[1], $hs[0], $hs[1], $cs[0], $cs[1], $sh[0], $sh[1]);
Example of use:
Last edited by Kingly_Krab; 08-30-2015 at 03:58 PM..